Matcha One 齊東店最有名的莫過於 “ 台北日式老宅下午茶 ” 與 “ 台北日式抹茶專賣店 ” , 也有許多抹茶控喜歡 Matcha One 菜單上的板前套餐. Matcha One is famous for its Japanese style House and Japanese Matcha Shop. There are many matcha lovers like their...
( 改成 Bruncher ) a poet 地中海歐陸餐廳 是 信義安和美食 之一, 也歸類於 台北餐酒館, a poet 菜單必點菜餚是海鹽盤烤美國頂級無骨牛小排. (Change to Bruncer ) A Poet restaurant is one of the Xinyi Anhe restaurants. It is also categorized as Taipei Bist...
( Closed Down) 寫這篇“ 信義誠品美食餐廳懶人包 ”是因為我有誠品會員卡, 常在信義誠品美食街吃飯, 或是偶爾去信義誠品6F餐廳吃飯, 僅限Foodelicious Review過的美食街或餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! ( Closed Down ) The main reason that I wrote about this Restaurant Guide is that I ha...
許多人在 7-11, 全聯和家樂福都有看到有金色羊駝 Logo ( 草泥馬 Logo ) 的 ALPACA 智利羊駝紅白葡萄酒系列, 也是CP 值高的葡萄酒之一. Many people saw this wine series with golden color alpaca logo at 7-11, PX Mart and Carrefour in Taiwan. Chile Alpaca ...
吃完台北秀花鍋菜單裡的海陸套餐後, 豐富且新鮮的海鮮食材讓我把這家新開幕火鍋餐廳放進我的台北東區美食推薦名單裡. Showhua Hot Pot restaurant is at my Taipei East District Restaurant recommendation list. I tried out their Surf and Turf hot pot set, and it is...
( 2023.5 更新) 法國籍主廚新開幕的吉可頌‧丹麥專賣店 在我的台北可頌推薦名單裡. 除了信義安和店外. 近期吉可頌又多了統一時代櫃位, 除了吉可頌之外, 我還吃過哪些可頌! (2023.5 Update ) If anyone ask me where in Taipei sells delicious Croissant, I would say MyCroissant by Gui...
夯・魯肉飯 ( 原五分埔魯肉飯) 是松山站美食, 有著文青裝潢風格,夯的魯肉飯不錯吃, 在我的信義區小吃推薦名單裡. Lo Bah Png restaurant is a restaurant near Songshan MRT station. Its hip decoration is quite attractive. Lo Bah Png braised pork rice is quit...