家.溫度 湯專賣店 》台北大安區熱湯美食推薦 | Taipei Soup Stocks Store

Last Updated on 2024-01-29 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ) 家.溫度 湯專賣店國父紀念館捷運站美食之一, 這是一家非常適合親子或個人外食的專賣熱湯連鎖餐廳, 以採用產銷履歷的食材而出名.
(Closed Down) “Soup Stocks Store” is one of the great restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. This is a chain restaurant that is suitable for families as well. It specialize in soups and its high quality food ingredients.


家.溫度 湯專賣店菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

從國父紀念館2號出口外即可看到家.溫度 湯專賣店的告示牌, 直接左轉進入巷內即可看到餐廳, 離光復國小相當近. 從一大片落葉窗看進去相當寬敞且坪數大, 一打開門即可看到用玻璃隔著的廚房, 櫃台上方掛著今日販售的沙拉湯品款項.
Walking out of the exit 2, you can see the Soup Stocks Store’s guide sign. Then, turning left to the alley, you can see the large restaurant. Its location is near Guangfu Elementary School. The Today Soup and Salad Menu is placed above the counter when walking in.

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自行入座後, 店員會過來講解點菜方式, 雖然菜單上有相當多湯品, 但每天固定只會賣 7 ~ 8 款, 每天湯品名稱會在餐廳的Facebook上公佈, 大部分的客人幾乎都是點 “家溫度套餐”, 湯品可選兩款但是小碗 (180cc), 若是單點, 即是 360 cc 的大碗. 需先點菜付錢, 餐具與開水需自取, 也可外帶到附近的國泰醫院給病人喝.
After self seating, the waiter/waitress would explain that they only offer 7~ 8 soup selections per day. The soup list is announced through Facebook. Almost every customer order “Soup Set”. The set include 2 small size soups (180cc). The large soup would be 360cc. The customer would need to pay prior and self-serving. And you can of course purchase for TO-GO.




內容: 小碗湯 (180cc) x 2 + 飯 , 麵包, 或是貝殼麵 (三選一)
English Name: Soup Set
Content: Small Size Soup (180cc) x 2 + Select one out of three (Rice, Bread, or Conchiglie)
Price: NTD $250



English Name: Creamy Porcini Chicken Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

乳白色湯頭並沒有想像中地濃稠, 第一口的雞湯相當鮮醇,隨著湯裡起司融化, 奶油風味逐漸增加, 先咬一口鮮脆玉米筍, 再吃一口飽滿吸汁的香菇, 最有誠意的莫過於一整隻厚實土雞腿肉, 口感相當嫩, 最讓人意想不到的是湯頭裡藏著一整個新鮮義大利牛菌菇, 而非像天母 “Moda Vita Caffè “是乾燥牛菌菇, 滑嫩口感相當不錯.
The ivory color chicken broth is not as thick as expected. First sip warms up the throat with obvious chicken flavor. Along with the melted cheese, the creamy flavor becomes more obvious. I also tasted the crisp baby corn and juicy mushroom. The most interesting part would be there is an actual fresh Porcini in the soup. I thought the restaurant would use the dried Porcini, like “Moda Vita Caffè”. I would recommend this soup for sure.




English Name: Mixed Vegetable Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

海鹽巫婆湯其實每天都是不ㄧ樣的, 當天吃的海鹽巫婆湯是當歸蓮藕絲瓜蔬菜湯, 透澈湯頭有顯著當歸中藥風味, 品嚐時才會隱約感受到鮮甜蔬菜精華, 結構紮實的豆腐吸收了不少湯汁精華, 蓮藕跟絲瓜口感也相當不錯, 只是單喝會覺得中藥味過重, 若搭配店家的野菇炊飯則是恰到好處, 因為飯的份量多, 最後可以來個湯泡飯之類.
The mixed vegetable soup on that particular day is Loofa and Lotus Root with Angelica (Danggui) Soup. The transparent soup broth has thick Chinese medicine flavor due to the Angelica (Danggui). However, the tastebuds can sense hints of fresh vegetable sweetness. The dense tofu absorbs quite a bit of the soup essence. The loofa and lotus root are stewed above average. However,if only drink the soup, the Chinese medicine aroma would be overwhelmed. However, it is better to drink the soup with the rice together, just like the Japanese “Ochazuke”




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Restaurant Name 店名: 家.溫度 湯專賣店 Soup Stocks Store
Address: No. 3, 240th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區光復南路240巷3號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soupstockstore/
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館捷運站
電話:02- 8773-5531
營業時間: 11am – 9:30pm Everyday





