南港展覽館美食》北大荒水餃 | Dumpling | Nankang Exhibition Center Food

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

論美味水餃, 台北東區有巧之味手工水餃, 南港展覽館捷運美食北大荒水餃莫屬. 午餐時間的顧客幾乎都是南港科技園區新貴.
As for delicious dumpling category, “Chiao Chi Wei Dumpling Shop” is the winner in Taipei East District. In the further east near Nankang Exhibition Center, there is another dumpling restaurant called “Bei Da Huang”. During lunch time, workers from Nankang Tech Area always come here to dine.


進入兩層樓的北大荒餐廳, 廚師用俐落刀法切小菜的手法, 阿姨服務生熟練的打包手法,足夠讓整個餐廳在中午用餐時間不會因為送錯單而大亂. 跟大部分的老式餐廳一樣, 許多滷味種類放在餐廳入口處任顧客挑選, 較特別的有松阪豬, 香菇, 和豬鼻子 (沒點). 餐廳將特製醬油膏,辣椒醬和其他醬料放置餐廳後方讓客人自助.
While entering the two floors building, you would immediately notice the braised side dishes near the entrance. Like most of the old-time restaurants in Taiwan, there is no cover. There are a few interesting braised items – Matsuzaka pork, mushroom, and pig nose (I didn’t order). The soy sauce paste and other spicy sauces are placed at the back of the restaurant.




English Name: Dumpling
價格: NTD 8/ 顆
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍 👍👍👍👍

北大荒餐廳只有一種水餃, 無法選擇. 當水餃端上桌時, 如元寶般的飽滿程度比巧之味手工水餃還大, “大顆水餃”是此餐廳的特色, 咬下一口, 立即感受到滿滿的肉汁, 內餡包括豬肉 ,青蔥和韭菜, 韭菜的重口味已蓋青蔥風味, 無腥味的豬絞肉則是跟韭菜相輔相成, 造就頗受歡迎的重口味水餃.
There is only one kind of dumpling. The shape of the dumpling is similar with ”yuanbao”. It is fulfilled with large amount of filling, which includes ground porks, green onions and chives. The size is even bigger than Chiao Chi Wei dumpling. When eating the first bite, the tastebuds can feel the meaty juicy flavor. However, the chive flavors covers the green onion flavor. Without doubts, ground pork is delicious pairing with chives.




English Name: Braised Side Dish
當天點了常吃的豆干, 花干 ,松阪豬和香菇等滷味, 剛開始品嚐松阪豬肉時, 很明顯地有感覺到煙燻風味, 由於韭菜的風味較重, 到最後會蓋住煙燻風味. 香菇跟豆乾吸收了足夠的滷汁, 顯得十分美味.
At the beginning, the Matsuzaka pork shows obvious smoky flavor. However, in the end, the strong chives flavor covers the smoky flavor. Both mushrooms and dried tofus absorb enough marinade juice to make a delicious statement.



Restaurant Name店名: 北大荒餐廳 Bei Da Huang
Address: No. 201,1st Section, Nankang Road, Nankang District, TaipeiCity 台北市南港區南港路一段201號 (MAP)
Facebook: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: Nankang Exhibition Center MRT station 南港展覽館捷運站
電話:02 2788 0455
營業時間:11:00am ~ 9:30 pm
