肉伯火雞肉飯 》台北信義區上班族美食 | Taipei Turkey Rice

Last Updated on 2018-10-31 by Foodelicious

台北雞肉飯名單包括來自台南的肉伯火雞肉飯信義店, 也算是信義區上班族外帶便當或是內用的美食選擇之一.
Taipei Turkey Rice List includes Roubo Turkey Rice Restaurant Xinyi Branch, which is originated from Tainan. Office workers nearby sometimes would choose this restaurant for quick lunch.

肉伯火雞肉飯菜單在文末 Roubo Turkey Rice Menu is at the end of article


我在美國也只有在感恩節吃過火雞, 而且美國火雞胸肉吃起來相當乾. 知名嘉義雞肉飯則是很多海歸人的心頭好. 有趣的是肉伯火雞肉飯本店位於台南, 近期在信義路和台北101開了分店, 餐廳裡有相當多座位, 也有像 “麵屋壹慶”一樣的單人靠牆座位. 餐廳用餐是採用類似自助餐方式, SOP 是先拿盤子 -> 拿小菜 -> 點湯品 -> 點火雞肉飯 -> 結帳後再入座.
I tasted turkey meat before during Thanksgiving at USA. But, American Turkey meat is quite dry. Therefore, lots of Taiwanese from US love to eat Chiayi Turkey Rice. The most interesting part is that Roubo Turkey Rice restaurant headquarter is located at Tainan. Recently, they opened two branches at Taipei City- Xinyi Branch and Taipei 101 Branch. There are many seats at Xinyi Branch, which include long table and single seats, similar with ” Ichi Ramen restaurant”. The order SOP is take the tray -> select appetizer -> select soup -> select turkey rice -> pay prior seating.

延伸閱讀: 台北101捷運站附近餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Taipei 101 MRT station


火雞肉飯 (小)

Turkey Rice
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

肉伯火雞肉飯內用有分大碗 (NTD $80) 與小碗 (NTD$50), 外帶也有分大碗 (NTD $80) 和小碗 (NTD $50), 我是選擇內用小碗 (NTD $50), 比 “瘦虎麵屋”的小碗麵再大一些. 店家的火雞肉絲並不會過細像手絲雞肉, 反而有點厚度, 先夾起帶皮的火雞肉, 吃起來嫩度高也帶有微肉香, 但是並不是每一片皆是如此, 後來詢問才知道原來店家混搭火雞胸肉與火雞腿肉. 倒是白飯部分淋上適量雞油與滷汁, 並不會有吃到最後沒有滷汁的囧狀, 我會建議火雞肉絲與白飯搭配吃, 才不會過於乾與單調.
Roubo Turkey Rice Restaurant has dine-in and to-go options. All the small size is NTD $50, and the large size is NTD $80. I select dine-in small size turkey rice (NTD $50). The size is similar with “Formosa Food” at Taipei East District. Their sliced chicken is a bit thicker than expected. I eat the slice with the skin, which dates tender with hints of meaty flavor. However, not every slice tastes tender. It turns out that the restaurant mixed the leg meat with the breast meat. So, not every slice tastes the same. As for the rice, it is spreaded with fair amount of braised chicken sauce and chicken oil. The rice tastes delicious. I would suggest to eat the turkey meat with rice.



Dried Tofu
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我會建議點小菜來搭配火雞肉飯, 肉伯火雞肉飯小方塊豆乾吃起來鬆軟, 因為並沒有像 “肉羹霸 BAHGE BAR”事先切開, 於是滷汁鎖在其中,滷得入味與淺褐色外觀符合, 與火雞肉飯搭配算是相當合適.
I would suggest to order appetizer with Turkey Rice. Their dried tofu tastes a bit soft. Since it is not cut prior like “Bahge Bar”, it locked the braised sauce inside. The tofu tastes quite good and pairs well with the turkey rice.



Meatball Soup
Price: NTD $40
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

幾乎所有人都是點香菇肉羹湯, 只有我點貢丸湯. 看似平淡湯頭卻有意想不到的雞湯溫醇, 原來是用雞骨熬煮的湯頭, 喝起來也不會過於油膩, 會讓人一口接著一口. 貢丸也比想像中地Q彈, 我會推薦這一款湯品.
Almost everyone orders starch coated meat with mushroom soup. But, I order meatball soup instead. The broth tastes quite similar like Chicken soup, but not oily. Their meatball is quite delicious too. I would recommend this soup.




餐廳: 肉伯火雞肉飯
地址: 台北市信義區信義路四段405號 (Map)
捷運站: 台北101 世貿捷運站
電話: 02-8780-3388
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RouBo2015/
Restaurant: RouBo Turkey Rice Restaurant
Address: No. 405, 4th section, Xinyi Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei 101 MRT station
Tel: 02-8780-3388
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


