1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 》新開幕酒商實體店面不僅販售酒也有試喝

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

( 2020.1 二訪更新) 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊是台北松江南京捷運站附近的進口酒商實體門市, 二樓與三樓皆有VIP室, 也有品酒教室,
1855 Premier Cru store front is located at Songjiang Nanjing MRT station, Taipei City. Second and Third Floor has VIP areas and classroom.


1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 資訊

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/1855PremierCru/

Tel: 02-2571-6600
營業時間: 11am ~ 11pm

**預計 2019.7月中開幕**


1855 Premier Cru Store Information

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/1855PremierCru/

Songjiang Branch
No. 51, 2nd Section, Nangjing East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Tel: 02-2571-6600
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 11pm

Dazhi Branch
No. 66, 1st Section, Neihu Road, Taipei City
**The branch will open at July, 2019**

警語: 飲酒過量, 有害健康  Excessive drinking is hazardous to health  


1855 Premier Cru 交通

1855 Premier Cru Traffic

1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊松江門市店面靠近松江南京捷運站八號出口與一號出口, 往新生高架橋方向即可抵達, 步行時即可看到石灰礦色調的招牌. 許多台北酒商店面幾乎都會把酒瓶放在玻璃門入口旁展示, 偏暗色調的內部也是將酒擺好擺滿. 1855 Premier Cru 門市與其他進口酒商店面最大的不同是沒有距離感, 木調顏色與圓形拱門很容易聯想到釀酒的橡木桶, 充滿時尚設計美感, 甚至會被誤認為咖啡廳或是餐酒館.
1855 Premier Cru Wine store is near both Exit 1 and 8 of Songjiang Nanjing MRT station. Walking about 10 minutes, you would see the gray color sign. This particular wine store is different from other wine stores at Taipei City. It offers a grand welcome and comfortable area to the customer. The design is fashionable and often mistaken as coffee shop or Bistro.


關於1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊

About 1855 Premier Cru

我必須承認我當初看到 “1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊”名稱時, 我以為這是一間只販售法國單一酒莊葡萄酒的店面, 店員後來解釋公司也有進口其他國家的酒, 也與許多台灣葡萄酒進口商合作, 造就一間佔地頗寬敞的實體店面. 未來計劃結合線上平台進行行銷活動.
I have to admit that I thought this wine store only offers wine from single French winery. The staff mentions that their company also imports wine from other countries. They also cooperates with other wine importers to promote wines together. The future plan would be combine both online and store front to complete a B to C supply chain.


1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊門市一樓

1855 Premier Cru Store 1st Floor

走進店面時, 右側酒櫃空間個別放滿酒, 左邊則是有像 Wine Bar 的吧台與高腳椅, 咖啡機台則是為了商務人士在 VIP室而準備, 一樓也有舒適沙發區, 雖然店面不販售單杯酒,主要則是販售單瓶酒.但是為了消費者與葡萄酒初學者著想, 目前可免費試喝 30 cc 單杯酒, 以單杯供酒機裡的每月精選酒為主, 文中會再介紹我當天試飲的酒款. 一樓門市後方則是大型酒窖, 目前是儲藏販售的各種酒款.
The left side is similar with wine bar, which has bar counter and high chairs. The coffee machine is for VIP room guests. The right hand sides has large wine shelfs with various wines. They mainly sell bottled wine instead of single glass wine. But, considering entry level wine drinking consumers, they offer 30cc free trial taste for their monthly selection. I will introduce my trial taste later in the article. Surprisingly, there is a large wine cellar at the back of the store.



1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊門市二樓

1855 Premier Cru Store 2nd Floor

若是想預約二樓與三樓 VIP 區域, 建議事先打電話問店員低消, 若是只是想參觀, 也需打電話詢問是否可以導覽. 我搭乘電梯至二樓的開放式 VIP 區, 有通常在豪宅裡才能看到的絨布沙發與水晶吊燈, 也有吧台式座位.
If you would like to book 2nd Floor or 3rd Floor VIP room, you would need to call in advance to ask for minimum charge. If you would like just to take a look at the VIP area, you would also need to call in advance. You can take the elevator to the 2nd Floor VIP area. There is a large sofa area and Chandeliers with bar counter.


二樓後方則是老闆私人的酒窖, 亮金色裝潢就如同奢華Venetian 飯店, 各種昂貴酒款就如博物館收藏品.
There is also the owner’s private wine cellar at 2nd floor. The shiny golden color is similar with Venetian Hotel. Those expensive and rare wines are just like the art collections.



1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊門市三樓

1855 Premier Cru Store 3rd Floor

越來越多公司都有所謂的員工品酒訓練需求, 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊門市三樓則是有設備完善的品酒教室 (例如投影機,酒杯..etc). 三樓後方也有一個較大且隱密的VIP 包廂.
Many companies now plan to have staff training on the wine tasting. 1855 Premier Cru 3rd floor has a classroom with a projector. There is also a large VIP private room as well.


1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊六月促銷活動

1855 Premier Cru Store 2019 June Promotion

全店消費滿 NTD $3600,即可獲得轉盤機會一次,獎項如下:
1. 任選店內$1,200 以下酒款一瓶
備註: 超過$1200 牌價可補差額 ; 低於$1200 不得退。
2. Lucaris東京系列波爾多杯2入禮盒組
3. 下次消費75折(限香檳/級數酒以外酒款,並不得與當月活動重複使用)
4. Opps! 有夢最美、希望相隨
5. 再來一次


If the invoice exceeds NTD $3600, you have one opportunity to play Roulette. The prizes include
1.Pick any wine under NTD $1200. If exceeding, you may pay the difference.
2. Lucaris Wine glass gift box (2 units of glasses)
3. 25% Off on the next purchase (excludes champagne or overlap monthly promotion)
4. None
5. Play again


詩美堡中級酒莊紅酒 2012

Château Sémeillan Mazeau Cru Bourgeois 2012
Package: 750ml
Price: NTD $1020
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

不需買酒, 每人皆可免費試飲 30 cc 酒, 我第一款試喝的是法國詩美堡中級酒莊紅酒 2012. 法國五大酒莊一瓶酒都是上萬元起跳, 我個人認為中級酒莊的酒與價格是較為合理與親民. 這款酒標標註產區為法國波爾多梅多克產區 (Medoc), 這款法國紅酒是 Merlot 60% 和 Cabernet Sauvignon 40% 混釀而成, 也就是所謂的波爾多混調, 這款酒也在橡木桶中陳釀 18個月. 經典紫羅蘭香並不是很明顯, 反倒是黑醋栗和櫻桃果香十足, 我個人比較喜歡這款的滑順輕柔單寧, 而非具侵略性的高單寧, 我相信喜歡喝白酒的人也會喜歡這款紅酒, 若是到門市試飲, 不妨問這款酒有無試喝.
Everyone can have 30 cc wine without any purchase. I selected Château Sémeillan Mazeau Cru Bourgeois 2012. I personally think that Cru Bourgeois level wine’s price is more friendly and in god quality. As the wine label states, this wine is made at Medoc, France. This wine is Bordeaux Blend with 60% Merlot and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon. It also aged 18 months in oak barrel. The violet floral aroma is not obvious. There are fair amount of mixed black currant and cherry fruity flavors. The tannin is soft and low instead of high. I personally prefer soft tannin. I believe that if you like white wine, you would like this red wine as well.


塞爾巴 “紅標”麗絲玲白酒

Selbach Riesling 2016
Package: 750ml
Price: NTD $700
Remark: 六月門市活動單瓶85(NTD $595元/瓶), 兩瓶75折(NTD $525/瓶)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我一剛開始接觸葡萄酒是從白葡萄酒開始, 麗絲玲白酒 (Riesling) 是屬於酒體輕盈的芳香型白酒, 也就是葡萄酒初學者的入門款. 這款來自德國塞爾巴紅標麗絲玲白酒蘋果與梨子香氣十足, 經典礦石味並沒有很明顯, 整體適量甜度相當討喜, 這是多數台灣女生會喜歡的白酒, 白酒冰涼溫度也相當適合夏天野餐搭配輕食.
White wine is most wine drinker beginners’ favorite. Riesling has light wine body and full of aroma, which is perfect for beginners. This particular white wine is from Germany. Fair amount of apple and pearl aroma and flavors are quite pleasant. However, there isn’t much the classic mineral flavor. The overall taste is sweet and delightful. It is also perfect to pair with picnic light food during summer time.


Robert Mondavi, Private Selection Bourbon-Aged Chardonnay

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

又來到 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊松江南京門市, 店面通常都會有3 ~ 4 款酒試喝, 我選了這一款美國的 “Robert Mondavi, Private Selection Bourbon-Aged Chardonnay“. 我個人喜歡美國 Chardonnay, 更喜歡在波本桶陳年後造就的奶油, 香草與微許太妃糖風味!
Coming to 1855 Premier Cru Shop Songjian Nanking Branch again. There are usually 3 ~ 4 wines for trial taste. I selected USA Chardonnay – “Robert Mondavi, Private Selection Bourbon-Aged Chardonnay“. I personally like America Chardonnay. I also love the buttery, vanilla and hints of toffee flavor from the aging process from the Bourbon Barrel.





♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 資訊

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/1855PremierCru/

Tel: 02-2571-6600
營業時間: 11am ~ 11pm

**預計 2019.7月中開幕**

1855 Premier Cru Store Information

Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/1855PremierCru/

Songjiang Branch
No. 51, 2nd Section, Nangjing East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Tel: 02-2571-6600
Operation Hour: 11am ~ 11pm

Dazhi Branch
No. 66, 1st Section, Neihu Road, Taipei City
**The branch will open at July, 2019**




