TAMSUI SHAVED ICE 》在淡水朝日夫婦吃冰看淡水河景
Last Updated on 2020-04-30 by Foodelicious
朝日夫婦至今依舊是觀光客淡水吃冰推薦的店家之一, 也是少數可以一邊吃冰一邊看淡水河景的地點,
Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop is one of the must-go iced dessert shop at Tamsui District. The customers can eat the shaved ice and see the Tamsui riverside view.
淡水朝日夫婦菜單在文末 Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop Menu is at the end of article
Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop Transportation
怎麼去淡水朝日夫婦冰品店? 朝日夫婦位於淡水最重要的道路 – 中正路, 有兩種大眾運輸交通方式, 第一個方式, 在淡水捷運站搭紅 26 公車往淡水漁人碼頭方向在小白宮站下車, 再過中正路馬路即可抵達. 第二個方式是一路沿著淡水河畔從淡水捷運站走到“長堤咖啡 LB Cafe”, 右轉即可看到朝日夫婦冰品店. 兩種方式都不會迷路!
How to get to Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop? There are two ways. First way is to take RED 26 Bus from Tamsui MRT station. You would need to get off at “Little White House” stop and go across the road. The second way is to walk along the Tamsui riverside. When you see the “LB Cafe”, you can see the shaved iced shop. Both ways are great and you wouldn’t get lost.
Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop Minimum Charge
淡水朝日夫婦每月公休會 PO 在 Facebook 粉絲頁, 無法事先訂位, 需要現場排隊, 需要先在淡水中正路排隊決定內用或外帶, 點完後再繞到冰店後方河畔座位區或是室內座位, 內用每人低消一款冰品或是一杯飲料, 客滿時, 用餐時間為 45 分鐘
Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop post their off days on Facebook. You cannot reserve seats. You would need to line up near the road side. After ordering, you would need to walk at the back of the shop for choosing outdoor or indoor seats. Everyone’s minimum charge is one drink or one shaved ice. The limited time policy is 45 minutes.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
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Blueberry Yogurt Shaved Ice
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
朝日夫婦招牌冰品是 ESPUMA 宇治金時抹茶刨冰, 我則是點藍莓優格刨冰,刨冰結構與台北東門捷運站附近的 “金雞母”一樣紮實, 高度與國父紀念館 “奇維奇娃 Cheevit Cheeva Taipei” 差不多高. 藍莓優格刨冰與“台北談談越”一樣將藍莓優格刨冰放在刻有店名的木盤上. 小心翼翼地挖一口最上層的藍莓優格, 優格綿密程度高, 完全沒有稀釋, 奶香搭配藍莓微酸風味是我喜歡的風味, 店員用藍莓醬在刨冰週圍繞上兩圈, 增加經典藍莓酸甜味, 底部也有相當多自製藍莓醬與冷藏藍莓, 即使吃到最後, 絲毫不減弱藍莓風味, 藏在內部白玉更沒有因為溫度而變硬, 整體相當不錯.
Green Tea Shaved Ice is their signature dish. But, I ordered Blueberry Yogurt Shaved Ice instead. The texture is dense and the size is large as other iced shop at Taipei City. The shaved ice is placed at the wooden plate, just like at “Talk the Pho”. The blueberry yogurt is in perfect shape with dense texture. The berry brings the classic acidity to the tastebuds and finish with fair amount of the sweets from the custom-made blueberry jam. The rice ball is also delicious and tastes like boba.
延伸閱讀: Talk the Pho 談談越 》台北東區越南料理餐廳多一枚
麥茶 & 白玉
Barley Tea & Rice Ball
Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
用餐後可與店員說要喝一杯免費麥茶, 四顆白玉則是加入朝日夫婦 LINE @ , 馬上即可兌換, 不用等下次.
After finishing the shaved ice, you can ask for one cup of barley tea. The four rices balls are free if joining their LINE@.
餐廳: 朝日夫婦
地址: 新北市淡水區中正路233-3號 (Map)
捷運站: 淡水捷運站
電話: N/A
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asahihuuhu/
Restaurant: Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop
Address: No. 233-3. Zhongzheng Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Tamsui MRT station
Tel: N/A
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
淡水朝日夫婦菜單 》Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop Menu