April 2020 Food & Wine Online English Articles 》2020年4月餐酒英文網路文章

Last Updated on 2020-04-25 by Foodelicious

我的2020 年新訂計畫目標包括閱讀且紀錄國外餐飲網路新聞,這是4月的餐酒英文網路文章, 此篇文章列出的連結並無中文翻譯, 而且不會 PO 到 Facebook Fan Page.
My New 2020 Plan to read and document Food Online English News. This is the March Article. Also, all the links do not have Chinese translation. And I won’t post on Facebook Fan Page.

Picture Source: Unsplash

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New York Times Cooking

Website: https://cooking.nytimes.com
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/nytcooking
Follow Reason: Free, Professional but yet Family-Orientated. More Recipes/ Articles to read if pay the subscribe fee


1.Farro e Pepe
Link: https://pse.is/QAURA
Cacio e Pepe,是羅馬的一道名菜,更正確的說,是拉奇歐區(Lazio,首府羅馬)一道經典家常料理.Cacio在義大利文是乳酪的意思,這裡指的當然就是羅馬的羊乳酪(pecorino Romano),至於Pepe則是黑胡椒,所以cacio e pepe就是「胡椒乳酪義大利麵」,看這麼簡單兩三樣原料就知道,它是一道「窮則變變則通」之下的產物--因為自古以來窮人家吃不起肉,乳酪就成了最主要的蛋白質來源,至於為什麼要加胡椒呢?因為作為辛香料,胡椒可以讓身體產生熱能、促進新陳代謝:以最少的食材讓牧羊人在寒夜裡取得最大的飽足。所以說來,它是一道牧羊人料理(牧的羊又可以擠乳做成羊乳酪,多好!),就跟carbonara是源自於煤礦工人的料理,兩者是類似的道理。
雖然材料簡單,不過要做出「完美的cacio e pepe」,有幾個「眉角」要知道,一是胡椒要現磨,最好是用臼搗碎,香氣才會出來。二是麵條不能煮太軟,再來最重要的--手腳一定要夠快:將煮好的麵條倒入預熱的碗裡(也跟Carbonara一樣!),加入乳酪和胡椒攪拌,這個步驟如果不夠快,一來沒有辦法做出creamy的口感,二來,冷掉的麵條和融化又凝結的乳酪「葛」在一起,沒吃幾口就膩了。


2. Vegetarian Red Borscht
Link: https://pse.is/PTDAK
Borscht: 羅宋湯
A traditional vegetable soup made for centuries throughout Eastern Europe and well loved in Russia and Poland, borscht has origins in present-day Ukraine. There are white versions, made with potatoes and cabbage, and green versions, made with sorrel and spinach. Most familiar, though, is the red version, made with beets.


3. Beef Suya
Link: https://pse.is/MQNLN
Suya is a popular Nigerian street food made of thin strips of meat that are seasoned, skewered and grilled. The term “suya” can refer to the preparation technique or the resulting dish, and can apply to other meats, such as goat and chicken. This recipe is similar in style to the suya made from a fattier cut of beef called tozo, which comes from the hump of the zebu cattle, found in northern Nigeria. A well-marbled piece of boneless short rib is a great substitute. Ask your butcher to thinly slice the meat into strips, or pop it into your freezer for 30 minutes and use a sharp knife to slice. Suya spice, or yaji, is available online or at African groceries, or you can make your own。


4.Steak Haché
Link: https://pse.is/L56BB
Salisbury steak is an instance of an old recipe with enduring value. It is a good idea and a good name, though its reputation as a TV dinner has stained the prettiness somewhat. All that the old recipe — and its many variations — needed was a little updating. Here is a Frenchier and more contemporary version — rich with porcini butter, piquant with salsa verde. It is old-fashioned enough to be fun and elegant enough for a dinner party — and most definitely does not need a hamburger bun.



Food & Wine

Website: https://www.foodandwine.com


Food 52

Website: https://food52.com/blog



Food Business News

Website: https://www.foodbusinessnews.net


Great Italian Chef

Website: https://www.greatitalianchefs.com


Fine Dining Lovers

Website: https://www.finedininglovers.com

City Tasting Tour Links: https://www.finedininglovers.com/tag/city-tasting-tour
Food & Drink Section Links: https://www.finedininglovers.com/food-and-drinks
Food Spotlight Link: https://www.finedininglovers.com/tag/food-spotlight



Wine Investment

Website: https://www.wineinvestment.com
News Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/

1. 10 wine-related long reads and documentaries to keep you occupied during lockdown
Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/2020/04/10-wine-related-long-reads-and-documentaries-to-keep-you-occupied-during-lockdown/


2. Wine investment bounces back in China
The volume of high-end wine sales in Asia jumped 25% in March, according to global trader BI Fine Wine & Spirits, indicating that “confidence is returning to the region” as China and some of its neighbours begin easing lockdown restrictions.


3. Everything you need to know about natural wine
Link: https://www.wineinvestment.com/wine-blog/2020/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about-natural-wine/


4. Treasury Wine Estates registers Chinese Penfolds trademark after decade-long fight
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) has finally registered ‘Ben Fu’ (奔富) – the Chinese trademark of Penfolds – some 25 years after the brand first entered the country, and after 10 years of legal battles.




Website: https://www.1shot.tw

1. 宅在家的好選擇!5部最新Netflix酒類影片推薦
Link: https://www.1shot.tw/18284/宅在家的好選擇!5部最新netflix酒類影片推薦


A Day Magazine

1. Miso and Soy Sauce
Link: https://everylittled.com/article/133786

