
WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳 》 台北民生東路餐酒館美食 | 多款葡萄酒搭美食首選

WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳 》 台北民生東路餐酒館美食 |  多款葡萄酒搭美食首選
WINE-derful 葡萄酒餐廳是台北可租專業酒窖的地方之一, 歸類於台北中山區適合辦品酒會或是部門聚會的餐廳. 這次榮幸地可品嘗到他們的料理與酒. People can rent a wine cellar space at WINE-derful Restaurant in Taipei City. It is also suitable for trial wine taste event...

英國生蠔海鮮小屋 》 Taipei British Oysters Shed | 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送

英國生蠔海鮮小屋 》 Taipei British Oysters Shed | 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送
英國生蠔海鮮小屋 ( British Oysters Seafood Shed ) 已從花博美食街店面升級為圓山捷運站花博餐廳之一, 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送的霸氣則是受歡迎的原因. British Oysters Seafood Shed is one of the Taipei Expo Park Restaurants. This restaurant is probably the only ...

海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦 | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop

海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦  | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop
海倫咖啡 (Helen Coffee ) 是新光三越站前店週邊咖啡店之一, 也是少數販售藝伎高價單品咖啡的台北咖啡店, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到店內的輕食與單品咖啡. Helen Coffee is one of coffee shops near Taipei Main Station MRT station. It is one of the Taipei coffee shops that of...