Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet 》Irvine Japanese Buffet Restaurant | 南加州日本壽司海鮮吃到飽餐廳

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet爾灣的日本壽司海鮮吃到飽餐廳之一, 位於爾灣約翰韋恩飛機場 (John Wayne Airport) 附近.
(Closed Down) Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet is one of the All-you-can-eat Japanese Cuisine Buffet restaurants in Irvine. It is located near John Wayne Airport.

價格表在文末 Price List is at the end of article.


爸爸愛吃 Buffet, 從美國知名素食 “Souplantation Buffet” 到 “Bellagio Buffet”他都愛. 我個人較偏好這家日本料理 Buffet 和 “Bellagio Buffet”, 而不是偏美式的 Buffet. Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet 提供的食物品項當然無法跟台北的“欣葉”相比, 但在美國已經算是相當多元化.
Dad loves all kinds of Buffets, from “Souplantation Buffet” to “Bellagio Buffet”. I personally prefer Japanese cuisine Buffet and Bellagio Buffet. Of course Makino restaurant is not able to compared with Taipei “Shinyeh Restaurant”. But in America, Makino restaurant already has various options.



Japanese Cuisine Buffet
Price: USD $17.95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍


一整排新鮮海鮮握壽司任君選擇, 雖然生魚片與飯常分離, 但海鮮的鮮美度高最重要. 餐廳也為客人準備了各種美國人熟悉的日本壽司, 例如我在 “Ninja Sushi” 吃的彩虹壽司.手捲更是受到每位客人的喜愛, 因為單價較為昂貴, 可惜的是海苔稍微受潮變軟.
There are various seafood Nigiri. Even though the sashimi is not attached to the rice most of the time, it is delicious due to the fresh seafood. The restaurant also offers rainbow sushi, which I ordered at “Ninja Sushi”. The hand rolls are also every customers’ favorite since the price is higher. However, the seaweed is a bit softer.


炸天婦羅可以是美國人最能接受的日本菜餚之一, 餐廳準備了一整盤剛起鍋的炸蝦與炸蔬菜, 大概十分鐘內就會被清空, 口感出乎意料地酥脆, 完全不會軟爛, 我一連拿了好幾隻炸蝦. 餐廳也相當有誠意在味噌湯裡放入蛤蜊, 不再是只有味噌風味與小豆腐.
Tempura is probably one of the well-known Japanese dishes in America. Making restaurant prepares one tray of fried shrimps and one tray of fried vegetable. The taste is crispy and also hot. It is perfect since it is not soggy. Also, the chef team puts clams in the miso soup, which enhance its seafood flavor.



通常吃到飽餐廳都會有一些常見中式料理 (例如炒飯) 與美式料理 (例如牛排), 我通常都會選牛肉或是海鮮, Makino 廚師團隊連這些“附加”菜餚也是一點都不馬虎.
Every all-you-can-eat buffet in America has Chinese dishes (for example: stir-fried rice) and American dishes (for example, steaks. I often choose the steak and seafood. The taste is far more delicious than expected.



我通常都不會建議甜點部分, 但我相當推薦他們的棉花糖淋巧克力, 自己 DIY將棉花糖放進巧克力噴泉 (Chocolate Fountain), 他們的冰淇淋並沒有像台灣火鍋店放在外面, 而是放在廚房, 只需要與服務生要求一球冰淇淋即可.
I usually do not recommend dessert at all-you-can-eat restaurant. But, I strongly recommend everyone to try out their marshmallow with Chocolate. The customer would need to dip the marshmallow into the Chocolate fountain. I also asked the waitress for a scoop of ice cream from the kitchen. They usually don’t put ice cream outside.






店名: Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet
地址: 1818 Main St, Irvine, CA 92614 USA (Map)
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: N/A
Restaurant Name: Makino Sushi and Seafood Buffet
Address: 1818 Main St, Irvine, CA 92614, USA (Map)
Tel: 949-724-1204
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


