Muzeo 餐酒館 是台北忠孝敦化站餐酒館之一, Muzeo 菜單屬於單點創意無國界料理, 例如芋泥油封鴨. Muzeo Gastronomy & Draft is one of the Taipei Bistros. Muzeo Menu is single dishes with various creative design and concepts.
Yu Chocolatier 畬室 法式巧克力甜點創作 是 可訂位內用的大安區甜點店推薦 之一, 法式酥皮千層甜點系列與巧克力禮盒皆是頂級奢華的象徵. Yu Chocolatier is one of the recommended chocolate stores at Da’an District. The millefeuille series and chocolate gift boxe...
蘭餐廳 Orchid Restaurant 是 2020 台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是信義安和站 Fine Dining 餐廳, Orchid Restaurant 蘭菜單價位與裝潢通常都被歸類為台北約會餐廳或是朋友慶生餐廳. Orchid Restaurant is one of the 2020 Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurants. It is also on...
小新和食酒場是忠孝復興站日本料理餐廳之一, 也是市民大道上的日式餐廳餐廳, 小新和食海鮮茶碗蒸與海鮮丼的評價皆不錯. Ashin restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurant near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. Ashin restaurant’s stewed egg and seafood Donburi are t...
ABV 美式餐酒館是 2020 新開幕餐酒館之一, 精釀啤酒款式系列完整, 也提供美國各州著名料理的台北東區美式餐廳. ABV Americano restaurant is one of the newly-opened 2020 Taipei Bistro. Its craft beer collection is impressive. The restaurant also offers ...
Luigi 路易奇洗衣公司 被許多人列為台北平價餐酒館, 我則是認為 Luigi 餐廳適合 "沒吃過西式餐酒館, 想試水溫“的人, 最主要的是因為葡萄酒很便宜. Luigi Laundry Co. Restaurant is considered as Taipei price-friendly Bistro. For me, Luigi Taipei Restaurant is basicall...
多虧朋友攜帶, 我才能花最少錢在台北公館吃到三味糖餅韓國小吃與小飯館兒韓國美食餐廳. 兩家菜單價格皆是 CP 值高的公館美食! Thanks for my friend to take me to Gongguan area. So, I can spend budget-wise for Korean Pan-Fried Snack and Korean Diner at Gongguan ar...
位於台北四維路的 Chinois 餐廳是 2020 新開幕餐廳之一, 每一道菜餚以中文名稱命名, 以西式烹飪手法來完成 Chinois 菜單. Chinois Taipei is one of the newly-opened restaurants at 2020. Each dish is named with Chinese traditional dishes but with weste...
(2022.2 更新) 2020 新開幕 LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 是公館餐酒館, 也是台北平價餐酒館之一, LE SAGE 菜單除了平價牛排外, 也有其他歐美式料理選擇. (2022.2 Update ) 2020 newly-opened Le Sage Steak Bistro is a Gungguan Bistro, which is price-friendly. Le Sage...
(2023.2 更新) 台北餐廳下午營業的餐廳不多, 有時也想選百貨公司餐廳之外的餐廳, 因此做了這份台北下午有營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 名單. (2023.2 Update) There aren't much restaurants that operate in the afternoon. Sometimes, people want to choose restaurants besid...