小巨蛋週邊美食 》橫濱物語 | 適合家庭聚餐的餐廳

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(改名為橫濱牛排) “橫濱物語”位於南京微風3樓, 也是小巨蛋週邊美食之一.
(Changed to Yokohama Steak House) Japanese Yokohama Monogatari Restaurant is located at BREEZE NANJING Department store 3F. It is also one of the restaurants near Taipei Arena.


自從微風南京開幕後, 很多上班族都會到美食街用餐, 但位於3樓的“橫濱物語”其中幾道料理的價格其實跟樓下美食街價格差不多. 到了週末或平日晚上時, 大樓因為有停車位, 也很適合家庭聚餐. 餐廳座位寬敞且非常多, 中島區的吃到飽自助沙拉吧視覺上更是霸氣.
Since BREEZE NANJING opened, most nearby white-collars go to the food court for lunch. However, hard to believe, but some dishes’ price at Japanese Yokohama Monogatari Restaurant is similar with the food court. During weekday or weekend, it is suitable for family gathering because it has parking lots. The all-you-can eat salad bar in the middle is also perfect for people with different kinds of appetite.




English Name: Salad Bar
單點 Price: NTD $298
搭配主餐Price: + NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

自助沙拉吧有分兩種 – 全品項自助吧 (單點 NTD $298, 搭配主餐多加NTD $200) , 三品項自助吧 (麵包, 飲料, 咖哩飯; 搭配主餐多加 $120). 服務生表示很多消費者只點“全品項自助吧”, 就類似美國的”Souplantation 餐廳”, 有吃到飽的生菜, 水果, 義大利黑醋, 熱炒鮮蔬, 甜點, 飲料, 甚至有咖哩飯. 我跟朋友都是選擇主餐多加$200元. 我選了黑糖日式黃豆粉蕨餅, 新鮮生菜, 熱炒紅蘿蔔與熱炒菌菇. 淋上濃稠的黑糖不會過甜, 黃豆粉也不會過於潮濕, 蕨餅如比果凍更軟一點, 這款甜點在自助沙拉吧較少見, 屬於較為特別的選項.
There are two kinds of salad bar: all-items (only order salad bar: NTD 298 ; extra NTD $200 with main course), three-items (including bread, drinks and curry rice; extra NTD $120 with main course). The waitress mentioned that there are lots of people only order salad bar since it is all-you-can-eat. The operation style is a bit like USA Souplantation restaurant. It has salad, fruit, balsamic sauce, dessert, drinks and curry rice. My friend and I both order all-items salad bar. I chose brown sugar Japanese jelly with soybean powder, crisp lettuce, stir-friend carrot and mushroom. The brown sugar isn’t too watery nor overwhelmed sweet. The soybean powder is in its good condition. This type of dessert is rare in salad bar though.




English Name: Roast Beef Rice Bowl with Garlic Butter Sauce
單點 Price: NTD $198
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

$198元的價格已可完勝多數南京微風美食街餐廳, 平底鑄鐵鍋裡有著顯眼誘人的半熟蛋, 青綠色的芝麻葉, 放在白飯上的半熟美國牛肉切片上則是有滿滿的帶有甜度的淺褐色蒜醬, 夾起一片牛肉品嚐, 味蕾可感受到蒜味十足中帶有適度的甜味, 焦糖化洋蔥更為此料理帶來更多甜味, 足以蓋過牛肉風味, 帶有點苦味的芝麻葉可平靜味蕾, 最讓我驚訝的是不會因為鑄鐵鍋溫度高而有鍋巴飯, 料理的份量也鐵定可滿足男生.
This dish’s price is NTD$198, which is cheaper than most of the food court foods at Breeze Nanjing. Above the rice and medium-rare sliced beef, there are half-boiled egg and crisp arugula. The beef is covered with light brown garlic sauce, which tasted quite sweet. The caramelized onions also bring sweetness to this dish. The bitter arugula unexpected clear the tastebuds with overwhelmed sweetness. The most surprising part would be there isn’t any burned rice down below. Also, the size of this dish can definitely satisfy both men and women.



English Name: Roast Beef with mashed potato
單點 Price: NTD $298
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

如同51bbq的泡菜肉蛋彈般, 一層層的牛肉片包圍著馬鈴薯泥,服務生將白蘭地倒在牛肉片上, 再點火讓牛肉片加熱, 視覺感十足. 此款料理附三種醬 – 辣根醬 (左下), 牛肝箘多蜜醬 (右上), 蒜奶油醬 (右下). 蒜奶油醬油搭配綿密的馬鈴薯泥則是非常合適, 我最愛的是“辣根醬”, 辛辣但不嗆的風味凸顯出牛肉風味,我本身是比較喜歡八分熟, 若覺得牛肉不夠熟, 可放在圓型小鐵盤上加熱.
Slices of beef surrounded the large amount of the mashed potato. The waitress poured brandy on the beef and light up, which creates quite an vision effect to this dish. This dish has three sauces – spicy sauce (left below), mushroom sauce (upper right) , garlic butter sauce (right below). The butter sauce pairs well with mashed potato. I personally like the spicy sauce, which has wasabi flavor. The taste is a bit spicy but did not cover original beef flavor. If you don’t like medium-rare, you can grill the beef at the small round shape grill pad.




English Name: Wagyu beef Steak
單點 Price: NTD $568
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

佔了2/3鐵盤的180g和牛牛排端上桌, 除了圓型小鐵盤, 還有少許炙燒鹽味馬鈴薯泥, 牛排醬汁四選一 味噌燒肉醬 (右上) , 牛肝箘多蜜醬 (右下) , 柚子胡椒醬 (左上), 黑胡椒醬 (左下). 用店家準備的牛排刀切開牛排,  我只吃了邊緣兩小塊, 和牛其實搭配鹽巴即可, 但若要醬四選一, 應該會選黑胡椒醬, 讓醬與肉合二為一,
You can choose one out of 4 sauces (miso BBQ sauce, mushroom sauce, grapefruit pepper sauce, black pepper sauce). The large Wagyu beef steak has small amount of grilled mashed potato. I only ate two small pieces since my friend ordered it. The best way to eat Wagyu is to pair with salt. But, if needed to choose one out of four sauces, I would choose the black pepper sauce.





Restaurant Name店名: 橫濱物語 Yokohama Monogatari Restaurant
Address: 3F, No. 337, 3rd Section, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Breeze Nanjing) 台北市松山區南京東路三段337號3樓 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/橫濱物語-Yokohama-Monogatari-683428185159387/?fref=ts
Nearby MRT station: Taipei Arena MRT station 小巨蛋捷運站
電話: 02-8712-5575
營業時間: 星期一至日 11am ~ 9:30 pm
Tripwawa 旅遊網站 http://tripwawa.com/index.php

*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
