米塔義式廚房 》松江南京捷運站平價美食 | Mita Pasta

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(長安東路店已結束營業) 米塔義大利連鎖餐廳 (Mita Pasta) 適合上班族商業午餐家庭聚會的餐廳名單之一, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到米塔的“主廚上菜” 新菜單.
(Closed ) Mita Pasta restaurant is one of the price-friendly chain restaurants in Taiwan. It is suitable for Business Lunch or Family gathering. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their new Chef Menu.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


米塔分店位於辦公室林立的長安東路上, 很多上班族會中午時段來米塔用餐, 跟蕭主廚的“麵食主義 KIRIN PASTA”類似, 菜單裡最便宜的是義大利麵系列, 但米塔的用餐環境(例如沙發區與歐式掛圖) 比”麵食主義 KIRIN PASTA”佳, 只是需要拉高分貝聊天, 走進餐廳時, 服務生親切地告知走路要小心有階梯. 這次跟朋友點了“主廚上菜” x 1 ,義大利麵 x1 , 皆加 NTD $118 皆升級豪華套餐, 和輕食 x 1.
This particular Mita pasta is located at 2nd section of Chang’an East Road. The cheapest dishes are at the pasta section. The dining environment , which has sofa areas, is comfortable but a bit loud. This time, my friend and I order chef menu dish x 1, pasta x 1, upgrade to deluxe set , and appetizer x 1.



English Name: Saute Beef with Vegetables on Hot Iron-cast Pan
Price: NTD $498
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

米塔將起司放好放滿在市面上較少見的綠櫛瓜與黃櫛瓜切片上, 百搭櫛瓜的脆度絲毫沒有因為起司而變得過軟, 放置在一邊的紫色洋蔥更是口感極佳, 廚師已事先切好放在鑄鐵鍋底部的紐西蘭沙朗牛排切好, 厚度微薄,吃起來並不會像南京微風的”橫濱物語”嚼度高, 我個人比較喜歡米塔的牛肉嫩度, 脆度破表的洋蔥非常適合搭配牛肉, 也可沾放在一邊的沾醬, 這道料理是比較適合點來分享.
Mita pasta puts cheese on the green and yellow zucchini. It is quite surprising because zucchini is not common in Taiwan. The zucchini is quite refreshing and crisp even with cheese and onions. The pre-cut Sirloin steak pieces are placed at the bottom of the iron pot. I like the tender texture of this dish. I personally do not like any kind of dip sauce for the steak though.




English Name: Spaghetti with Beef, Chili and Garlic
Price: NTD $238
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

份量比 Domani 餐廳的義大利麵多, 份量大致上跟L’AGE熟成餐廳的義大利麵差不多, 米塔的義大利麵偏硬, 是我喜歡的硬度, 我跟朋友分享後的感想是辣度是常吃辣的朋友可以接受, 牛肉的部分比預期中地軟, 反而有點像中式的炒牛肉, 香料不會喧賓奪主, 是一道中規中矩的料理.
The amount of the pasta size is larger then Domani Italian restaurant. The total amount is similar with L’AGE restaurant. The spaghetti itself is a bit hard, which I prefer. It wasn’t overwhelmed spicy. The sliced beef is a bit tender than Sirloin steak. The taste is average.



English: Upgrade to Deluxe Set
Price: + NTD $118



English name: Salad, Soup, Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

由於之前有來過米塔, 我依舊點“百香優格” (左), 百香果的香甜味與優格, 再搭配清脆生菜與蘋果切片, 米塔比市面上一些餐廳有更加豐盛的沙拉, 我朋友則是點百香油醋. 奶油蘑菇濃湯有罐頭蘑菇與少許玉米, 雖然稀釋, 但是很適合鬆軟麵包.
Since I had been to Mita Pasta before, I always choose “passion fruit yogurt salad dressing” (left). Passion fruit flavor with fair amount of acidity from yogurt taste greats pairing with crisp lettuce. Mita’s bread taste great pairing with their creamy mushroom soup.



English: Chocolate Cake
Price: Deluxe Set + NTD $38
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我跟朋友強力推薦這道甜點, 若是已升級為豪華套餐, 再加 NTD$38 即可品嚐這道甜點. 切的刀工算是不錯, 上面的巧克力粉看起來沒有受潮 (或是很細心地再撒一次巧克力粉上去), 蛋糕的口感非常紮實, 非常像歐培拉 ( Opera ), 濃郁巧克力風味讓人意猶未盡, 我一邊吃一邊覺得我當初應該要多加價點這一道甜點.
My friend and I strongly recommend this dessert- Chocolate cake. You only need pay NTD $38 more to taste this dessert. It tastes similar with Opera. The thick Chocolate aroma is perfect and unforgettable.



English: Creme Brûlée
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我之前來米塔必點的甜點, 表層焦糖的脆加上如布丁般地綿密, 這道甜點我也非常推薦.
I used to order Mita pasta’s creme brûlée. The crispy appearance pairs with creamy flan has great taste.




English: Drink
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
如往常, 我點了冬瓜檸檬, 我朋友則是點了沖繩奶茶, 這杯的沖繩黑糖甜味非常明顯. 冬瓜檸檬故名思義就是檸檬汁加上冬瓜糖, 酸甜滋味很適合清味蕾.
I ordered Wintermelon with Lemon Juice. My friend ordered brown sugar milk tea. I prefer my wintermeon with lemon juice since it has hints of acidity in it.



English: French Fries with Cheese Sauce
Price: NTD $98
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

薯條的Size 比 位於大安區的 Le Blanc 餐廳粗, 口感也比較脆, 可惜的是, 並沒有像Blue Rooster 的脆薯有馬鈴薯跟香料混合的風味, 我偏愛這道料理的濃稠起司醬, 有種在吃Nachos 的感覺.
The size of the fries is thicker and crisper than Le Blanc restaurant. Unlike Blue Rooster multiple spices on the fries, Mita’s fries only tastes only salty. But, I like Mita’s cheese dip sauce, which I feel like I am eating Nachos.


*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受




Restaurant Name 店名: Mita Pasta 米塔義式廚房
Address: No.81, 2nd Section Chang’an East Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區長安東路二段81號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mitapasta/
Nearby MRT station: Songjiang Nanjing MRT station 松江南京捷運
電話: 02-2515-7628
營業時間:Monday ~ Friday 11am ~ 10pm
Saturday ~ Sunday 9am ~ 10pm

Menu: https://www.facebook.com/pg/mitapasta/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1477025719059499
