餐廳 By Cuisine

Antico Forno 老烤箱義大利比披薩餐酒 》 紅蝦評鑑美食推薦 | Taipei Bistro

Antico Forno 老烤箱義大利比披薩餐酒 》 紅蝦評鑑美食推薦  | Taipei Bistro
Antico Forno 老烤箱義大利披薩餐酒 (Antico Forno Pizz Bistro) 榮獲2017與2018 義大利紅蝦評鑑 1 Pizza 獎項, 屬於科技大樓捷運站美食之一. Antico Forno received 2017 and 2018 Gambero Rosso International One Pizza. This restaurant is one of t...

Moda Vita Caffè 》天母芝山捷運站美食 | Taipei Italian Restaurant

Moda Vita Caffè 》天母芝山捷運站美食 |  Taipei Italian Restaurant
(已搬家) Moda Vita Caffè 義式料理是一家位於天母士林區的義大利餐廳, 屬於天母SOGO週邊美食, 平價程度在小資男女可接受的範圍. (Moved) Moda Vita Caffè is one of the Italian Restaurants at Tianmu area. The must-mentioned detail would be their price rang...

Olivia Coffee Roaster 》 國父紀念館捷運站不限時咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

Olivia Coffee Roaster 》 國父紀念館捷運站不限時咖啡店  |  Taipei Coffee
(2019.10 二訪更新)   Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作. Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few...

杜鵑窩咖啡店 》大直捷運站不限時咖啡店 | CUCKOO’s NEST

杜鵑窩咖啡店 》大直捷運站不限時咖啡店  |  CUCKOO’s NEST
杜鵑窩咖啡店是少數內湖大直營業時間超過半夜12點的咖啡店之一, 也是實踐大學附近咖啡店之一, 免費 Wifi , 不限時 和貓咪是這家店的三大特色. CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop is one of the coffee shops that operates pass midnight at Taipei Neihu Area. Free wifi, unlimited d...

豆咖啡 Bean Cafe 》 北投捷運站咖啡店推薦 | Beitou Coffee

豆咖啡 Bean Cafe 》 北投捷運站咖啡店推薦  |  Beitou Coffee
豆咖啡 ( Bean Cafe ) 是北投咖啡店之一, 被台北人號稱隱藏版極佳咖啡, 孰不知, 港澳日韓遊客到 北投的 To-Do List 裡上都有 “到豆咖啡拿預約好的冰釀咖啡”. Bean Cafe is one of the Beitou Coffee Shops. Taiwanese called this shop as hidden gem in Beitou. However, t...

香頌私宅洋樓 》2017 聖誕套餐 | 松江南京捷運站預約制餐廳

香頌私宅洋樓 》2017 聖誕套餐 | 松江南京捷運站預約制餐廳
香頌私宅洋樓位是少數台北中山區高檔預約制餐廳之一, 因季節或節慶會推出不一樣具有特色的料理, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的聖誕套餐. Chanson Bistro is categorized as Fine Dining Restaurant at Taipei Zhongshan District. This restaurant only takes reservation. This t...

淡水漁人碼頭薑母鴨火鍋 》沙崙薑母鴨王 | New Taipei City Ginger Duck

淡水漁人碼頭薑母鴨火鍋 》沙崙薑母鴨王  | New Taipei City Ginger Duck
淡水漁人碼頭沙崙路 “承億文旅 - 淡水吹風” 巷弄裡有一家深藏不漏的火鍋店-沙崙薑母鴨王, 與連鎖店一樣, 營業時間大約在冬季. There is a Ginger Duck Hot Pot near “Hotel Day”, which is located very closed to Dansui Fisherman Wharf. “Dansui Ginger Duck Hotpot“ o...