飲芙酒藏 》清酒推薦 | SAKE BEAUTÉ

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

飲芙酒藏台灣渡邊酒造釀清酒總代理商, 身為渡邊酒造釀第四代的渡邊愛佐子顛覆對清酒的陽剛印象, 特別為女性打造柔和性質的清酒.
SAKE BEAUTÉ is Taiwan sole distributor of Watanabeshuzojo Sake brand. As the fourth generation toji , Watanabe Asako developed feminine image of sake.


身為國際日本酒唎酒師的飲芙酒藏老闆巫先生, 遠赴日本找尋理想的清酒, 在2017年開始與建立 100 多年的渡邊酒造釀合作. 巫先生則是在台灣舉辦推廣渡邊酒清酒行銷活動 – 例如餐酒會, 品酒會, 清酒課 ..etc.  也準備於2018 年七月在台北市中山區赤峰街8巷22號開一家 Sake Bar.  最新消息請直接看他們的網站 (Website: https://www.sakebeaute.com.tw/sake-beaute-bar/  ), 這次有這個榮幸可以參加飲芙酒藏舉辦的餐酒會.
As a SAKE Sommelier, Mr. Wu started cooperating with Watanabeshuzojo brand , which has established over 100 years. Mr. Wu promotes this particular brand by hosting sake pairing event, trial taste event, sake class…etc. He is also planning to open the SAKE Bar at Taipei Zhongshan District. The updated news would be posted on their website  ( Website: https://www.sakebeaute.com.tw/sake-beaute-bar/   ). Now, I have the opportunity to attend their sake pairing event.


品酒前, 巫先生也提到一些淺顯易懂的清酒概念與知識, 例如日本政府公佈數據, 美國是日本清酒出口第1名, 香港, 中國, 韓國各佔2,3,4名, 台灣則是第5名, 其實台灣人到日本直接買清酒的頻率很高, 台灣喝清酒的比例應該比想像中地高.
Before the trial taste starts, Mr. Wu hosted a simply sake class and knowledge. Surprisingly, the no. 1 sake export country is USA. Hong Kong, China and Korea are ranked 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Taiwan is ranked as No. 5 sake export country. Actually, there are many Taiwanese travel to Japan to purchase sake. I assumed that the percentage of sake drinking in Taiwan should be higher.




Shirayukihime Junmai Daiginjo,
Price: NTD $2200 (720ml)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

精米步合的定義是製酒的糙米被研磨到”剩下多少百分比“, 純米大吟釀的精米步合是 50%以下, 研磨的時間增加, 相對成本增加. 換句話說, 也就是純米大吟釀販售價格較高. 白雪姬純米大吟釀以哈密瓜香氣為主導, 花香為輔, 酸度並不會特別凸顯, 淡雅滑順為其特色, 推薦給初飲清酒的人. 搭配餐點為醃蘿蔔與蘋果, 醃蘿蔔脆度高也將酸度增強, 蘋果香甜搭配這款清酒也不違過.
Japanese categorized sake in different type of method, which is “different percentage of rice milling”. For example, Junmai Daiginjo is 50% ground away. Since the milling process is longer, the cost would be higher as well. The price of Junmai Daiginjo is higher than others. This particular sake is dominated by honeydew flavor. There are also fair amount of floral aroma as well. There are only hints of acidity with smooth texture. The pairing dish would be pickled daikon and apple. The daikon is crisp with lots of acidity. The apple’s texture is soft but yet sweet.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health


芭蕉水門川 純米

Price: NTD $690 (720ml)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

精米步合是60%, 我們試了冷飲與熱飲兩種方式, 冷飲時, 舌尖會感受到中度澀度,微甜較不容易被發現. 當這款清酒以熱飲形式品酌時, 此款清酒轉變成相當有個性, 入口後立刻受到煙燻與礦石風味, 尾韻的甜度不容忽視, 我個人比較喜歡熱飲這款酒, 餐點搭配是燉豬肉, 嫩豬肉搭配此款酒搭配相當不錯.
We tried cold sake and also hot sake. When drinking in the cold way, the tongue would taste a bit dryness and a bit of sweet. If drinking in hot method, the sake becomes full of smoked and mineral flavor. The sweetness is also quite obvious at the end. I personally like to drink this sake in hot way. The pairing dish is stewed pork, which is perfect for pairing with sake.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health


清流之國 純米

Price: NTD $1450 (720 ml)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

清酒廠商用長良川香魚製作為酒標, 這款清酒的水是採用長良川上游的超軟水高賀森水, 精米步合是70%, 酸度比第一款白雪姬純米大吟釀尖銳, 但整體較為爽口, 讓我驚訝的是這款酒與葡萄酒一樣是可以採用醒酒方式而改變口感, 醒酒後, 滑順且帶有甜度. 喝這款清酒搭配生魚片並不會喧賓奪主, 因為我吃日本料理大部分都是吃海鮮, 比起 “芭蕉水門川 純米”, 我個人比較喜歡這一款.
The manufacturer uses Nagawa Fish as sake label. The main reason is that they use the Nagawa river water. The acidity level is higher than the 1st sake. The most surprisingly part would be after going through the decanting process, the sake can change its flavor just like wine. The sake texture becomes smooth and sweet. It is perfect pairing with sashimi. Since I always eat Japanese Seafood cuisine, I prefer this sake among others.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health


回歸初心 純米無過濾生原酒

Price: NTD $1850 (720 ml)
Juneau Non-Filtered sake
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

渡邊酒造釀今年只製造 300 瓶 “回歸初心 純米無過濾生原酒”, 台灣總代理拿到100 瓶額度. 最為特別的部分是此款清酒不過濾顏色, 不加熱和不加水調和. 冰喝時甜度較酸度更明顯, 回溫後酸度增強, 酒標設計偏女性化, 但酒精濃度較高. 搭配濃郁鹹香一夜干, 清酒特殊風味絲毫沒有被比下去.
The manufacturer only makes 300 bottles of this product. Taiwanese sole distributor has 100 bottles. The most special part would be this product is undiluted and non-filtered sake. When drinking in cold, the sweet level is higher than acidity. However, when times go by, the acidity becomes stronger. The sake label is designed more in the feminine image. But the ABV is higher than expected. It is great pairing with the salted fish.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health


白雪姬 純米吟釀無過濾生原酒

Shirayukihime Junmai Ginjo Non-Filtered Sake
Price: NTD $2050 (720 ml)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

同樣是不過濾顏色, 不加熱和不加水調和的生原酒, 白桃香氣顯著, 原本以為甜度比酸度高, 但實際喝是較為平衡, 唎酒師則是建議倒進少許清酒到南非生蠔一起入口, 海鮮味搭配酒精濃度較高的生原酒, 我會建議喜歡威士忌的人品嚐這一款清酒.
This sake is also undiluted and non-filtered. The white peach aroma and flavor is very strong. I thought the sweet level is higher than acidity level. But, it tasted balanced. The SAKE Sommelier suggested that we eat the oyster with drops of this sake. The raw and strong seafood flavor pairs great with strong alcohol flavor. I would refer this sake to the people who like Whiskey.

警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health



♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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廠商名稱: 飲芙酒藏
地址: 台北市赤峰街8巷22號 (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sakebeaute/
Website: https://www.sakebeaute.com.tw/sake-beaute-bar/
Vendor Name: SAKE BEAUTÉ
Address: No. 22, 8th Lane, Chafing Street, Taipei City (Map)
Tel: 02-2833-1353
