(2023.3 更新) 2022 新開幕的 柑橘 Shinn - 魚水 拉麵是信義區拉麵推薦, 新鮮生魚片搭配日本拉麵在 台北拉麵地圖 比較少見. Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen is Taipei 2022 new restaurant. They offer Japanese Ramen with sashimi and fish broth.
柑橘 Shinn - Soba 拉麵店無庸置疑是台北東區美食推薦 , 與其二店鴨蔥拉麵皆在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上. Shinn-Soba Ramen Restaurant is definitely one of the Taipei East District Restaurant Recommendation. It is also on my Taipei Ramen Recommendat...
台北鴨蔥拉麵 是 柑橘 Shinn - Soba 二店, 不僅是六張犁美食之一, 也在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上. Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen Restaurant is Shinn Soba 2.0 second store. It is on my Taipei Ramen Recommendation list.
光看店名會給人的錯覺是賣古早味麵店, 事實上,位於小南門捷運站附近的新開幕”重熙老麵“是一家專賣雞白湯底的拉麵店. 店面頗小但帶有點深夜食堂的感覺. By judging the store’s name, you probably would think that they are selling Chinese noodle. This newly-opened store, “Chongxi...
一幻拉麵是日本知名拉麵的海外分店, 其實早在2015年於台北信義區開幕的時候造成轟動, 最近被告知這家拉麵本店是位於北海道且拉麵湯頭跟市面上見到的不一樣. Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen, which is another Japanese Ramen oversea branch, is located at Neo 19. This restaurant is opened sin...
鳥人拉麵和Honey Pig 韓國烤肉其實都是從美國東部開始打出知名度, 並不是從日本或是韓國 ,這兩家店其實在美國是相當受年輕人喜歡! 兩家餐廳則都是選擇開在年輕人較多的信義區和大安區. Both Totto Ramen and Honey Pig are actually originated from East Side of USA instead of Japan and Korea. ...