VG Seafood 餐廳是少數以海鮮為主題的台北餐酒館, 也是信義安和站美食之一, 近期更推出 VG Seafood 午餐時段. VG The Seafood Bar is categorized as Taipei Bistro. It is also one of the Xinyi Anhe MRT station restaurants.
La Farfalla 義式餐廳是寒舍艾麗酒店義大利餐廳, 近期 La Farfalla 從自助餐轉型成中高價單點模式, 成為台北信義區約會餐廳之一. La Farfalla Italian Restaurant is located at the 6F of Humble House Taipei. Recently, this restaurant changes its Buffet to ...
(Closed Down) S 飯店餐廳是台北松山區餐廳之一, 近期換新主廚, 也同時推出以歐陸菜餚為主, 也帶些許北歐風格的新菜單. (Closed Down) S Hotel Restaurant is one of Songshan District Restaurants. Recently, S Hotel changed its executive chef and updated i...
(2024.11 更新 ) 藍白色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡 是國父紀念館站咖啡店之一, 也是我的台北大安區咖啡店推薦首選. (2024.11 Update) The Normal Coffee is one of the SYS Memorial Hall MRT coffee shops. It is also on my list of Da’an District Coffee R...
(已結束營業 )VJ 義法餐廳是台北信義區松山文創園區美食餐廳之一, VJ 義法餐廳菜單上最受歡迎的是蒜香龍蝦義大利麵 (NTD $780) 與和牛肉醬千層義大利麵 (NTD$380). (Closed) VJ Italian and French Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Taipei Songshan Cultural Park at ...
“娜姐, 可以推薦台北聖誕聚餐餐廳嗎?”, 這個問題已經開始在私訊裡出現, 所以我決定寫一篇文章. “Can you recommend restaurant that is suitable for Christmas at Taipei City?”. I have been asked this question for several times on November. So, I de...
全球知名法國貝瑪格雷集團與酒類專家王鵬合作舉辦這一場世界風土品酒會, 這次走動式品飲的酒款皆是尚未有正式台灣代理商的葡萄酒. Mr. Paul Peng Wang cooperates with World-wide famous Bernard Magrez Group to co-host this event. Most wines at the event do not have offi...
(已結束營業) 2020 年開始 ACME Breakfast Club 與 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館 結合成為成為同一個品牌, 轉型成為全天營業的餐廳 . (Closed Down) From the year of 2020, ACME Breakfast Club and Afterwork by ACME combine together into one brand. ...
(結束營業) 新開幕的台北 Alma 西班牙餐廳是大安站美食餐廳之一, 台北 Alma 菜單由知名隱丹廚主廚 Daniel Negreira 設計與監督, 有不同類型的 Tapas 和正統西班牙料理. (Closed Down )Newly-opened Taipei Alma Spanish Restaurant is one of the Spanish Restaurants near Da...