(已結束營業 )台北韓屋村是國父紀念館站美食, 也是台北東區韓國餐廳之一 , 韓屋村菜單提供除了豆腐鍋外, 也提供多款不同的韓國料理. (Closed Down ) Han Wu Village Korean Restaurant is one of the SYS Memorial MRT station restaurants. Besides Tofu Pot dishes, there a...
這篇文章會標註台北情人節餐廳推薦, 也會分區列出台北約會餐廳 . 僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳. This article would state the Taipei Romanic Restaurant Recommendation. I categorize Taipei Dating restaurants by district as well. The lis...
自學美食家 Liz Kao 近期有一本新書 - LIZ 關鍵詞, 讓許多“ 美食家的自學之路 ”的粉絲們掏腰包購買. Most fans from “Self-Taught Gourmet” Facebook Fan Page already purchased Liz Kao’s new book - “Liz’s Keywords”. Liz Koa is a famous and respe...
(Closed Down) al sorriso 餐廳位於 Home Hotel 大安的一樓, 近期餐廳與飯店皆進行微整修, 也重新推出 al sorriso 下午茶組合, 午後輕調酒, 晚上調酒與 Bar Food. (Closed Down) al sorriso restaurant is located at Home Hotel Da’An 1st Floor. Recently, bo...
(2023.12 更新) 這篇文章會標註台北越南河粉推薦, 也會分區列出台北越南河粉餐廳 . 僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2023. 12 Update) This article would state the Taipei Pho Recommendation. I categorize Pho restaurants by districts...
2019 年底時, 我告訴自己 2020年 開始要每月捐款給慈善或是有需要的機構, 寫文紀錄的初衷只是紀錄捐款機構資訊, 讓所有讀者們也可以月行一善捐款. At the end of 2019, I told myself that I would donate monthly for needed organization. The purpose of writing the article ...
FirePlay 台北餐廳主廚 Nick 精湛直火烹飪與醬汁搭配, 穩固 FirePlay Taipei 在我的天母美食推薦名單 Top 1. FirePlay Taipei Chef Nick offers great performance of Fire interacting with ingredients and sauce pairing skill. Indeed, FirePla...
(2023.4月結束營業 ) 台北 Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳是台北餐酒館之一, 也在米其林餐盤餐廳推薦名單裡, 近期重新裝潢後推出新菜單. 這次二訪是部落客朋友工作, 我輕鬆陪吃. (Closed down on 2023.April ) Chou Chou French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistros. It is also at the ...
瑪德蓮小酒館是台北餐酒館之一, 許多人將瑪德蓮餐酒館列於公館朋友聚餐的餐廳名單裡. Cafe Madeleine is one of the Taipei Bistros. Many people list Cafe Madeleine as a friends-gathering restaurant at Taipei Gongguan area.
繼總代理知名日本麵粉品牌十五年之後, 苗林行開始代理法國麵粉 - 布瑟麵粉 ( Minoterie Bourseau ), 在這次 Julien Dubois X 野上智寬麵粉講習會, 也得知目前台灣烘焙業運用麵粉的趨勢. After becoming the sole distributor of famous Japanese flour brands, Miaolin Foods now b...