2019 新開幕的台北江戶川鰻魚飯是中山區鰻魚料理餐廳, 也是中山捷運站美食之一, 當天用餐我是選鰻魚三吃套餐. Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant Taipei Branch is one of the newly-opened Japanese restaurant near Zhongshan MRT Station. It is one of the eel rice ...
台北和牛47餐廳 是信義區微風南山美食餐廳之一, 也在微風南山高空景觀餐廳名單內, 嚴格來說, 和牛47是結合燒肉與懷石料理的餐廳. Taipei Wagyu 47 is one of the Nanshan Breeze Restaurants. It is also on the list of the restaurants that can see the Taipei 101 View.
(2020.4 三訪更新) Avenue 台北是信義安和站美食之一, 台北 Avenue 餐廳也是受歡迎的拍照地點, 也是少數台北大安區同時享受美式輕食, 酒和R&B 音樂的餐廳! Avenue Taipei is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Avenue Restaurant is one of the po...
鳥哲餐廳全名是鳥哲燒物專門店, 是天母芝山居酒屋之一, 也是少數販售全雞部位的台北雞串燒餐廳, 若是要吃到限量鳥哲拉麵則是需要事先預訂. TORI TETSU Restaurant is one of the Tianmu Restaurants. It offers different and rare parts of chicken Yakitori. It also offers the ...
朝日夫婦至今依舊是觀光客淡水吃冰推薦的店家之一, 也是少數可以一邊吃冰一邊看淡水河景的地點, Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop is one of the must-go iced dessert shop at Tamsui District. The customers can eat the shaved ice and see the Tamsui...
梅子鰻屋全名為梅子鰻蒲燒專賣店, 相比較其他台北中山區鰻魚飯價格. 梅子鰻魚飯價位相當合理. UMEKO Japanese Restaurant is located at Taipei Zhongshan district. Comparing to other Taipei Eel Rice, UMEKO eel rice price is very reasonable.
(2022.1 更新) 台北微風南山美食餐廳非常多, 此篇台北微風南山美食餐廳懶人包 / 南山微風美食餐廳懶人包 僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2022. 1 Update) There are many restaurants at BREEZE NANSHAN Department stores. The list only includes t...
Buttermilk 餐廳是台北中山意舍酒店餐廳 , 是中山站美式餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到眾所皆知的美國阿嬤秘方炸雞. Buttermilk Taipei is located inside amba Taipei Zhongshan Hotel. It is one of the American restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. I ha...