酒菜市場是台北中山區深夜食堂, 雙連站宵夜美食之一, 酒菜市場菜單 讓許多饕客們認為這家是台北餐酒館的懷舊台式風格代表. Drunk Food Restaurant is Taipei Zhongshan District late-night restaurant. It is also one of the Taipei Bistro near Shuanglian MRT Station.
(肉老大忠孝復興店已結束營業, 1+ 1 目前還在營業).這次跟朋友到 1+1 鍋物 與 肉老大頂級肉品涮涮鍋 都點單人花雕湯頭的火鍋, 乾脆寫一篇台北花雕火鍋推薦文章! My friend and I ordered Shaoxing Wine Hot Pots at Meat Boss Hot Pot and 1+1 Hot Pot restaurant. So, I decide to wr...
(2020.9 更新) 這篇文章是記錄我在 2020年 喝了哪些酒, 酒會以國家分類, 原因是混釀酒與啤酒花太多, 比較難分類, 打 “ 星號** ”是我認為不錯喝的酒款. (2020.9 Update) This article is documented what I drink at the year of 2020. The alcohol will be categorized by t...
(結束營業 ) 2019 年開幕的 廚藏室 Storeroom 是大安捷運站美食餐廳之一, 也是我看過極少媒體曝光的台北大安區餐酒館. (Closed Down ) 2019 newly-opened Storeroom Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Da’an MRT station. This is probably the most lo...
ABV 美式餐酒館是 2020 新開幕餐酒館之一, 精釀啤酒款式系列完整, 也提供美國各州著名料理的台北東區美式餐廳. ABV Americano restaurant is one of the newly-opened 2020 Taipei Bistro. Its craft beer collection is impressive. The restaurant also offers ...
(Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery 不僅是 JL Studio 主廚 Jimmy 的台北餐酒館, 也是信義新光三越美食餐廳之一, 因此 Chope Chope Eatery 訂位 一位難求! (Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery is one of JL Studio Chef Jimmy’s new Taipei bistros. It ...
Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司 被許多人列為台北平價餐酒館, 我則是認為 Luigi 餐廳適合 "沒吃過西式餐酒館, 想試水溫“的人, 最主要的是因為葡萄酒很便宜. Luigi Laundry Co. Restaurant is considered as Taipei price-friendly Bistro. For me, Luigi Taipei Restaurant is basicall...
這是第二篇關於房屋裝潢的文章, 這次我們家的自費木櫃訂製 包括三大類: 衣櫃訂製, 電視櫃訂製與書櫃訂製, 以下是我選擇藝峰工程行的三個理由與使用心得. This is the second article regarding Taipei Home Remodel. My family decides to purchase Custom-Made TV Cabinet, Book Shelf,...
(2020.8 更新) 這篇文章"只有台中餐廳“, 基本上是為了對台中餐廳不熟的人而寫, 此篇文章包括 2020 台中米其林星級餐廳, 2020 台中米其林餐盤餐廳, 2020台中必比登餐廳名單, 會以區域分類, 讓大家省些力氣計畫?! This article only has Taichung Restaurants. This is for people who are not famil...