Men Biyori 》麵日和是台北平價義大利麵 (文內有排名)

Last Updated on 2023-11-28 by Foodelicious

(N 訪 2023.11 更新)  麵日和日式洋麵館是台北平價義大利麵,  其日本籍主廚創造的日式義大利麵菜單, 讓中山站美食推薦名單多增一名.
(2023.11 Update) Men Biyori restaurant offers Japanese Style Italian Pasta near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. It is also at my Zhongshan District Restaurant Recommendation list.

麵日和菜單在文末 Men Biyori Menu is at the end of article


Updated: 2023/11/27


關於麵日和 About Men Biyori

麵日和餐廳位於”大倉久和飯店”後面的巷弄內, 在知名 “POPINA 餐酒館“ 正對面, 附近餐廳有高級 “ A Cut Steak House” 和小資女喜愛的 “FIELD 小田食光“, 面對如此多元化的勁爭, 麵日和餐廳以巷弄內的平價正統日式義大利麵深受饕客喜愛, 主廚與店員的親切態度更是加分, 也讓許多日本人常來光顧這家餐廳. 麵日和餐廳有像日式拉麵的個人座位吧台, 也有4 ~ 6人的座位, 桌上放置著 Tobasco辣醬, 起司和巴西里香料可自行調味.
Men Biyori restaurant is at the back alley of “The Okra Prestige Taipei”. The closed by restaurants include “Popina Bistro”, “A Cut Steak House” and “Field Cafe”. But, most foodies that I know prefer Men Biyori’s price-friendly and delicious cuisine. The friendly attitude also attracts more Japanese customers to visit more often. There are one-person seat and group seats at the restaurant. The Tobasco spicy sauce, cheese and parsley are placed at the table.

延伸閱讀: 中山捷運站其他餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station

延伸閱讀 : 中山區其他餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Zhongshan District

台北單身友善餐廳 Single-Friendly Restaurant List

連結 (Link) 👉 台北咖哩飯懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Curry Rice Guide (By District) 

連結 (Link) 👉 台北平價美食推薦 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants

連結 (Link)👉  台北日本拉麵懶人包 》Taipei Ramen Guide

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Pasta with Clams
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

很常缺貨.   上次是在 “OZ Cafe & Bistro” 吃到白酒蛤蜊義大利麵, 是以酒香為主, 這次四訪在麵日和則是點經典海瓜子系列. 海瓜子擺置一旁很貼心, 麵硬度仍舊令人滿意, 附著在麵條上的海鮮蛤蜊高湯風味十足, 完全征服饕客對海鮮義大利麵的嚴苛要求. 在台灣其實我不常點蛤蜊義大利麵, 因為通常吃起來蛤蜊海鮮不夠濃郁, 要不然就是沒酒味, 這道麵日和義大利麵價格才 NTD $240, 我個人很推薦!
It is always NOT on the menu. Last time, I had pasta with clams at “OZ Bistro”. It is mainly focus on its white wine aroma. This time at “Men Biyori Japanese Pasta Restaurant”, I also ordered pasta with clams. The texture is perfect as expected. The clam broth has fair amount seafood aroma and flavor. I have been looking for this type of seafood pasta for a long time at Taipei. And this dish is only NTD $240. I would definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采



Squid Pasta with Garlic and Spicy Flavor
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這次我吃的是“限量”和風花枝香蒜辣味麵 (NTD $220), 這是小辣程度, 義大利麵依舊充分吸收海鮮風味, 花枝Q 彈並不會過硬. 這道料理非常適合撒店內提供的起司粉或香料, 再搭配打卡送的飲料, NTD $220 和高Level美味程度打趴所有台北市的商業午餐.
This time, I ordered “Squid Pasta with Garlic and Spicy Flavor” with limited quantity. No worries, it is only has hints of spicy flavor. The pasta fully absorbs seafood flavor. This dish is perfect match for cheese and spices at the restaurant. With the free drink after check-in on facebook or social media, NTD $220 is definitely worth it. 



Pasta with Clams and Oyster Mushroom
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

海瓜子很常不在菜單上. 這已經是我第 N 次來麵日和,  這次點的也是海瓜子系列, 多了鴻禧菇. 海鮮蛤蜊高湯的美味依舊迷人, 多了些許菌菇類獨特香氣, 若是不吃菇類食材, 可直接點經典海瓜子麵, 一樣美味且超值!
It is always NOT on the menu. This is one of my many visits. I also ordered the clams series. This time, I ordered pasta with clams and oyster mushroom. The seafood flavor and taste is great and enjoyable. There are fair amount of unique mushroom aroma. If you don’t eat mushroom, you might as well order the classic pasta and clams. It is also delicious and worth the price.



Bacon with Tomato Flavor Pasta
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這是二訪麵日和店員推薦點的拿坡里培根麵, 我這次點的是有醬的義大利麵, 與我上次在 “鎌倉咖啡“ 吃的是清炒新鮮蕃茄義大利麵並不相同, 拿坡里培根麵的醬料番茄風味不會過酸恰到好處, 舌尖被濃郁綿密醬料包覆著, 培根不是薄切相當有誠意, 我並沒有加任何香料或是辣醬, 我推薦拿坡里風味系列, 因為美味又吃得飽的料理可遇不可求.
I ordered this dish at my second visit since the staff recommended it. This pasta has sauce, which is different from the dish that I tasted at “Kamakura Cafe”. The tomato sauce is quite thick. The flavor has fair amount of acidity at the perfect level. The bacon is not thin-sliced, which is great. I didn’t add any other flavorings or spices. I would definitely recommend this dish since it is not easy to taste price-friendly and delicious dish.

延伸閱讀: 鎌倉咖啡 》 忠孝復興捷運站下午茶 | Kamakura Cafe



Shrimp with Tomato Flavor Pasta
Price: NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

除了海瓜子義大利麵系列外, 我也蠻喜歡拿坡里風味系列, 這次點的鮮蝦吃起來也是每口都有適量番茄風味, 蝦 Size 適中, 如果覺得不喜歡培根, 可考慮這道,如果價格提高, 蝦多一些我可以接受, 這就是好吃的程度!
Besides the clam pasta series, I also like the Tomato Flavor pasta series. If you don’t like the bacon flavor, you can order this shrimp pasta. The shrimp size is medium. Every bite has fair amount of tomato flavor. I would prefer more shrimps though. And I can definitely accept the higher price. This is how delicious their pasta is!



Pasta with Bacon and Asparagus
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我三訪是點蘆筍培根義大利麵, 被歸類於醬油與奶油口味, 雖然被歸類於奶油口味, 但並沒有經典的奶油白醬, 因為加了日式醬油, 義大利麵甜鹹風味相當特別, 義大利麵一如往常收汁乾淨, 培根是厚切且不是乾扁,蘆筍相當不錯.
At my third visit, I ordered pasta with bacon and asparagus. It is categorized as soy sauce and cream. However, it doesn’t have the classic white cream. With Japanese soy ssauce, the pasta tastes a bit sweet and salty. The thick sliced bacon and the asparagus are both good.




Pasta with egg, mushroom and bacon
Price: NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

雖然號稱和風培根蛋口味, 但並不是像 “Layback 餐廳“ 有一顆蛋放在料理中央, 蛋汁在義大利翻炒時賦予頗黏口的口感,大蒜風味與培根是經典絕配, 我覺得不錯吃.
Even though the pasta description seemed to be “Carbonara”, however, it is not like “Layback restaurant” to have an actual egg in the middle. The garlic pairs great with bacon. The overall taste is pretty decent.

延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡與義大利麵不錯吃



Pasta with Meat Sauce
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

番茄肉醬麵竟然是每日限量?! 別小看這一道番茄肉醬麵, 詢問之下, 原來肉醬裡有兩種肉品 – 牛肉和豬肉, 搭配微酸番茄醬就是所謂的經典, 很多人剛接觸義大利麵就是從肉醬麵開始. 老闆在做這道菜餚時就已經將肉醬與麵均勻拌炒, 而不是純粹麵煮好, 再把醬倒上去. 我會建議撒些許桌上的起司粉, 整體吃起來會增加肉香. 這道限量義大利麵應該就是每個系列你都吃過, 不確定要點啥, 就可以點這道.
Pasta with Meat Sauce is limited quantity per day? The staff mentioned that the meat sauce includes both beef and pork. Pairing with hints of acidity from the tomato sauce is a classic combination. Many people’s first pasta is with tomato sauce. The owner/chef cook both sauce of pasta together well prior serving.The pasta already absorbs meat sauce. I would suggest to spread cheese at the bowl. The overall taste would be better and enhance the meaty flavor. If you basically tastes every dish on the menu, you can try this limited quantity pasta.



Squid, Sea Urchin, Roe Pasta
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

麵日和菜單的義大利麵分為相當多款風味 – 有海瓜子口味, 明太子口味, 醬油與奶油口味, 番茄醬口味, 和風培根蛋口味, 與和風香蒜辣味口味.我初訪是點 “花枝海膽綜合明太子麵”. 店員端上類似在 “海倫咖啡”看到的木盆, 義大利麵份量比預期地多, 麵日和主廚已將小顆粒明太子攪拌在義大利麵裡, 海膽不是很明顯, 花枝半熟到一種完美的程度, 因為收汁乾淨, 單吃會偏乾, 建議撒一些桌上的起司粉加以調味, 再搭配打卡送的飲料更會滿足.
There are many flavor options of pasta- clams, roe flavor, soy sauce/butter , tomato, bacon/egg and garlic/spicy. Since this is my first visit, I ordered the the Squid, Sea Urchin and Roe pasta. The staff placed the wooden bowl, which is similar that I saw at “Helen Coffee”. The pasta quantity are more than expected. The chef already mixed the small roe within the pasta. The sea urchin isn’t too obvious. But, the squid has perfect texture and taste. Overall, it tastes a bit dry. Since there isn’t much sauce, I would recommend to add some cheese powder and their coke.


台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

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日式洋麵館麵日和 Men Biyori
地址: 台北市中山區南京東路一段13巷6弄8號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2581-9825
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: : Men Biyori Japanese Style Italian Pasta Restaurant
Address: NNo. 8, 6th Alley, 13th Lane, 1st Section, Nanking East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2581-9825
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


2023.11 麵日和菜單 Men Biyori Menu




