POPINA 餐酒館 》 台北中山捷運站美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

台北中山區美食POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢.
POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return rate. Foodie often compares this particular restaurant with the restaurants in Regret Hotel and The Okra Prestige Taipei. And Popina Bistro always win.


菜單在文末 (並無酒單) Menu is at the end of article


餐廳位於中山北路巷弄, 是一家十分低調的餐酒館, 不像台北東區ABV Bar & Kitchen很明顯就是一個朋友群聚喝酒且可大聲喧嘩的最佳地點, POPINA的店內歐式裝潢與舒適的座位頗有種Fine Dining的氛圍, 在這裡約會用餐也是個不錯的選擇, 餐廳包廂大約可坐4~5人, 低消為NTD $4000/Room, 並沒有開瓶費, 但是杯子清潔費則是 NTD $100/杯, 用的杯子聽說是Riedel.
The restaurant exterior is quite low profile, unlike ABV Bar & Kitchen at Taipei East District. Popping Bistro has European interior design with comfy seats, which offers a a bit like Fine Dining atmosphere. The private dining room can fit in 4 ~ 5 people. Min. charge would be NTD $4000/room. There isn’t any corkage fee, but the Riedel wine glass cleaning fee would be NTD $100/glass.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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English Name: KAVALAN Aging Pork with caramelized apple, pickled cabbage, mustard sauce
Set Price 套餐價格: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

Beer Smith 的豬肉是伊比利豬, Popina 用的是“噶瑪蘭熟成豬”. 這幾個字而點, 大多數消費者只知道西班牙伊比利豬是屬於外國高檔食材, 卻不知道其實來自宜蘭的噶瑪蘭豬也深受高級飯店主廚青睞, 在他們心裡是可以替代伊比利豬的高檔台灣食材. 一般市場販售的豬都是飼養180天左右, 噶瑪蘭豬則是240 ~ 270天, 纖維較細, 飼料也是用多種穀物特製, 跟伊比利豬吃榛果有著異曲同工之妙.
Most Taiwanese consumers only know about Spain Iberico pork , for example dish at Beer Smith, but they do not know about Kavalan Pork from Milan, Taiwan. Several five-star restaurants consider this particular pork is able to replace iberico pork due to its high quality. Most regular pigs are aging about 180 days, and Kavalan pig is about 240 ~ 270 days. The ranch also feed the pigs with custom-made high quality rice-wheat related food.



帶有粉紅色澤的嫩豬肉被酥脆金黃色外皮包圍著, 忍不住先不顧放置在一旁的焦糖蘋果切片與醋渍高麗菜, 先品嚐一口仰慕已久的噶瑪蘭豬肉, 由於油脂分佈均勻, 講Q彈太誇張, 結構緊實的肉吃起來每一口皆是軟嫩, 也不會過於油膩, 有研磨芥末籽的輔佐, 讓肉的口感更佳且多了點如白酒般的微酸風味 (acidity) , 美味程度已可完勝某些餐廳的牛排. 帶有點脆度的焦糖蘋果切片不會過甜, 醋渍高麗菜則是稍微暫緩味蕾對此款完美豬肉的渴望.
Pink color Kavalan pork is tender with crispy appearance. The pork fats are evenly spread. Therefore, every bite on the dense texture is soft and tender and not yet too oily. With grind mustard seeds, it adds a bit of acidity to the pork. The delicious level is almost like steaks in the high-end steakhouse. The caramelized apple slices are also crisp and not overwhelmed sweet. The pickled lettuce slices are delicious as well.




English Name: Butera Surya Red Wine from Italy
Mixed: Nero D’avola, Merlot
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

通常House Wine 在一般台北餐廳 (例如台北東區鬍子餐酒) 一杯是 NTD $180~ $200. POPINA的House Wine 只要 $120. 此款酒是Nero D’avola和Merlot的混釀, “ Nero D’avola “ 是義大利西西里島專屬且栽種面積最廣的葡萄品種, 單獨品飲則是有辛辣風味跟強烈黑櫻桃風味, 與Merlot混釀後, 黑櫻桃風味依舊強烈,酸度適中, 酒體則是較為圓潤, 非常適合搭配煙燻或是碳烤的肉料理.
Most House Wines in Taipei restaurants (such as Baffi Italian Trattorias) charged NTD $180~ NTD $120. POPINA’s House Wine is the cheapest (NTD $120) so far in Taiwan. This particular house wine is Nero D’avola and Merlot blend. “Nero D’avola” is specifically grown in Sisley, which has a bit of spice and black berry flavors. After blended with Merlot, the black cherry flavor is still strong but with full-body wine body. It is great pairing with smoked or grilled meat dishes.




English Name: Baby Lettuce with Smoked Bacon, egg, and Parmiggiano
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

其實我對台灣高級餐廳的沙拉印象不是很好, 即使是套菜配套, 有時也只是很隨意地放幾片生菜, 如 DOMANI 義式餐廳 , 完全稱不上是精緻. 但 POPINA 餐酒館的煙燻培根半熟蛋起司沙拉已可以完勝Fine Dining.
Honestly, I had bad impression on Taiwan high-end restaurant salad, such as Domani Restaurant. Even though it is included in the set, it is not supposed to be only a few lettuces without a few drops of salad dressing. But POPINA Bistro offers great salad combination.



迷人的半熟蛋放在翠綠生菜與深藏不露的帕瑪森刨片上, 店家更豪邁地放置了適量粉色且帶有誘人煙燻香氣的培根. 告訴自己 “先從義大利起司之王帕瑪森薄片開始吧”, 鮮醇奶香風味中帶有點甜味在口中散開, 培根肉風味其實並不重, 重點在於獨特的煙燻風味, 若與信義安和捷運站附近的“LIQUID BREAD COMPANY” 做比較 , LBC的相思木煙燻風味較為特別, 好的總是要留到最後, 半熟蛋則是為此道沙拉帶來完美的句點.
Half-boiled egg is placed on the bright green baby lettuce and sliced Parmiggiano cheese. The chef also put several pink color smoked bacon. I started with cheese, which tastes milky and a bit of sweet. The meat flavor is not quite strong. Comparing with “LIQUID BREAD COMPANY” sandwiches, their smoked flavor is better. The half-boiled egg is absolutely delicious to end this salad.




English Name: Tomato Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

由於Lunch Menu上只有寫“POPINA 特製湯品”, 我本來以為會是蘑菇湯之類, 但端上桌的則是法式蕃茄濃湯,  跟台北世貿旁的Musée Kitchen & Bar 不太一樣, POPINA 的湯是濃郁的, 濃郁橘紅色湯頭裡有Sun-Dried後的完整小蕃茄, 我蠻喜歡POPINA的微甜且香氣逼人的湯頭, 搭配自家製作的麵包也不錯.
There are several sun-dried small tomato in the orange-red soup broth.  The broth is thicker than Musée Kitchen & Bar near Taipei World Trade Center.  I quite like their soup with tomato aroma and with a bit of sweet flavor. It is great pairing with their bread.



奶酪 & 茶

English Name: Panna Cotta & TEA
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

JK StudioLa Mole Taipei, 其實都是沒有提供甜點, Popina 由於價格關係, 有提供餐後甜點, 雪白色的奶酪有著軟嫩綿密的口感, 搭配莓果醬汁有著酸甜風味, 搭配套餐裡的熱東方美人茶也別有風味.
JK Studio and La Mole Taipei do not offer dessert for Lunch Set. Snowy white Panne Cotta tastes very creamy. The berry sauce brings a bit of mixed acidity and sweetness to this dish. Their hot Chinese tea is quite special at a western style restaurant.



台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

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Restaurant Name 店名: POPINA
Address: No.1, 6th ale, 13th lane, 1st section, Nanking East Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區南京東路一段13巷6弄1號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/restaurant10popina/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT station 中山捷運站
電話:02- 2567- 6623
營業時間: 12pm~ 2:30pm ; 5:45pm ~ 10:30pm
(Wednesday Off)


菜單 Menu


