休習日 》六張犁捷運站咖啡店 | Z Day Cafe

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

新開幕的“休習日”為台北市六張犁捷運站不限時咖啡店之一 , 販售單品咖啡,蛋糕, 甚至有販售精釀啤酒.
Newly-opened Z Day Cafe is one of the coffee shops near Liu Zhang Li MRT station This store also sell gourmet coffees, cakes, and even bottled beers.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


門外的全白裝潢跟 Hooked To Go 咖啡店一樣, 室內裝潢跟HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊頗為相似, 木質色系的文青似乎是一種潮流, 坐在灰黑色沙發非常舒適. 較為特別的是“休習日”有一個可坐6~8人的隔間 (無門), 不僅是商業部門開會或是姐妹聊天都是一個不錯的選擇.
Outside design is similar with Hooked To Go coffee shop. The indoor design is similar with HERZMOMENT dessert. The wooden color seemed to be the trend of coffee shop. The most interesting part is that it has private dining room (without door though) for 6~ 8 people. It is suitable for business meeting or friends’ gathering.



休習之日 (冰)

English Name: Signature Sparkling Expresso
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

“休習之日”是店家招牌咖啡 – 氣泡濃縮冰咖啡, 三色漸層咖啡放在高貴的大理石杯墊上, 最底層是氣泡水, 緩緩地將濃黑Expresso 與濃稠蜂蜜攪拌, 讓我較為驚喜的地方有少許鮮綠色萊姆果皮, 增加適量酸度. 整體並不會像 Americano 有著濃烈咖啡風味, 喝起來帶有溫和的酸度 , 即使平常不太喝濃縮咖啡的人也可品酌,  之前在簡嘉程的Peace & Love Cafe喝過用沛綠雅品牌氣泡水沖泡的精品咖啡.
Their signature coffee has three different colors and ingredients. The bottom layer is sparkling soda water instead of Perrier. The middle layer is honey and the top is expresso. Stirring all three layers slowly to merge into brown color. The most surprising part would be the lime zests at the appearance. It tastes mild acidity instead of strong. The caffeine is not as strong as expected, which is better.




English Name: Cinnamon Apple Pound Cake
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

市面上(例如十間茶屋) 賣的磅蛋糕因為模具的關係, 幾乎都是方形切片. 但休習日咖啡店的磅蛋糕則是 8 吋蛋糕形狀的切片. 蘋果香氣意外地比肉桂香味濃郁, 結構紮實且濕潤是磅蛋糕的最高境界, 可惜的是磅蛋糕稍微有點乾, 但搭配“休習之日”則比預期中地適合. 論 Size, NTD $130 是非常地划算.
Nowadays, Taiwan market (for example: Shijen Tea House) usually sells sliced square shape pound cakes. But Z Day cafe sells 8 inch slice. The apple aroma is stronger than cinnamon. The texture is dense but a bit dry. But, the cake is perfect pairing with their signature sparkling expresso. As for the price, NTD $130 is reasonable.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide




Restaurant Name 店名: Z Day Cafe 休習日
Address: No.2, 41th Lane, Le-Ye Street, Taipei City 台北市大安區樂業街41巷2號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Z.Day.Cafe/
Nearby MRT station: Liu Zhang Li MRT station 六張犁捷運
電話: 02-2378-0602
營業時間: 11:30 am ~ 9pm


