Taipei Omakase 》關於 栩栩 OMAKASE 的三個重點
栩栩 OMAKASE 是台北無菜單日本料理餐廳. 藍色波浪光影走廊與石板吧檯令人印象深刻. 很適合成為台北約會餐廳之一.
Xu Xu OMAKASE is a Japanese omakase restaurant in Taipei. The striking blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the sleek stone countertop create a memorable ambiance. It is an ideal place for a romantic dining experience in Taipei.
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XU XU OMAKASE Reservation
栩栩 OMAKASE 地址是台北市大安區仁愛路四段345巷4弄49號. 離忠孝敦化捷運站 4 號出口走路只需5 分鐘. 餐廳外的低調裝潢讓人容易錯過. 餐廳內的海藍色波浪光影走廊與義大利石板吧檯則是唯美裝潢風格, 與其他日式餐廳截然不同.
✅ 預約制 Only . 需付訂金
✅ 營業時間有午餐時段與晚餐時段
星期日整天沒有營業, 星期一有營業
✅ 無包廂
✅ 可包場 , 有 12 個座位
✅ 訂位成功後, 店家會提供門口的密碼
✅ inline 訂位連結 (Link)
Xu Xu OMAKASE is located at No. 49, Alley 4, Lane 345, Section 4, Ren’ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei. It is just a 5-minute walk from Exit 4 of Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station. The restaurant’s understated exterior makes it easy to miss. But inside, the stunning deep blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the elegant Italian stone bar counter create a uniquely beautiful ambiance, setting it apart from other Japanese restaurants.
Important Notes:
✅ Reservation only, with deposit payment required.
✅ Open for both lunch and dinner services. Closed on Sundays, but open on Mondays.
✅ No private dining rooms.
✅ Private bookings available, with a total of 12 seats.
✅ After reservation, the restaurant will provide the passcode for the entrance.
✅ Reservation Link:
延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
栩栩 OMAKASE 無菜單套餐價位 (2025.3 月)
✅ 午餐 NTD $4500+10% / 人
✅ 晚餐 NTD $6500+10% / 人
1. 訂位時 , 需預付訂金 (官網公告金額)
2. 午餐道數 13 ~ 14 道 , 以握壽司為主
3. 晚餐道數 15 ~ 16 道, 割烹與握壽司各半
4. 餐廳有販售單瓶葡萄酒與清酒 , 也有 Pairing Menu. 如果自己帶酒會有開瓶費, 葡萄酒杯是 Riedel (圖四)
Xu Xu OMAKASE set price (2025.March)
✅ Lunch NTD $4500+10% / person
✅ Dinner NTD $6500+10% / person
1. You will need pay deposit (Based on the restaurant announcement)
2. Lunch Set: 13 ~ 14 dishes, mostly nigiri
3. Dinner Set: 15 ~ 16 dishes. Half Nigiri and Half Kappou
4. They also sell wines and sakes. They also offer pairing menu. There will be corkage fee if you bring the wine. The glass is Riedel brand. (Pic 4)
延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳懶人包 2024 》Taipei Dating Restaurants Guide
栩栩 OMAKASE 評論 (排行榜) ⭐
XU XU OMAKASE Review Rank List
我吃的是栩栩 OMAKASE 的無菜單晚餐, 價格是 NTD $6500+10% / 人. 晚餐道數 15 ~ 16 道, 割烹與握壽司各半. 菜餚排行榜也會有當天店家招待的菜餚.
My dinner set price is NTD $6500+10%/person. Dinner set is 15 ~ 16 dishes. Half Nigiri and Half Kappou. This dish rank list also includes restaurant complimentary dishes.
Threadfin Nigiri
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
這是我第一次品嚐台灣野生午魚握壽司. 午魚經過五天熟成, 在運用備長炭輕微炙燒的過程,魚肉的豐富油脂讓鮮味更飽滿. 點綴的熟成辣椒沒有直接的辛辣感, 卻在舌尖留下細微的刺激, 讓午魚的鮮甜更顯立體. 主廚選用北海道七星米作為握壽司的基底. 米粒扎實且帶有柔韌的 Q 彈口感. 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚之一.
This was my first time tasting wild Taiwanese Threadfin Nigiri. The fish was aged for five days. During the light searing process using binchotan charcoal, its rich oils intensified the umami flavor. The touch of aged chili didn’t bring an immediate heat but left a subtle tingling sensation on the tongue, enhancing the natural sweetness of the fish. The chef used Hokkaido Nanatsuboshi rice as the base for the nigiri, giving it a firm yet pleasantly chewy texture. This is one of my favorite dishes of the day.
Japanese Maguro (Tuna) Belly Nigiri (Otoro)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
鮪魚大腹一直是我最鍾愛的鮪魚部位. 之前吃到的都是純赤身, 這次吃到的是有經過微炙燒的鮪魚大腹握壽司. 遠看師傅切下的熟成 12 天鮪魚大腹 , 令人期待滿滿. 油花細密均勻宛如日本和牛的質感. 入口即化無疑是對這道壽司最貼切的形容.
Thetuna belly (Otoro ) has always been my favorite cut of tuna. Previously, I had only tried it in its raw form, but this time, I had the pleasure of tasting a lightly seared Otoro nigiri. Watching the chef sliced the 12-day aged tuna belly from a distance was an exciting moment. The intricate marbling was as fine and uniform as Japanese Wagyu. “Melts in your mouth” is undoubtedly the most fitting description for this dish.
溏心烏魚子 (招待)
Mullet Roe (Karasumi) ( complimentary )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
我在台灣吃過很多餐廳製作的溏心烏魚子. 栩栩 OMAKASE 招待的美味溏心烏魚子可以排進前五名. 真心希望此道招待的菜餚可以作為正規菜餚之一.
I’ve had mullet roe (karasumi) at many restaurants in Taiwan. The one served as a special treat at Xuxu Omakase ranks among the top five. The rich texture and well-balanced flavor were truly outstanding. I sincerely hope this dish becomes a regular item on their Omakase menu.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
栩栩 OMAKASE 以宜蘭大甜蝦作為主角, 麝香葡萄環繞其間. 再堆疊適量的義大利魚子醬. 搭配魚子醬專屬的珍珠貝殼湯匙, 呈現日式割烹的雅致美感. 台灣的甜蝦肉質鮮脆彈牙, 毫不遜色於日本進口品種. 蝦肉的甘甜與魚子醬的濃郁鹹鮮交織出豐富的味覺衝擊. 最值得一提的置於甜蝦中間的柑橘醬, 果香細緻甜味間接襯托出海鮮的鹹鮮滋味.
At Xuxu Omakase, the spotlight is on Yilan sweet shrimp, elegantly arranged with Muscat grapes and topped with a delicate layer of Italian caviar. Served with a mother-of-pearl spoon—traditionally reserved for caviar—the dish exudes the refined aesthetic of Japanese kappo cuisine. Taiwanese sweet shrimp boasts a crisp and bouncy texture. The natural sweetness of the shrimp harmonizes beautifully with the rich, briny depth of the caviar, creating a striking contrast of flavors. A standout element is the citrus sauce nestled between the shrimp—its delicate fruitiness subtly enhances the umami of the seafood, elevating the entire dish to another level.
Fried Spring Roll with Queen Crab
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
現刨熟成兩年的帕瑪森起司於薄脆的春捲外層.細緻鹹香為這道料理增添深度. 西式與日式元素皆到位. 炸春捲皮酥脆不顯油膩, 咬下時帶來爽脆聲響. 以北海道松葉蟹與韭黃為內餡的的春捲, 風味層次豐富, 非常美味.
Freshly shaved two-year-aged Parmigiano-Reggiano is delicately layered over the crispy exterior of this spring roll, adding a depth of savory complexity. The dish seamlessly balances Western and Japanese elements. The golden, crispy spring roll wrapper shatters with an crunchy sound, yet remains light and free of excess oil. A luxurious filling of Hokkaido Queen crab and yellow chives unfolds in layers of delicate sweetness and aromatic depth. Each bite offers a harmonious blend of textures and umami, making this dish delicious.
Claypot Rice (Kamameshi)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
釜飯向來是我喜愛的料理之一. 主廚同樣是用北海道七星米,米粒飽滿柔韌. 釜飯裡有櫻花蝦,冬筍, 香菇, 甜豆仁. 入口時, 冬筍的爽脆口感尤為鮮明, 為整體增添口感層次. 而櫻花蝦的濃郁鮮味則在舌尖綻放,與香菇的醇厚與甜豆仁的清甜相互映襯. 每一口皆是到位的鹹度與美味. 還想再來一碗.
Kamameshi has always been one of my favorite dishes. Made with Hokkaido Nanatsuboshi rice, the grains were plump, tender, and pleasantly chewy. The dish featured sakura shrimp, winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, and sweet green peas, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The crisp bamboo shoots added a refreshing crunch, while the intense umami of sakura shrimp intertwined beautifully with the earthy depth of shiitake mushrooms and the natural sweetness of green peas. Each bite delivered a perfect balance of savory richness and delicate sweetness, making me crave another bowl.
Snapper Nigiri ( Kinmedai )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
栩栩 OMAKASE 主廚選用北海道七星米作為握壽司的基底. 米粒扎實且帶有柔韌的 Q 彈口感. 微酸的醋香輕輕勾勒出層次, 恰到好處地襯托出魚料的鮮甜. 來自日本千葉縣的金目鯛色澤豔麗,油脂細膩豐潤,入口瞬間,滑嫩的魚肉在舌尖綻放,醋飯的溫潤口感與其交融,使整體風味更加平衡.
At Xuxu OMAKASE, the chef selected Hokkaido Nanatsuboshi rice as the base for the nigiri. The grains are firm yet delightfully chewy, offering a satisfying texture. A subtle hint of vinegar adds depth, perfectly enhancing the natural sweetness of the fish. The kinmedai (golden eye snapper) from Chiba, Japan, boasts a strikingly vibrant hue and a luxuriously delicate fat content. As it melts on the tongue, its silky texture and rich umami seamlessly intertwine with the warm, gently seasoned sushi rice, creating a beautifully balanced bite.
White Broccoli Soup
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
主廚端出盛放義大利阿爾巴黑松露的展示盒 , 並且提到會刨黑松露在白花椰菜濃湯. 我在驚訝的同時, 主廚也進一步透露, 這道濃湯的基底融入了雞高湯,為風味增添更深層的醇厚感. 裝盛湯品的 Espresso 杯格外別緻, 讓我聯想到在牛排餐廳喝濃湯也是用 Espresso 杯.
The chef presented a display box filled with Italian black truffles. He also mentioned that freshly shaved truffle would be added to the cauliflower soup. The chef also revealed that the soup base was enriched with chicken broth, adding a deeper, more complex richness to the flavor. The soup was served in an elegant espresso cup, which reminded me of the way soup are often served in steakhouse.
螢烏賊 (招待)
Firefly Squid ( complimentary )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
螢烏賊是季節性食材. 螢烏賊有圓滑口感 , 與紫洋蔥的爽脆互相襯托.
Firefly squid is a seasonal delicacy, offering a smooth and tender texture. The purple onions offers the the crisp freshness. Both ingredients created a harmonious balance of flavors and textures.
甜點 – 可麗露
Dessert – Cannelé
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
很難想像可麗露是在栩栩 OMAKASE 這間日式餐廳當天現烤出爐. 外殼酥脆, 品嚐的同時可以聽到薄脆聲響. 可麗露裡則是柔軟濕潤, 帶有迷人的焦糖香氣與蛋奶風味. 即使當天已經吃很飽, 這顆可麗露依然讓人無法抗拒,最後還是把整個可麗露現場吃完.
It is hard to imagine that the canelé was freshly baked on-site at XU XU OMAKASE, a Japanese restaurant. The crisp, caramelized crust delivers a satisfying crackling sound with each bite. The inside remains soft, moist, and rich with deep caramel aroma and delicate custard flavors.Overall, this canelé was simply irresistible—I couldn’t help but finish the entire piece at the restaurant.
Flounder Nigiri
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
主廚運用日本東京灣的鮫鰈 , 特別選用鰭邊肉部位. 巧妙地搭配些許胡麻油. 不錯吃.
The chef used Tokyo Bay flounder, specifically selecting the fin-edge cut for its delicate texture. It was skillfully paired with a hint of sesame oil, enhancing its natural flavors. A simple yet enjoyable dish.
Japanese glass eel (Noresore)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
主廚張凱翔以春天為靈感,設計這道清新雅緻的前菜. 選用日本愛媛縣直送的鰻魚苗, 透明細緻的魚體乍看與台灣虱目魚稚苗相似. 搭配蘆薈醋、草莓與蒔蘿油點綴,構築出一場味覺與視覺並重的餐盤 Display。入口瞬間, 鰻魚苗帶來淡雅的鮮味, 隨之而來的是醋香的輕盈酸度與草莓的細膩果香. 交錯融合, 讓這一道菜餚清爽且富有層次.
Inspired by spring, Chef Kai-Hsiang Chang crafted this delicate and refreshing appetizer. The dish features glass eel sourced directly from Ehime Prefecture, Japan. The glass has translucent and delicate appearance. Accompanied by aloe vinegar, strawberries, and dill oil, the plating presents a harmonious balance of flavors and aesthetics. Upon the first bite, the subtle savory of the eel unfolds, followed by the light acidity of the vinegar and the gentle fruitiness of the strawberry, creating a layered and refreshingly elegant culinary experience.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這道料理的擺盤展現出 Fine Dining 的唯美風格. 栩栩 OMAKASE 主廚選用來自日本九州的太刀魚, 又稱為白帶魚. 這款食材在西式與日式餐廳都很受歡迎. 盤底醬汁以魚骨與蛤蜊熬製, 旨味濃縮. 一刀切下, 白帶魚外層酥脆迷人, 魚肉吸收盤底的醬汁後更顯鮮味飽滿. 豆腐川七與炸薑絲也是不錯且少見的搭配.
The plating shows the elegance of fine dining. At XU XU OMAKASE, the chef selected Japanese cutlassfish from Kyushu, also known as beltfish, a prized ingredient in both Western and Japanese cuisine. The sauce at the base of the plate is crafted from a rich umami broth made by simmering fish bones and clams. A single cut into the fish reveals its crispy texture. while the tender flesh absorbs the essence of the broth, intensifying its natural flavors. The addition of tofu, Kawana greens, and crispy ginger shreds creates a rare yet harmonious pairing, elevating the dish’s depth and complexity.
Hokkaido Sea Urchin Roll
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
烘烤的脆海苔搭配頗多海膽入口, 鮮美程度非常高.
The crispy seaweed paired with fair amount of sea urchin was quite fresh and full of seafood flavor.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
烘烤的抹茶玉子燒外型像是蜂蜜蛋糕, 品嚐時,口感細緻, 雞蛋香氣與抹茶風味各半.
The Matcha Tamagoyaki appearance looks like honey cake. The taste is delicate. The tastebuds can sense matcha flavor and also cake aroma.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
南非鮑魚切丁,鮑魚口感偏軟嫩. 與奶油和鮑魚肝臟拌炒. 奶油風味濃郁.
The South African abalone was diced, with a tender and delicate texture. It was sautéed with butter and abalone liver, creating a dish rich in creamy, umami depth.
Australian Marble Lamb
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
澳洲和羊通常僅見於台灣高級西式餐廳的菜單. 這次栩栩 OMAKASE主廚則是運用澳洲和羊的羊腰肉打造出一道融合西式元素的精緻料理. 餐盤微熱是加分. 羊肉烤至 5 至 7 分熟,恰到好處地保留肉質的細緻與汁香. 建議第一口先單吃不要沾醬. 可先享受羊肉的柔嫩纖細肉質. 之後再搭配百香果與蜂蜜調製的醬汁. 果酸與蜜香交織,賦予羊排截然不同的風味層次.
Australian Wagyu lamb is typically found on the menus of high-end Western restaurants in Taiwan. But at XU XU OMAKASE, the chef elevates this premium ingredient into a refined dish with Western influences. The lamb loin is grilled to medium, ensuring a succulent texture and rich flavor. A slightly warmed plate enhances the experience. I would recommend to take the first bite without any sauce in order to enjoy the tenderness of the lamb. Then, pair it with the passion fruit and honey sauce, where the vibrant acidity and floral sweetness create an entirely new layer of complexity, transforming the dish into a balance of bold and refined flavors.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
法國與日本皆為世界知名的生蠔產地,而這次在栩栩 OMAKASE 品嚐來自日本東京灣的生蠔. 生蠔肉質滑嫩且飽滿多汁,鮮甜滋味隨即在口中綻放,有海洋的礦物鹹香,佐以清新酸醋,微酸的點綴恰到好處.
Both France and Japan are renowned for producing some of the world’s finest oysters. At XU XU OMAKASE, I had the opportunity to savor a fresh oyster from Tokyo Bay, Japan. The plump, juicy flesh was incredibly smooth, releasing a burst of natural sweetness upon the first bite. Its oceanic minerality added depth to the flavor, while a touch of light vinegar provided a subtle acidity that perfectly balanced the oyster’s rich and briny essence.
甜點 – 羊羹
Dessert – Yokan
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
在正式進入甜點前,餐廳以精緻的珠寶盒 Display(圖一)呈上兩款店家自製的琥珀糖,這次品嚐到的是薰衣草與桂花風味. 當天的甜點則是羊羹,以馬丁尼調酒杯盛裝,視覺上別具創意,但相比之下,我更偏好以傳統且簡約的日式甜點作為收尾.
Before transitioning to dessert, the restaurant presented two house-made amber sugar candies in an elegant jewelry box display (Pic 1). The flavors offered were lavender and osmanthus, both delicate and fragrant. The featured dessert of the day was yōkan (a traditional Japanese sweet bean jelly), uniquely served in a martini glass, adding a creative visual touch. However, in comparison, I personally prefer a more traditional and minimalist Japanese dessert.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
XU XU OMAKASE Restaurant Information
餐廳: 栩栩 OMAKASE
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段345巷4弄49號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2711-0600
Restaurant: XU XU OMAKASE
Address: No. 49, 4th alley, 345th lane, 4th section, Re’ai Road , Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station.
Tel: 02-2711-0600