Pizza Persé 》七人在這家台北披薩專賣店點什麼 (內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2022-04-02 by Foodelicious
Pizza Persé 傳統式義大利披薩專賣店是六張犁站美食之一, 而且位於競爭激烈的遠企旁的樂利路巷弄內.
Pizza Persé is one of the restaurants near Liuzhangli MRT station. This Taipei Pizza restaurant is located near Shangri-La Far Eastern Hotel.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Pizza Persé 訂位
Pizza Persé Reservation
Pizza Persé 離六張犁捷運站大約 10 分鐘的路程. 由於附近上班族眾多, 適合上班族聚餐, Pizza Persé 聽說中午生意比晚上生意好, 這裡座位也很多. Pizza Persé 訂位是用電話 02- 2377- 2799 . 菜單上寫著「 披薩餅皮手工現桿經72小時低溫慢發酵技術,使的邊緣薄脆鬆軟帶著烤後麵香的焦脆,一共24種不同風味。」, 種類比 “Pino Pizzeria Taipei” 多.
Pizza Persé is about 10 minutes walking distance from Liuzhang MRT station. Since there are quite a few offices nearby, lunch time seemed to have more people though. You would need to call to reserve ( 02- 2377- 2799 ). The menu mentioned that 「 We use the freshest ingredients and buy the best Italian products and cook them in-house to give you that authentic flavor. Our pizza dough is made daily, and age for 72 hours to enhance the flavor and texture. There are 24 different flavors.」.There are more flavors than “Pino Pizzeria Taipei”.
延伸閱讀: 台北公司聚餐推薦餐廳 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide
延伸閱讀: Pino Pizzeria Taipei 》台北適合家庭聚餐的天母披薩餐廳
Pizza Persé 菜單-Pizza
Pizza Persé Menu
Salsiccia e Friarielli Pizza
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Pizza Persé 的 Pizza Size 夠 4 ~ 5 人吃, 莫札瑞拉起司與蕪菁葉是基本食材, 我上次吃蕪菁葉香腸披薩是在 “Banco Pizza”, 在 Banco 吃到的香腸是類似熱狗切片, Pizza Persé 蕪菁葉香腸披薩上的義式豬肉腸則是類似豬絞肉塊 ( Ground Pork ) , 起司與豬肉的搭配是百搭, 酥脆 Pizza 餅皮不錯吃. 建議吃過這款類似 Pizza 再點.
Pizza Persé ’s Pizza size is suitable for 4 ~ 5 people. Mozzarella and Friarielli are the basic ingredients. Last time I had similar pizza was at “Banco Pizza”. But the pork topping is a bit similar like hot dog slice though. In Pizza Persé , the Italian sausage appearance is similar with ground pork. The combination of cheese and pork is always great. The pizza texture is crispy. I would only suggest this pizza to people whoever already tried Salsiccia e Friarielli Pizza
延伸閱讀: Banco Pizza Taipei 》Banco 世貿店與 Banco 八德店 都不錯吃
延伸閱讀: 台北五大披薩推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Pizza Recommendation
Diavola Pizza
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這款 Pizza 配料包括番茄泥, 莫札瑞拉起司, 紫洋蔥, 辣味沙拉米臘腸 (Spicy Salami), 黑橄欖 與辣椒, 初次咬下的瞬間, 味蕾立刻感受到辣與濃郁肉香的風味, 吃小辣的我覺得這款很適合吃“中辣” 或是 “大辣”的人.
This pizza includes Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Red Onion, Spicy Salami, Olives, Chili Flakes. The tastebuds can sense the spicy and meaty flavor right away. This pizza is suitable for people who prefer to eat spicy food.
Prosciutto c Rucola Pizza
Price: NTD $550
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Pizza Persé 的火腿芝麻葉披薩有番茄泥, 莫札瑞拉起司, 義式風乾火腿, 芝麻葉 櫻桃番茄與格蘭娜起司, 因為太多台北 Pizza 店在賣相同款的Pizza, 相比較之下, 我個人比較喜歡吃 “Tamed Fox” 的 義式燻火腿 Pizza.
Prosciutto c Rucola Pizza has tomato sauce,Mozzarella, Prosciutto Crudo , Arugula, Cherry Tomato, and Grana Padano. There are too many Pizza restaurants that offer similar pizza. I still prefer the “Tamed Fox” ’s Kyu Kyu Pizza – Speck (Smoky Prosciutto).
延伸閱讀: Tamed Fox Xinyi 》Tamed Fox 信義菜單推薦點哪些菜餚?
Pizza Persé 菜單- 小點
Zuppa di Cozze (Mussel Soup)
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Pizza Persé 的這道歐芹白酒淡菜除了飽滿淡菜外, 也有白酒淡菜最重要的盤底精華, 吃 Pizza 前用的微鹹海鮮風味開胃不錯吃.
Besides the juicy mussel and white wine aroma, there are still seafood essence at the bottom of plate. Overall, it is full of seafood flavor as a pretty good appetizer.
Deep-Fried Seafood
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
份量不多, 吃起來並沒有炸焦或是過於油膩.
It doesn’t have much quantity. It is not over-fried or too oily.
Bruscheeta al Pomodoro
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
一道羅勒番茄脆麵包有六片脆麵包. 調味有到位也不會因為巴薩米克醋而過酸, 因為這次我們點的 Pizza 基底大部分都是番茄泥, 點這道羅勒番茄脆麵包似乎有點過多的番茄風味.
This dish has 6 slices of crispy brands. The balsamic sauce offers small amount of acidity to the tastebuds. However, our pizzas are mostly tomato based. Ordering this dish could be a bit too much of tomato flavor for us.
Funghi Saltati
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
香料嫩煎蘑菇份量適合夠 2 ~ 3 人, 先是聞到香料的迷人香氣, 吃的時候, 香料不至於蓋過蘑菇香氣.
The quantity is suitable for 2 ~ 3 people. You will smell the spices aroma. While eating, the spices aroma won’t cover the mushroom flavor.
Pizza Persé 菜單- 沙拉
Prosciutto Curdo Salad
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我個人是比較建議點火腿芝麻葉披薩, 除非你的聚餐朋友想要吃沙拉.
I would still prefer the pizza instead of salad unless your friend want salad.
Pizza Persé 菜單-麵食
Spaghetti alla Carbonara
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我個人本來就喜歡吃培根蛋黃直麵, 之前在 “Solo Pasta” 吃到的 “ Sarah 版本的培根蛋黃直麵“ 對我來說有點過鹹, Pizza Persé 的培根蛋黃直麵則是有適量的鹹肉香, 吃起來也不會過於黏稠, 以價格/份量/美味程度來說, Pizza Persé 的培根蛋黃直麵是值得點來吃.
I had Carbonara , which is quite salty, at “Solo Pasta”. Pizza Persé Spaghetti alla Carbonara has fair amount of meaty flavor along with creamy texture. For the price/quantity/delicious level, this Spaghetti alla Carbonara is worth ordering it.
延伸閱讀: Solo Pasta Taipei 》除了拿坡里燉章魚還推薦點什麼
Linguine ai Frutti di Mare
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
除了淡菜與中卷外, 也有蝦, 以番茄為基底. 若是喜歡海鮮, 我個人覺得可能點 “歐芹白酒淡菜”會比較適合.
Besides mussel and squid, there are also shrimps with tomato bases. If you like seafood, it is better to order other dish- Zuppa di Cozze (Mussel Soup).
Linguine con Gamberi e Zucchine
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
“A Poet 地中海歐陸餐廳” 也有類似的櫛瓜細扁麵, 細扁麵搭配櫛瓜, 蝦仁與起司, 屬於比較清爽型義大利麵, 吃起來沒有預期地有海鮮風味.
“A Poet Restaurant “ has similar Zucchini pasta. Pizza Persé has shrimp, cheese and zucchini, which is toward the refreshing type. It doest have much seafood flavor as expected.
延伸閱讀:信義安和餐酒館 》a poet 菜單四人輕鬆吃歐陸料理
Pizza Persé 菜單- 甜點
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
吃起來普通, 目前台北最好吃的提拉米蘇依舊是在 “Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店”.
It tastes average. My favorite Tiramisu is still at “Simple Kaffa Coffee”.
延伸閱讀: Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店 》咖啡愛好者都會推薦的台北咖啡店
Panna Cotta
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
吃起來普通, 我個人還是比較喜歡 “草頭西餐酒館” 的草莓奶酪.
It tastes average. I still prefer the strawberry Panna Cotta at “Catouxi Bistro”.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪
結論 Conclusion ⭐
吃完 Pizza Persé 的感想如下,我會建議:
✅ 適合吃午餐時間, 因為晚上只營業到 9pm.
✅ 比較適合附近上班族或是附近居民, 不需要特地來, 而且餐點價格也偏高
✅ Pizza 我會建議點 蕪菁葉香腸披薩 or 惡魔辣椒披薩
✅ 麵食我會建議培根蛋黃直麵
After tasting Pizza Persé, I would suggest the following:
✅ Lunch time is better since they close at 9pm.
✅ It is more suitable for nearby people or office people. The price is a bit higher.
✅ I would suggest to order Salsiccia e Friarielli Pizza or Diavola Pizza
✅ As for pasta, I would suggest Spaghetti alla Carbonara.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
Pizza Persé 資訊
Pizza Persé Information
店名: Pizza Persé 傳統式義大利披薩專賣店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路二段265巷5號 (Map)
捷運站: 六張犁捷運站
電話: 02-2377-2799
Restaurant: Pizza Persé
Address: No. 5, 265th Lane, 2nd Section, Dunhuan South Road, Da’an District, Taipei (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Liuzhangl MRT station.
Pizza Persé Menu