光復南路巷口早午餐美食非周家豆腐捲莫屬 , 這家店鋪是附近居民在國父紀念館運動完後常去買的早午餐之一. One of the Guangfu South Road Brunch selections includes Chou’s Roasted Tofu Roll Shop. This store is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.
台北市大安區西班牙美食餐廳名單又一枚, El Marqués Tapas Bar除了海鮮飯外, 也提供正統西班牙Tapas, 西班牙紅酒和西班牙啤酒. Newly-opened El Marqués Tapas Bar now is one of Taipei City Da’an District Spanish restaurants. Besides paella, they also of...
來自威尼斯的Caffé Florian Coffee 福里安花神咖啡館加入台北市信義區咖啡店之一, 除了最有名的“古銅濾杯咖啡”外, 最有名的非“英式下午茶”莫屬. Caffé Florian Coffee from Venice joined one of the Taipei District Coffee Houses. Besides the famous “Caffe Filtro- C...
(2019.10 二訪更新) 每次有人問台北信義區推薦拉麵店時, 我通常都會說“五之神拉麵”, 五之神拉麵招牌料理是濃厚豚骨蝦沾麵, 深受拉麵愛好者的歡迎. GONOKAMI RAMEN restaurant is one of my Xinyi District Restaurant recommendations. It had its grand-opening on 2017 at Ta...
2017新開幕的DOMANI 義大利餐廳位於台北市忠孝新生捷運站只需步行十分鐘, 由於出現在時尚雜誌, 讓很多人以為餐點昂貴, 其實並不盡然. Grand-opening DOMANI Italian Restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station with only 10 minutes walking distance. Be...
“忠南飯館”是 LOUIS VUITTON旅遊指南推薦餐廳之一, 位於台北空軍總部對面, 也就是仁愛路三段和建國北路高架橋附近, 是一家在適合家庭聚會的平價中式料理餐廳. Many people didn't know that this restaurant is at LOUIS VUITTON Taipei City Travel Guide. Chungnam Restaurant is...
“感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤”是台北信維市場美食之一, 位於信義路四段與大安路二段轉角處, 從大安捷運站走過來只需約十分鐘的時間. “Thank You Street Vendor” is one of the vendors at Taipei XinWei Market. It is located at the corner of Xinyi 4th section and Daan 2nd sec...
國外餐廳紛紛到台北信義區開餐廳, 檀島香港茶餐廳跟Jamie’s Italian 一樣選擇加入台北信義區美食行列. Oversea restaurants kept opening up at Taipei City. Honolulu Cafe and Jamie’s Italian both chose A11 Department store to locate their oversea ...
台北國父紀念館捷運拉麵店眾多, 延吉街巷內有一家跟”麵屋武藏“販售的湯頭系列相似, 皆是魚介湯頭系列. There are many ramen restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. ICHI Ramen restaurant, which is located at Yanji Street, sells similar fish bro...
台北市無菜單日本料理餐廳並不多, 搜尋到業界知名阿田師所經營的“山花割烹”, 不僅交通方便(近信義安和捷運站), 也是今年才從敦化南路搬遷至信義路新地點. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的料理. There isn't much “Special Chef’s Tasting Menu” Japanese Restaurants in Taipei City. What is “Special Che...