Ming Shiang Yuan Cafe 》大安茗香園冰室 | 對的餐點帶你上天堂

Last Updated on 2019-01-28 by Foodelicious

茗香園冰室大安店東區港式餐廳 / 茶餐廳 之一,近期開了第三間茗香園公館分店, 可見生意之好, 在忠孝復興站美食清單佔有一席之地.
Ming Shiang Yuan Restaurant Da’an branch is one of the Taipei East District Cantonese Restaurants. They recently opened Gongguan branch.

茗香園大安菜單在文末 Ming Shiang Yuan Da’an Menu is at the end of article


茗香園冰室大安是忠孝 SOGO 與微風百貨週邊餐廳之一, 直接從忠孝復興捷運站四號出口往大安路走即可抵達, 附近有 “鍋台銘火鍋“ 和 ”Fly’s Kitchen”, 開車經過反而不容易認出餐廳店面, 因為招牌寫著 “粥粉麵飯”, 散步經過則是可看到茗香園黑底金字的中式招牌.如果是團體用餐, 我會建議避開用餐時間, 茗香園餐廳並沒有午休時間, 而且也有靠近牆壁的一人座位, 非常適合一人用餐.
Ming Shiang Yuan Cafe Da’an Branch is near SOGO and Breeze Center Mall. You can just exit No. 4 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station and walk toward Da’an Road. The nearby restaurant/cafe are “Guotaiming Hot Pot Restaurant” and “Fly’s Kitchen”. It is easy to recognize the restaurant sign while passing by. If you are going to eat with friends, it would be better to avoid the dining time. No worries, Ming Shiang Yuan Cafe still opens during 2pm ~ 5pm. The cafe also has one person seat near the wall. It is suitable for one-person to dine.

延伸閱讀: 其他忠孝復興捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station

台北單身友善餐廳 Single-Friendly Restaurant List

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Stir-fried Beef Cantonese Noodle with Black Bean Sauce
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

茶餐廳定義是提供港式西餐, 港式點心和部份中式料理. 在美國基本上是廣東餐廳與茶餐廳並沒有明顯區隔, 例如美國“三和餐廳”. 在台灣, 我印象較深刻的茶餐廳有“老友記粥麵館” 和 “香港茶水灘”. 這道是我一訪點的料理, 我點這道豉椒牛肉廣東炒麵完全是上次我已經在 “雅苑港式餐廳”吃過乾炒牛河. 店員端上眼睛為之一亮的料理, 份量不多但足夠在小鍋中形成小丘. 廣東炒麵用的是不加鹼的風乾廣生麵, 茗香園大安廚師將廣生麵煎炸到令人垂涎的焦脆, 令人忍不住先忽視牛肉與配料, 將炒麵入口時, 適量勾芡讓口感除了脆也有少許軟度, 搭配牛肉與其他配料並不會過於鹹香, 整體相當地不錯, 我推薦這一道料理.
In USA, it is difficult to tell the difference between Cantonese restaurant or Cantonese Cafe (For example, “Sam Woo Restaurant”). In Taiwan, Cantonese Cafe offers dim sim, part of Chinese cuisines, and Cantonese Western mixed cuisine. I ordered this dish because I already ate Stir-Fried Rice Noodle with Beef at “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”. The quantity of this dish is not much. However, stir-fried Cantonese noodle itself is extremely crispy and a bit soft at the same time. It is quite delightful to eat the noodle alone. After pairing with the beef and side dish, it is not overly too salty. It is delightful to eat this dish. I would recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum

延伸閱讀: Irvine Sam Woo Chinese Restaurant 》加州爾灣三和餐廳



Rice with Soft Scrambled Eggs and BBQ Pork
Price: NTD $135
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是我二訪茗香園冰室大安店點的菜餚, 一看到這道料理馬上被一整片亮黃色滑蛋吸引, 吸睛程度比六張犁的 “Omurice 陸角”雙醬蛋包飯高很多, 薄層滑蛋並沒有過多勾芡, 更沒有一夾起就支離破碎. 至於這道料理的米飯對許多人來說應該會過於軟爛.
This is my second time visiting Ming Shiang Yuan Cafe. I ordered the Rice with Soft Scrambled Eggs and BBQ Pork. The yellow and thin layer of scrambled eggs caught my attention. The appearance looks better than “Omurice Restaurant” omelet rice. The egg generally is quite delicious. As for the rice, it is a bit mushy than expected.

延伸閱讀: 六張犁平價美食 》Omurice 陸角雙醬蛋包飯深受年輕人喜愛

我其實之前在 “了凡香港油雞飯” 並沒有吃到叉燒, 唯一在台灣吃到叉燒是在 “頤宮 Le Palais”, 價格與口感當然無法對等相比. 可是茗香園冰室大安店的紅褐色叉燒肉質油脂少, 導致口感相當乾且微柴, 即使與滑蛋一起吃也是偏柴. 基本上 , 我只推薦滑蛋系列 (例如另外兩道 – 滑蛋蝦仁或是滑蛋牛肉), 但我不會建議點滑蛋叉燒飯.
I didn’t eat BBQ Pork at “Hawker Chan Taiwan”. The only time that I ate BBQ Pork is at “Le Palais Restaurant”. But of course, I wouldn’t compare Le Palais BBQ pork with Ming Shiang Yuan Cafe. But the cafe’s BBQ Pork is quite dry since it doesn’t have much fats. Therefore, I only recommend the soft scramble egg series (exclude the BBQ pork though)

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀




Rice with three eggs and beef with satay sauce
Price: NTD $135
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這是我朋友點的餐點, 我只吃了一口沙茶牛肉, 肉質跟我上次吃到的豉椒牛肉廣東炒麵還算不錯. 我朋友提到趴飯並沒有多餘沙茶醬搭配真是可惜.
My friend ordered this dish. I only ate one bite at the beef with Satay sauce. The texture is as good as the Stir-fried Beef Cantonese Noodle with Black Bean Sauce that I ordered. My friend mentioned that she would wish to have more satay to pair with the rice.



Beef with Chinese Broccoli
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這道也是我朋友點的, 她提到芥蘭梗的粗纖維並沒有處理地很好.
My friend ordered this dish as well. She mentioned that the Chinese Broccoli is a bit hard to chew.



Sweet and Salty Cantonese Lemonade
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店員端上清新透黃的檸檬汁, 除了有檸檬片做裝飾外, 也有一顆小 Size 鹹檸檬在杯裡, 我會建議先攪拌, 讓味蕾可ㄧ次感受到酸甜鹹三種風味, 相較之下, 我個人比較喜歡 “談談越 Talk the Pho” 的越式醃檸檬汁.
This drink is the Cantonese Lemonade. Besides the sliced lemon, there is also a small size salty lemon inside the drink. I would suggest to stir the drink. So, the tastebuds would sense all three flavors (acidity, sweet, and salty) at the same time. However, I personally prefer the Vietnam Lemon Juice at “Talk the Pho”.

延伸閱讀: Talk the Pho 談談越 》台北東區越南料理餐廳多一枚


凍絲襪奶茶 & 凍檸茶

Hong Kong Milk Tea & Lemon Tea
Price: NTD $80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

茗香園冰室有許多飲料選項, 二訪我選絲襪奶茶, 我朋友選凍檸茶. 香港絲襪奶茶的厚實度是眾所皆知, 只是苦感偏高, 我比較不習慣, 我喝了一口我朋友的凍檸茶, 可惜偏淡.
There are many drink options. On this 2nd visit, I selected Hong Kong Milk Tea. It has thick texture but a bit bitter, which I am not used to drink. My friend ordered lemon tea, but it doesn’t have much flavor though.


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餐廳: 茗香園冰室
地址: 台北市大安區大安路一段12號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝復興捷運站
電話: 02-2773-3303
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MingShiangYuanDaAn/
Restaurant: Ming Shiang Yuan Da’An
Address: No.12, 1st Section, Da’an Road, Taipei (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-2773-3303
Operation Hour: 02-2773-3303







