Taipei Gongguan Korean Food 》花最少錢在台北公館享受韓國下午茶與韓國美食

Last Updated on 2020-09-02 by Foodelicious

多虧朋友攜帶, 我才能花最少錢在台北公館吃到三味糖餅韓國小吃小飯館兒韓國美食餐廳. 兩家菜單價格皆是 CP 值高的公館美食!
Thanks for my friend to take me to Gongguan area. So, I can spend budget-wise for Korean Pan-Fried Snack and Korean Diner at Gongguan area.

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韓國三味糖餅 Korean pan-fried snack

師大路 59 巷就像小韓國, 先是三味糖餅, 也有韓國炸雞, 雖然 2D Cafe 源自馬來西亞, 但卻是在韓國發揚光大. 這次跟朋友去吃三味糖餅, 我只去過韓國釜山, 就是一個適合看風景的地方, 所以沒吃過三味糖餅. 點了蜂蜜堅果冰淇淋糖餅 (NTD $80), 這道甜點經過油煎而造就酥脆外皮 , 吃起來有著黑糖與滿滿的堅果風味, 肉桂風味存在感微弱, 我個人蠻喜歡! 搭配香蕉草莓奶昔 (NTD $90) 也不錯, 香蕉風味濃郁遠比草莓強許多. 如果剛好在公館也很想念韓國, 可以來這家三味糖餅, NTD $170 渡過一個下午很划算!
Shida Road 59th lane is a bit like Korean town. Korean pan-fried snack, Korean Fried Chicken, and 2D are all in the same area. I only visited Busan before, so, I never tried the snack. I ordered honey nutty ice cream pan-fried snack (NTD $80). The crispy appearance pairs great with the brown sugar and nuts. There isn’t much cinnamon flavor as described. I like it pairing with the banana strawberry shake (NTD $90) also. If you are near Gongguan area and miss Korea, snack you can come here to eat.


餐廳: 三味糖餅 sammat 삼맛호떡
地址: 台北市大安區師大路59巷1-1號 (Map)
捷運站: 台電大樓站捷運站
電話: 0963-605-865
Restaurant: Korean Pan-Fried Snack
Address: No.1-1, 59th Lane, Shida Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Tai-Power Building MRT station
Tel: 0963-605-865


三味糖餅菜單 Korean pan-fried snack Menu


小飯館兒 Korean Diner

這間餐廳的名稱很有趣, 叫做小飯館兒, 我當時以為我朋友只是搞笑捲舌, 孰不知還真的有個 “兒”. 聽說是老字號的韓國料理店, 入座到二樓, 有韓式小菜和飲料 All u can eat & drink. 我們點了一個 2 人份牛肉韓式自助鐵板燒 + 起司 (NTD $40) , 有趣的是菜單上韓式鐵板燒價格全部都沒寫, 浮動價?! Anyway, 結帳時每人均價 NTD $200. 份量多到我們兩個有外帶, 這是一個自己煮反而成本比較高, 倒不如來這家餐廳吃飯的平價韓國餐廳.
My friend and I went to this price-friendly Korean Restaurant at Gongguan area. We are seated at the 2F. There are all-u-can-eat & drink appetizers and drink We ordered Korean grilled Beef with Cheese (NTD $40). The average price is $200/per person. The quantity is large. Honestly, it would be more expensive if you cook at home comparing the restaurant prepares all the ingredients and equipment for you.


餐廳: 小飯館兒
地址: 台北市中正區汀州路三段202號 (Map)
捷運站: 公館捷運站
電話: 02-2369-8800
Restaurant: Korean Diner
Address: No.202, 3rd Section, Tingzhou Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Gongguan MRT station
Tel: 02-2369-8800


小飯館兒菜單 Korean Diner Menu

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