Rainbow Bagel 》彩虹貝果在台灣會流行嗎?

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

我要講的不是像FIELD小田食光的鮮果氣泡水, 也不是新鮮水果組列排成的食物, 而是像美國紐約布魯克林的彩虹貝果.
I am not talking about FIELD restaurant fresh fruit sparkling water nor various fresh fruit sandwiches. I am talking about New York Brooklyn Rainbow Bagels.




WonderLust Lingerie(@wonderlust_lingerie)分享的貼文 張貼

新假期 Weekend Weekly(@weekendweekly)分享的貼文 張貼

我台灣朋友一看到文末的影片時, 回應了一句 “美美的色素”. 但是歐美地區的人似乎對色素的接受度較高, 除了小時候常吃有顏色的軟糖外, 另外一個原因是歐美的食用色素大部分都是當地國家做的, 而且也沒有鬧出太多非法或過量的添加的醜聞, 讓消費者安心.
My Taiwanese friend saw the video at the end of article and said “Wow, pretty food coloring“. However, western countries seemed to accept the food coloring quite well. Besides the various candy color, the other reason is that most food coloring are made locally. There isn’t any major news about food scandal regarding coloring. Most people are not against food coloring at all.


Nick Feinberg(@smilydude123)分享的貼文 張貼

紐約布魯克林的彩虹貝果 (文末有製造過程) 作法其實就是一層一層做好不同顏色疊起, 再切開做成Bagel的麵糰與形狀, 雖然沒有比Cronut有名, 現在已經可以用網路購物寄至全美, 價格為USD 3.95 (NTD $120), IG上更是紅翻天.
As for Rainbow Bagel at New York Brooklyn, the chef makes each color layer separately, piles up, cut it and makes bagel dough. Even though the reputation is not well-known as Cronuts. But It is already sell country-wide with USD 3.95, thanks to IG promote.


Ally(@allythevegangirl)分享的貼文 張貼

反觀台灣, 由於食品違規新聞太多, 即使標明天然食用色素或是用量在規範內, 多數人還是會怕. 台灣NY Bagels 在2017年初在全台有彩虹貝果快閃店, 但是似乎短暫熱潮已過, 常吃貝果的消費者終究跑去大賣場 (Costco或家樂福)購買普通的貝果.
As for Taiwan, there are too many food scandals over the years. Even though it says natural food coloring, consumers are still worried. Taiwan NY Bagels has rainbow bagels pops out stores all around Taiwan. However, it didn’t last long. People who eat bagels will still visit Costco or Carrefour to purchase regular bagels.


🌸NingPinkyの美食地圖🌸(@ning_pinky)分享的貼文 張貼



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