(Closed Down ) 雷咖哩是2019新開幕的台北科技大樓站美食之一, 前身是雷斯理法式甜點小館, 其創新咖哩飯非常適合愛吃辛辣日本咖哩的饕客. (Closed Down ) Les Currys restaurant is 2019 newly-opened Taipei restaurant near Technology Building MRT station. Its creat...
許多台北鰻魚飯愛好者都知道魚庒鰻魚飯, 卻不知道其實魚庒餐廳也販售天婦羅和生魚片等日本料理. Many Eel Rice lovers know about Unagi Osho Restaurant’s eel rice. However, they didn't know that they also offer Tempura and Sashimi.
(已搬家) 山男 ( Yamasan Taipei ) 是台北大安區國父紀念館站美食之一, 饕客前往的原因不外乎是老闆曾在 MUME 廚師團隊裡, 呈現獨特的餐酒館風格. (Moved) Yamasan restaurant is one of the SYS Memorial Hall MRT station restaurants. Most foodies visited there bec...
(2021.3 結束營業) 台北市民大道上有一家綠頭鴨 Logo 的餐廳, 名為野鴨小餐館, 全綠裝潢讓人好奇這家台北輕食餐酒館的菜單. (2021.3 Closed Down) There is a restaurant with Mallard (Green Duck) logo at Taipei Civil Blvd. The whole name is Mallard Grilled C...
台北 101 大安東尼義大利餐廳全名為 Da Antonio By 隨意鳥地方, 大安東尼餐廳歸類於信義區義大利美食餐廳之一. Da Antonio Restaurant is one of Diamond Tony Group restaurants. Da Antonio is also one of the Xinyi restaurants.
(Closed Down) 台北大安區 al sorriso 餐廳與 EZ Table 合作推出秋蟹晚間套餐, 這篇文章除螃蟹套餐 review 外, 也有平常在 al sorriso 微笑餐廳可單點到的菜餚. (Closed Down) al sorriso restaurant, which is one of the Da’an restaurants, cooperates with EZ...
台北遠企香宮果木掛爐烤鴨在饕客圈裡眾所皆知, 獲得米其林餐盤的香宮是歸類於高級粵式餐廳, 並不是台北烤鴨專賣餐廳. Shang Palace Roasted Duck is quite famous at Taipei City. As one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants, Shang Palace is categorized as Cant...
Pico Pico 是少見的台北秘魯餐廳之一, 獨特菜色讓許多老饕前往品嚐, 也被許多人放進信義安和站美食名單裡. Pico Pico Taipei is one a few Peru Restaurants at Taipei City. Its unique Peruvian cuisine is on many foodies’ must-eat list near Xinyi Anhe M...
法國隆河葡萄酒公會與酒類專家王鵬老師合作舉辦一堂大師講堂, 我很榮幸可以南下高雄參加這次的”隆河希哈的多樣性“ 課程. Inter Rhône Association cooperates with Mr. Paul Peng Wang to host a course regarding the topic - Diversity of Syrah in the Rhône Valley Vin...