台北市 Taipei City

Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷

Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷
2022 新開幕 Curious 蔬食餐廳 是小小樹食的新品牌, 是台北晶華酒店 B2 美食餐廳之一, 睡蓮造型菜餚是 Curious 菜單最令人難忘的菜餚. 2022 newly-opened Curious Restaurant is “Little Tree Food “ new brand. It is located at B2 of Regent Hotel. The Water Li...

秀花鍋 Showhua Hot Pot 》菜單裡的海陸套餐很值得推薦

秀花鍋 Showhua Hot Pot 》菜單裡的海陸套餐很值得推薦
吃完台北秀花鍋菜單裡的海陸套餐後, 豐富且新鮮的海鮮食材讓我把這家新開幕火鍋餐廳放進我的台北東區美食推薦名單裡. Showhua Hot Pot restaurant is at my Taipei East District Restaurant recommendation list. I tried out their Surf and Turf hot pot set, and it is...

Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚

Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚
(2022. 7 更新) Jarana 餐廳 是新開幕的 台北信義區西班牙餐廳, Jarana Taipei 菜單 除了西班牙鴨肝麵 ( Fideuá ) 與海鮮燉飯外, 我們六人將近刷菜單. (Update 2022. 7 )  Jarana is the new Taipei Spanish restaurant at Xinyi District. Besides Fideuá, we si...

MyCroissant by Guillaume 》 N訪後的台北吉可頌推薦排行榜

MyCroissant by Guillaume 》 N訪後的台北吉可頌推薦排行榜
( 2023.5 更新)  法國籍主廚新開幕的吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店  在我的台北可頌推薦名單裡. 除了信義安和店外. 近期吉可頌又多了統一時代櫃位, 除了吉可頌之外, 我還吃過哪些可頌! (2023.5 Update ) If anyone ask me where in Taipei sells delicious Croissant, I would say MyCroissant by Gui...

台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)

台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區)  》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)
(2024.2 更新)    台北市火鍋種類眾多,  因此做了一個 “台北火鍋懶人包”.   以下會以區域來分類, 也會包括 新北火鍋 .僅限 Foodelicious Review 過的火鍋餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! 有標 “ Fire.jpg” 就是我推薦的餐廳. (2024.2 Updated) I edited a Hot Pot Recommendation Guide for Taipe...

LO BAH PNG 》夯・魯肉飯是信義區五分埔魯肉飯

LO BAH PNG 》夯・魯肉飯是信義區五分埔魯肉飯
夯・魯肉飯 ( 原五分埔魯肉飯) 是松山站美食, 有著文青裝潢風格,夯的魯肉飯不錯吃, 在我的信義區小吃推薦名單裡. Lo Bah Png restaurant is a restaurant near Songshan MRT station. Its hip decoration is quite attractive. Lo Bah Png braised pork rice is quit...

玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )

玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi  》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
(2022.7 更新) 台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳又一家! 玉喜飯店是許多饕客們的台北東區餐廳美食之一, 這次也吃到朋友推薦的玉喜飯店預訂桌菜. (Update 2022.7) Yu Hsi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Taipei East District. It is also suitable for Family gathering. We...

Taipei Clam Hot Pot 》澳門贏到足-卜卜蜆專門店菜單點什麼?

Taipei Clam Hot Pot 》澳門贏到足-卜卜蜆專門店菜單點什麼?
澳門贏到足 - 鍋物私房菜二店是 新開幕忠孝敦化美食餐廳, 在澳門贏到足菜單裡, 可以選擇加價大七酒造清酒加進卜卜蜆鍋裡, 成為具有特色的台北蛤蜊鍋. Yin Dao Zu Restaurant 2nd branch is a new restaurant near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. In the menu, you can pay extra money...

Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?

Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?
Tutto Bello 酒庫餐廳 是台北義式餐廳, 也是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , Tutto Bello 菜單 裡的奶油松露麵也在 500 盤名單裡. Tutto Bello Italian restaurant is a Taipei Michelin Plate restaurant. The most famous dish would be the truffle cream pasta...