【 新竹北區 | HsinChu 】廟口鴨香飯 | Temple Duck Rice | 新竹城隍廟

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

跟雞比起來, 其實鴨在台灣並不是一個受歡迎的食材, 除了冬季要吃薑母鴨之外, 大概也只能在廣東餐廳跟專賣鴨肉餐廳吃到鴨肉. 在新竹城隍廟附近 , 有一家在地人跟旅客都愛去的廟口鴨香飯, Mr. J 把這邊稱為“不是源發於在地”的新竹美食.
Comparing with chicken, duck is a less-popular food material in Taiwan. However, at other countries (such as Hong Kong), ducks can be a great part of cuisine. Here in HsinChu City, there is a well-known Temple Duck Rice restaurant located near ChengHuang Temple.



Duck Rice 小碗鴨肉飯

Small Size: $55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚

簡簡單單的鴨肉飯端上桌, 濃厚的香味還沒品嚐到就已先聞到, 味蕾在品嚐一整片帶汁且去骨鴨肉時有吃出微甜味, 間接將鴨香味升級. 餐廳在飯的部份是使用壽司米, 更容易吸收秘密配方醬汁精華, 最佳食用方法是鴨肉跟飯一起品嚐, 讓你的大腦還來不及反應到美味信號, 你就已經忍不住再點一碗.
The appearance of small size duck rice is simple.  The salty meaty aroma appeared while you held the duck meat toward your mouth. But, your taste buds can taste hint of sweetness while enjoy the juicy and boneless duck meat. The restaurant uses sushi rice to absorb their secret recipe sauce easily. Eating the tender duck meat with rice together is heavenly delicious!!

這家店的鴨肉飯為何如此美味? Google 大師已立馬幫我解答 Why their duck rice is so delicious? I did some research :

a. 鴨肉飯的鴨肉是鴨腿肉, 而非鴨胸肉, 腿肉帶有的脂肪多, 鴨胸肉相對跟雞胸一樣若處理不好會有所謂的”柴“口感. 香港的鴨肉飯裡的鴨肉至少有一半都是帶骨鴨胸肉.Duck legs usually have more fats than breasts. The Cantonese Style Duck Rice usually pairs with duck breast with bone. Sometimes, it could be dry and not able to absorb enough sauce.

b. 正規的煙燻過程是用砂糖或蔗糖只煙燻一次, 但是這家餐廳用兩次煙燻, 第一次煙燻是把砂糖跟蔗糖焦化的苦味去掉, 第二次煙燻則是釋出天然的鴨油和帶有甜味的鴨肉香味. Use Two Smoked Processes: The standard process is to steam/smoke the duck meat with sugar. But, sometimes, when the sugar is caramelized, there might hints of bitterness. Therefore, this restaurant smoked the duck meat twice. First process is to eliminate the bitterness from the caramelized sugar. Second process is to smoke out the natural duck oil and thick meaty aroma!


清新酥脆的小黃瓜則是在品嚐鴨肉飯後的最佳配菜, 可以暫時讓味蕾休息進行下一站的新竹吃貨微旅行! The crisp and refreshing cucumber is the perfect finished note for the first stop of HsinChu Trip.



Restaurant Name 店名: 廟口鴨香飯 Temple Duck Rice restaurant
Address:No. 142 ,ChungShan Road,  HsinChu City Northern District 新竹市北區中山路142號 (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/廟口鴨香飯-208058359219862/
電話: 03 523 1190
營業時間:10:30am ~ 3pm ; 3:30pm ~ 9:30pm


