喫蛋,日常 Book Review 》楊晴 著作 | 蛋料理書籍 | The Perfect Egg Book

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

作者楊晴將”蛋“這個主題獨立出來撰寫《喫蛋,日常》, 除了國外翻譯書外, 逛誠品時並沒有看過只關於蛋的料理知識書. 蛋是個看似平淡無奇, 從街頭巷口的蛋餅, 到最近最火紅的雲朵蛋, 各國料理都會有它的蹤影. 這次有這個榮幸可以細讀到這本書.
Author Sunnie Yang is probably the first Taiwanese author to solely introduces “eggs” informations and cuisines. Egg is a necessity in our life. You can also see eggs ingredients from Taiwanese breakfast egg pan cake to the Cloudy Eggs. Now, I have the opportunity to read and review this book.


Book Name 書籍名稱:《喫蛋,日常》 The Perfect Egg Book

Author 作家: 楊晴著作
ISBN: 978-986-9467704
** Only in Chinese Version **
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!

1.作者年紀輕 The Author is Young

我看著作者楊晴的簡介, 作者是1995年出生 (2017-1995 = 22 歲) , 回想起來, 她應該是我知道最年輕的料理知識書籍作家, 閱讀完後, 發現從年輕人的角度可知道料理已經不只是“做菜”而已, 楊晴也注入她所精通也是近期最流行的餐桌花藝擺設, 例如夏天可以放繡球花之類.
The author biography shows Sunnie is born at the year of 1995 (22 yrs old now). She is probably the youngest cuisine & informations book author that I know of. After reading, you can clearly see what young generation’s perspective. Cuisine is not only about cooking anymore. Sunnie also writes about her other professionals- Floral Arts that applies on the table and plate display in this book.


2. 整理出蛋的迷思 List Out Consumers’ Questions

就像我一直提到的, 網路上太多知識, 搜尋需要時間. 作者楊晴與雞蛋專家呂宜峰列出一般消費者常有的迷思, 總是有些消費者喜歡問餐飲業相關人員關於食材的問題, 尤其是某種病疫爆發的時候. 在第16頁提到“發生禽流感, 食用雞蛋安全嗎?“, 裡面提到洗完蛋後, 雞蛋只要經70度以上高溫煮熟後, 即可安全食用.
As I mentioned before, there are too many informations that cost too many times to research. Sunnie cooperates with another Egg Expert to list out consumers’ wrongful perspective regarding eggs. All the informations are easy to read as well.


3. 蛋食譜豐富 Different kinds of recipes
從最常見的“魔鬼蛋”到“自製鹹蛋黃”食譜都收入此書 (等等!! 自製鹹蛋黃??), 作者將別人想不到的食譜放進書裏, 中式早餐稀飯裡的鹹蛋黃居然可以自己做不用擔心防腐劑!
The recipes include from “devil eggs” to “handmade salted egg york”. Yes, you read it right. The rarely-seen handmade salted egg york recipe is at this book. Sunnie puts unexpected recipes into this book.


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論


*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

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