欣葉日本料理中山店 》 台北平價吃到飽餐廳 | Taipei Buffet Restaurant

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(2022. 02 結束營業)    台北平價吃到飽餐廳不多, 欣葉日本料理吃到飽中山店是少數眾所皆知的優質可訂位日式料理吃到飽餐廳. 由於整天營業, 也成為 中山區下午茶正餐首選.
(Closed at 2022.2) There aren’t much price-friendly All-You-Can-Eat Buffet restaurants at Taipei City. Shinyeh Japanese All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Restaurant is one of a few that offers Japanese cuisine  buffet.




2019 欣葉日本料理價格在文末 2019 Shiyeh Buffet Price is at the end of article


首先, 欣葉日本料理吃到飽中山店是可以訂位, 通常在餐廳一開門時, 櫃台會發放一張卡上面寫著幾位與桌號, 再由店員帶到座位上, 不能換座位. 當天用餐是中午, 也看到欣葉店員在餐廳外販售便當, 價格皆在 200 元以下, 相當出乎意料之外.  餐廳共有兩層樓, 一樓有包廂, 但全部料理都放在二樓, 座位以家庭聚餐為主,  但也有不少兩個人甚至一個人用餐, 只是座位相當擁擠, 我個人比較不習慣. 由於菜色眾多, 以下介紹的餐點大部分為平常在普通餐廳裡為高單價或是較特別的餐點.
You can reserve seats at Shinyeh Buffet Restaurant. The counter staff would give out a card stating how many people and table number. Then, the 2nd floor staff would guide you to your seats.  My family and I dined there during lunch. Shiny staff even start selling bento at the restaurant front unexpectedly. The unit price is under NTD $200.  Shinyeh has two floors, and all the foods are placed at the 2nd floor. During weekday lunch, there are quite a few people dine alone. However, the seats are very crowded. Since there are too many dish options, it would be better just to introduce several selected few.



Various Sashimi
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍 👍 👍

在二樓中間的區域有生魚片區, 用密閉空間儲藏生魚片以保新鮮, 師傅會親切地詢問想吃哪種魚且多少片, 自取芥末, 咬下一口尚未加芥末且冰冷的新鮮鮭魚和鮪魚, 兩者毫無腥味且容易入口, 沾上芥末和跟隨著蘿蔔絲一起品嚐, 辛辣跟滑順的口感讓令人想一口接著一口地吃.
The sashimi is located at the middle section. The chefs use confined space to store the raw fish to keep it fresh. The chef would ask friendly what kind of sashimi and the quantity that you prefer. While eating the fresh salmon and tuna sashimi without wasabi, both fishes are unexpectedly fresh and smooth. While eating with wasabi along with sliced daikon, spicy flavor stimulates the tastebuds and brains for wanting more.



Hand Roll
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍 👍 👍

其實在日本料理餐廳, 手卷的價格幾乎都是高價, 主要的原因是師傅需要細心且快速地用海苔包覆著豐富的食材, 欣葉日本料理的手捲有四種選擇 – 蝦, 蘆筍, 蘆筍蝦, 蝦卵. 咬下蘆筍蝦手卷時, 一聽到酥脆海苔的聲音就知道海苔並沒有受潮而變軟, 蘆筍也烹煮地適中, 不會過硬, 整體上是眾多菜色必嚐之一.
Most restaurants charge high price for hand rolls. The reason is that the chef would need to carefully and rapidly to wrap the ingredients within the seaweed. Shinyeh has 4 kinds of flavor: shrimp, asparagus, shrimp & asparagus, and shrimp roe. When you take the first bite at the shrimp & asparagus hand roll, the fresh seaweed crispy sound immediately appeared. The asparagus is cooked well. The hand rolls are one of the best dishes at Shinyeh.



Chawanmushi (Steamed Egg Custard)
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍 👍

雖然這是常見的料理, 且幾乎都是被當作配角, 但是要保存得好, 讓每個吃Buffet的顧客吃到品質均一卻不簡單.欣葉的茶碗蒸有著滑順且無缺陷的外觀, 香菇和蟹肉棒夾雜在微熱的蛋中, 口感十足!
Steamed Egg Custard is always considered side dish. However, it is not easy to preserve the dish for a long time. The appearance of the egg custard is smooth without any flaw. It is delicious to eat the mushroom and crab meat with warm egg custard.



Dobbinmushi (Steamed Soup)
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍

青銅色如茶壺般的容器中裝著微淡的雞湯, 飽滿的香菇吸足了湯汁, 美中不足的是雞肉微柴.
The bronze tea pot is fulfilled with light chicken broth, mushroom and chicken. Sadly, the chicken is a bit dry though.



Other Cuisines
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

當然還有其他食物, 例如天婦羅, 甜點之類. 照片如下.
There are other foods, see the pictures down below.





Restaurant Name店名: 欣葉日本料理吃到飽餐廳
Address: 台北市中山區 中山北路2段52號 (Map)
Tel” 02-2542-5858
捷運站: 中山或是雙連捷運站
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShinyehJapaneseBuffet/
Restaurant Name:Shinyeh Japanese All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Restaurant
Address:No. 52, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Nearby MRT: Shuanglian MRT station or Zhongshan MRT station
MRT station 捷運站: Shuanglian MRT station or Zhongshan MRT station
營業時間:Call to Confirm



2019 欣葉日本料理價格 》 2019 Shiyeh Buffet Price

價格連結: https://www.shinyeh.com.tw/content/zh/brand/Store.aspx?BrandId=4&Id=14



