
Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵

Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵
鳥哲餐廳全名是鳥哲燒物專門店, 是天母芝山居酒屋之一, 也是少數販售全雞部位的台北雞串燒餐廳, 若是要吃到限量鳥哲拉麵則是需要事先預訂. TORI TETSU Restaurant is one of the Tianmu Restaurants. It offers different and rare parts of chicken Yakitori. It also offers the ...

台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant

台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant
( 2021 已搬家至麟光站附近)    雞窩餐廳與驥園是姐妹店, 屬於信義安和捷運美食之一, 差別在於雞窩販售小份雞湯, 可惜已無販售之前的雞窩套餐或雞窩商業午餐.  (2021 Move to another location) G Woo Restaurant offers small size Chicken Soup. It is one of the Chinese Restauran...

Taipei Tofu Pudding & Pho 》騷豆花不只賣豆花也賣越南河粉

Taipei Tofu Pudding & Pho 》騷豆花不只賣豆花也賣越南河粉
台北東區騷豆花敦南旗艦店位於忠孝復興捷運附近, 除了不定期推出新品和季節豆花外, 騷豆花也販售越南料理. Sao Dou Hua Cafe offers various Tofu Puddings and Vietnamese dishes with indoor seats. They also promote new or seasonal Tofu Puddings from time to...

四鄉五島馬祖麵館 》台北24小時小吃美食 | Taipei 24 Hour Restaurant

四鄉五島馬祖麵館 》台北24小時小吃美食 | Taipei 24 Hour Restaurant
四鄉五島馬祖麵館是台北24小時小吃之一, 也是許多夜歸人的台北宵夜餐廳選擇,四鄉五島馬祖麵館招牌料理包括黑麻麵, 麻醬麵和黑心水餃. Mazu 45 Food is one of the 24 hour restaurants in Taipei City. It is also one of the late night snacks option for Taipei locals.