全球知名法國貝瑪格雷集團與酒類專家王鵬合作舉辦這一場世界風土品酒會, 這次走動式品飲的酒款皆是尚未有正式台灣代理商的葡萄酒. Mr. Paul Peng Wang cooperates with World-wide famous Bernard Magrez Group to co-host this event. Most wines at the event do not have offi...
(已結束營業) 2020 年開始 ACME Breakfast Club 與 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館 結合成為成為同一個品牌, 轉型成為全天營業的餐廳 . (Closed Down) From the year of 2020, ACME Breakfast Club and Afterwork by ACME combine together into one brand. ...
新開幕的台北 Alma 西班牙餐廳是大安站美食餐廳之一, 台北 Alma 菜單由知名隱丹廚主廚 Daniel Negreira 設計與監督, 有不同類型的 Tapas 和正統西班牙料理. Newly-opened Taipei Alma Spanish Restaurant is one of the Spanish Restaurants near Da’an MRT station. Alma...
海龍珠海鮮餐廳是多數在地人的基隆美食推薦, 附免費停車場非常適合家庭與朋友聚會, 以下是與家人自費品嚐的Review. Keelung Pearl Seafood Restaurant is one of the local’s recommendation. Since it has free parking lots, this place is suitable for gathering.
鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳是台北家庭聚餐推薦之一, 除了鴻寶招牌生抽蝦外, 也有XO 醬百花油條與其他好吃的料理. Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant is one of the recommended family gathering restaurants. Besides seafood, there are other dishes as well.
桃園大溪美食餐廳不僅只有大溪老街美食, 也有一家大溪紅樓位於老街週邊, 招牌料理包括經國麵與其他中式菜餚. Besides Daxi old street foods, there is another Daxi restaurant called Red Building Chinese Restaurant in the area.
Coffee and Couple 目前是我唯一的台北士林捷運站咖啡店推薦, 坐在二樓喝著店裡招牌咖啡和吃著Haritts甜甜圈則是所謂的小確辛. Coffee and Couple is my Shilin MRT statin coffee shop recommendation. Besides single origin coffee, they also have Haritts don...
Podium 台北 是少數位於士林的台北私廚, 台北 Podium 餐廳雙主廚運用東南亞辛香料融合於法式料理, 設計出令人意想不到的 Podium 私廚無菜單料理. Podium Taipei is one of a few Taipei Private Kitchens located at Shilin District. Podium has two executive chefs, whi...
台北南港板前屋全名為板前屋炭烤鰻魚飯, 不僅在我的台北鰻魚飯推薦餐廳名單裡, 也是饕客推薦的南港展覽館站美食. Itamae-ya eel rice restaurant is one of the Nangang District restaurants. It is also on my Taipei Eel Rice recommendation list.