中山區 Zhongshan District

Taipei Hot Pot 》青花驕麻辣鍋菜單適合哪些人?

Taipei Hot Pot 》青花驕麻辣鍋菜單適合哪些人?
青花驕麻辣鍋是台北中山站火鍋餐廳之一, 青花驕菜單價位在王品集團算是中高, 這篇文章是關於吃完近期才推出的雙人青花宴套餐的非業配感想. Chin Hua Jiao Hot Pot is one of the Hot pot restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. The article is regarding is regarding the review...

Taipei Curry Rice 》稻町家咖哩適合蔬果咖哩與布丁愛好者 (內含菜單)

Taipei Curry Rice 》稻町家咖哩適合蔬果咖哩與布丁愛好者 (內含菜單)
稻町家香料咖哩專門餐廳是中山站咖哩飯之一, 稻町家咖哩菜單上的限量紅酒燉牛頰香料咖哩與布丁非常受到咖哩愛好者的歡迎. Dao Din Jia Curry Restaurant is one of the Taipei Curry Restaurants near Zhongshan District. Their Beef Stew Curry Dish and Flan are very pop...

Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei 》下午也營業的台北咖哩飯推薦

Tokyo Curry Bar Taipei 》下午也營業的台北咖哩飯推薦
Tokyo Curry & Bar 東京咖哩林森店在台北咖哩飯推薦名單上, 也是林森北路宵夜美食, 看東京咖哩菜單發現這裡也算是另類的台北餐酒館! Tokyo Curry & Bar Taipei Linsen Branch Restaurant is on the Taipei Curry Rice Recommendation List. It is also one of t...

Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇

Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇
鴻寶港式海鮮餐廳是台北家庭聚餐推薦之一, 除了鴻寶招牌生抽蝦外, 也有XO 醬百花油條與其他好吃的料理. Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant is one of the recommended family gathering restaurants. Besides seafood, there are other dishes as well.

台北中山區鰻魚飯 》魚庒除了鰻魚飯也有其他日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

台北中山區鰻魚飯 》魚庒除了鰻魚飯也有其他日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice
許多台北鰻魚飯愛好者都知道魚庒鰻魚飯, 卻不知道其實魚庒餐廳也販售天婦羅和生魚片等日本料理. Many Eel Rice lovers know about Unagi Osho Restaurant’s eel rice. However, they didn't know that they also offer Tempura and Sashimi.

Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳

Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳
Taïrroir 態芮是台北法國餐廳之一, 經過主廚何順凱和餐廳團隊的努力後, 也獲得 2023 台北米其林三星餐廳的榮耀. Taïrroir is one of the Taipei French Restaurants. With Chef Kai and all the restaurant staff’s hard work, they also receive 2023 Taipei M...

SOPEXA Taiwan French Butter Press Conference 》法國奶油媒體活動

SOPEXA Taiwan French Butter Press Conference 》法國奶油媒體活動
這次法國食品協會 (Sopexa Taiwan) 與法國國家乳製品公會 (Cniel) 和歐盟 (EU) 合作, 為了推廣更多奶油應用和知識, 不惜成本在 Taïrroir 態芮舉辦法國奶油媒體見面會. Sopexa Taiwan cooperates with Cniel and EU to promote French butter knowledge and cooking methods....

中山國中站飯店推薦 》 CityInn Hotel 新驛旅店復興分館舒適又親切

中山國中站飯店推薦 》 CityInn Hotel 新驛旅店復興分館舒適又親切
CityInn Hotel 新驛旅店 是台北松山機場附近飯店之一, 與內湖大直飯店相比, 新驛旅店歸類在台北平價飯店推薦名單裡. CityInn Hotel Plus is one of the Taipei hotels near Songshan Airport. Comparing with Dazhi /Neihu Hotel, Cityinn Hotel is considered Ta...

1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 》新開幕酒商實體店面不僅販售酒也有試喝

1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 》新開幕酒商實體店面不僅販售酒也有試喝
( 2020.1 二訪更新) 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊是台北松江南京捷運站附近的進口酒商實體門市, 二樓與三樓皆有VIP室, 也有品酒教室, 1855 Premier Cru store front is located at Songjiang Nanjing MRT station, Taipei City. Second and Third Floor has VIP ar...