(2025.1 更新置頂) 新開幕台北餐酒館 越來越多, 因此製作這篇 台北餐酒館 2025 懶人包 , 也會註明 台北餐酒館推薦 , 有標 “🔥Fire.jpg” 就是我推薦的餐廳. (2025.1 Update and Pin to the Top) There are many Taipei Bistros. So, I will keep editing this Taipei Bi...
(Closed Down) 桂香私宅 ( Flower No'5 RSVP ) 是台北採預約制的餐廳, 是台北市民生東路三段巷弄內的餐廳之一. 這次很榮幸有機會此餐廳品嚐他們的單點新菜單. (Closed Down ) Flower No'5 RSVP is one of the Taipei restaurants that follows reservation policy. It is o...
(Closed Down ) 柏克金啤酒餐廳 (Buckskin Beer House) 是金車集團新開幕的啤酒餐廳, 也是少數台北餐酒館有德式生啤酒搭餐的組合, 藍色招牌和啤酒銅管讓這家餐廳辨識度極高. Buckskin Beer House , which is the newly-opened Beer restaurant at Xinyi District, is owned by Ki...
(2020二訪連結在文章裡) nku Taipei 柴燒餐廳位於台北信義安和捷運站附近, 也是 2018 年米其林餐盤大安區餐廳之一. (2020 2nd visit is at the article) Nku Taipei Firewood Restaurant is located near Taipei Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is one of the ...
(2022.11.30 結束營業) 台北民生社區的 50/50 法國餐廳是 2018 米其林餐盤名單之一, 也在松山區餐酒館名單中. (Closed down at 2022.11.30 ) 50/50 Cuisine Française French Restaurant is one of the restaurants at 2018 THE PLATE MICHELIN GUIDE TAI...
台北中山區有一家兩層樓的餐廳 - 香頌私宅, 也是松江南京捷運站附近嚴格採預約制的餐廳之一. 這次很榮幸有機會二訪此餐廳品嚐他們的新菜單. There is a two-floors restaurant building at Zhongshan District. Chanson Bistro is one of the restaurants that insists at reservat...