Taipei Bistro 》豊賀大酒家菜單份量原來可以做半份

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(2021.8月底結束營業) 豊賀大酒家台北永康街美食之一, 餐廳外面有大型烏魚子裝飾, 令人印象深刻, 這家東門站餐廳也可以歸類於台北餐酒館.
(Closed at end of August, 2021) Li Ho Bistro is one of the Taipei Yongkang Street Restaurants. It has the large mullet roes decoration on the outside.


豊賀大酒家 菜單 在文末 》Li Ho Menu is at the end of Article

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Li Ho Bistro Reservation and Minimum Charge

豊賀大酒家離東門站5號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 一路往永康街的 “好公道金雞園“ 方向走, 即可看到氣派黑色外觀的餐廳, 最令人矚目莫過於餐廳外面的大型烏魚子, 一樓有啤酒 On Tap , 鐵灰色桌椅象徵著常見的台灣街頭小吃桌椅, 二樓座位區比較適合團體, 感覺比較有快炒店的歡樂氣氛. 我跟朋友兩位則是坐在一樓靠窗的位置. 豊賀訂位則是採用網路訂位 ( ), 低消是一杯飲品/人.
Li Ho Bisto is about 10 ~ 15 minutes about No. 5 of Dongmen MRT station. You would need to walk pass “Golden Chicken Ranch Restaurant”. You would need to see the black color design restaurant. The most eye-catching part is the large mullet roes. First floor has beer on tap and silver-grey seats. 2nd floor is more for group gathering. My friend and I sat at the first floor near the window. You would need to make reservation via inline ( ). The minimum charge is one drink/person.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Xiao Long Bao 》東門好公道金雞園菜單價格很合理

延伸閱讀: 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide



You can order half portion of the dish at Li Ho Bistro?

首先我必須要說並「不是所有」豊賀大酒家菜餚都可以做半份, 需要一一確認. 那天用餐只有我與我朋友兩人, 正在為點菜而煩惱. 店員提到豊賀大酒家菜餚並不是台灣傳統桌菜類型, 而是偏向台灣小吃類型, 份量都不會太多, 而且將少數菜餚擺盤改為西式 Tapas Style. 為了讓客人可以嚐鮮, 少數豊賀大酒家菜餚是可以做半份. 以下 Review 我會照我喜歡的菜餚開始寫, 你也可以直接跳到文末看結論.
NOT EVERY DISH on the menu can be made into half portion. You would need to confirm with the staff. Since there are only my friend and I, we were worries about ordering dishes. The staff mentioned that Li Ho Bistro is toward traditional street food with creative display and cooking method. Some of the dishes display is similar with tapas style. In order to let the customer to try out various dishes, Li Ho Bistro allows customer to order half portion. I would start writing from my preference.



Li Ho Bistro Dishes


豊賀手拿雞飯 (半份)

Chicken Rice with Tapas Style (Half Portion)
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一份豊賀手拿雞飯有四個, 價格 NTD $240, 圖片裡則是半份 (兩個), 價格為 NTD $120. 平均 NTD $60/個. 可惜店家已經沒有賣豊賀滷虱目魚肚飯. 所以我們就點了這款澱粉類 – 豊賀手拿雞飯. 將醃製過的迷你雞肉切丁置放於方型鍋巴上, 入口的炸油蔥酥與雞油有台灣雞肉飯的架構與經典風味, 我完全沒有想到這道會是當天我最喜歡的餐點. 話說鍋巴最近很流行, 在”樓上見餐酒館“也吃到鍋巴代替白飯之類的概念.
One dish is NTD $240, and half potion is NTD $120 with 2 units. Each unit is NTD $60. It is sad that they do not offer the fish belly rice anymore. So, we decide to order this chicken rice with tapas style. The shallots and chicken oils are the basic structure and flavor of the traditional chicken rice. The deep-fried rice is quite trendy, which I tried once at “See You Bar & Restaurant“. Overall, it tastes quite delicious. I didn’t expect this dish would be my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》在台北新開幕樓上見餐酒館菜單點了哪些菜餚



Traditional Pudding
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

雖然名為古早味布丁, 卻與 “雞家莊”傳統古早味布丁完全不一樣. 豊賀古早味布丁食材包括馬茲卡邦乳酪 ( Mascarpone Cheese) , 而不是只有簡單的雞蛋,牛奶與砂糖. 吃起來口感很奇妙, 是介於奶酪與雞蛋布丁中間, 風味則是像 New York Cheese Cake 偏濃郁, 焦糖則是不會過甜. 整體算是不錯吃也很創新, 建議兩人點這款布丁分享.
Even though the dessert name is traditional pudding, it has nothing related to traditional. Using mascarpone cheese as one of the ingredients is quite creative. The texture is in between panna cotta and flan. The flavor is toward New York Cheese Cake. The caramel is not too sweet. Overall, it is yummy and creative. I would suggest two people to share this dessert.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦



Taiwanese Style Tempura – 2 Types
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

台式天婦羅已經深烙在許多台灣人的心裡, 市面上價格並不是像 “牡丹”價格比天高. 豊賀的雙拼天婦羅包括經典玉米豆腐與香港腳天婦羅, 份量各兩片. 名稱頗有創意, 香港腳天婦羅實際上是紫蘇葉包覆著臭豆腐與皮蛋內餡, 酥脆口感, 皮蛋風味多過於臭豆腐風味. 另一款玉米豆腐是玉米搭配牛奶, 吃起來比蛋豆腐更滑順與細緻, 因為需要手工與炸功, 價格比預期地高一些.
Taiwanese style Tempura price is not as high as the Japanese tempura. There are two types of tempura in this dish. First tempura is Shiso with thousand years old egg mixed with stinky tofu filling. The texture is crispy. There are more thousand years old egg flavor than the stinky tofu flavor. Second tempura is corn batch mixed with milk. It tastes much more silky and creamy than the egg tofu. Both are delicious but the price is a bit higher than expected.


豊賀鹹蛋花枝 (半份)

Salted Egg with Squid (Half Portion)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一份價格是 NTD $320. 圖片裡是半份豊賀鹹蛋花枝, 價格是 NTD $160. 炙燒花枝搭配鹹蛋黃沾醬帶有些西餐風格, 與 “千壽” 蛋黃慕斯泡沫狀不太相同. 我個人是偏不沾醬類型.
One dish is NTD $320 and the half portion is NTD $160. The grilled squid with salty egg sauce is toward western cuisine style. It is a bit different from the egg mousse foam at “Senju Japanese Restaurant“. However, I am the type that don’t like to dip my food into the sauce.

延伸閱讀: Senju Taipei 千壽 》台北日本料理推薦 (內有千壽菜單)


大口鯊魚煙 (半份)

Smoked Shark (Half Portion)
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一份價格為 NTD $480, 圖片裡是半份, 兩支 NTD $240, 平均 NTD $120/支. 我上次吃傳統鯊魚煙是在 “餵公子吃咖哩”包場. 這次在豊賀大酒家看到的鯊魚煙居然很像在美國吃到的 Corn Dog. 店員提到外層有客家桔醬與黃芥末. 一口咬下有酥脆口感, 鯊魚煙的傳統重度鹹香風味有被醬料蓋住一些, 帶給味蕾一些果香與辛香.
One dish is NTD $480, and the half portion is NTD $240. Each unit is NTD $120. Last time I tasted the traditional smoked shark was at “Feed the Curry”. Surprisingly at Li Ho Bistro, the appearance of this dish is like Corn Dog on the stick. There are orange sauce and mustard on the outside along with crispy texture. The salty smoked fish flavor is covered by the citric and spicy flavor.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚



Mullet Roe Lollipop
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

圖片裡為一份有兩支, 一支平均 NTD $80. 上方是客家桔醬軟糖, 底下才是烏魚子切塊, 我個人是比較偏好吃炙烤後的溏心烏魚子切片, 完全是個人主觀喜好.
One dish has two sticks. Each unit is NTD $80. The top is Hakka Orange candy. And the bottom is mullet roes slice. My preference would be the mullet roes with half-boiled texture.



Steamed Japanese Oyster
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我上次吃日本生蠔是在 “うな 岡心”, 當時是岡心生蠔單價 NTD $160, 這次在豊賀大酒家吃到的蒜蒸熊本生蠔有兩倍大, 兩人可以分享, 而且生蠔有經過蒸與蒜香調味,多汁程度不亞於我在 “英國生蠔海鮮小屋”吃到的英國生蠔.
Last time I had Japanese oyster was at “Una Okashin”. The unit price was NTD $160. Now at Li Ho Bistro, the steamed Japanese oyster with garlic flavor is about 2 times bigger. The juicy level is as much as the oyster that I tasted at the “Taipei British Oyster Shed”.

延伸閱讀: Una Okashin Eel Rice 》真心推薦台北 うな 岡心鰻魚飯

延伸閱讀: 英國生蠔海鮮小屋 》 Taipei British Oysters Shed | 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送



Cheese on a Stick
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一看就知道這道「 乳酪的起承轉合」在市集裡非常受到歡迎, 適合邊逛邊吃. 圖片裡是一份(兩支), NTD $140/支. 店員有解釋是用義大利進口的Taleggio 起司, 用異國食材結合台灣手工果醬製作成這款菜餚. 濃郁乳酪奶香搭配果醬的適量甜度是一種不同的體驗.
One dish has two sticks. Each unit is NTD $140. The cheese is Italian imported Taleggio Cheese. It pairs with Made-in-Taiwan jam. The thick milky flavor pairs great with fruity flavor. It is a new experience for me.


椒麻怪味雞 (半份)

Chicken with Peppercorn and Green Onion (Half)
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一份是 NTD $180 , 圖片裡是半份, 價格 NTD $90. 很明顯這道不是台灣人所知道的四川怪味雞, 豊賀是將青蔥帶給此道菜餚些許清爽, 辣油增加些許辛香風味, 舒肥雞肉頗嫩, 很適合下飯.
One dish is NTD $180. The picture is half portion, which is NTD $90. Obviously, it is not a traditional Sichuan cuisine. Li Ho Bistro chef uses green onion instead of spinach, which is quite refreshing. The hot oil enhances more spicy flavor. The chicken is overall quite tender. It would be great if pairing with rice.



Chicken Soup with Clams
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道大概是當天我吃到最具有台味的菜餚. 份量不多, 酒香迷人, 我只吃了蛤蜊, 朋友吃雞肉, 表現平平.
There aren’t much quantity. I only ate a few clams and my friend ate the chicken.Overall, it tastes average.



Sweet and Sour Pork Tenderloin
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一份為 NTD $380, 圖片裡是半份 NTD $190. 主廚將排骨改成里肌, 糖醋醬改成淋醬, 可能之前吃太多美版的糖醋排骨, 我個人比較不偏愛糖醋風味.
One dish is NTD $380 , and half portion is NTD $190. The chef changes pork ribs to pork tenderloin. The sweet and sour flavor would come from the sauce on the top. Maybe I ate too many American version of Sweet and Sour food, I am not exactly a fan of this particular flavor.



Loofa with Cordia Dichotoma
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我只吃了絲瓜, 所以不適合寫 Review.
I only ate the loofa. So, it wouldn’t be fair to review.


豊賀辣子牛頰肉 (半份)

Spicy Beef Cheek
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

一份為 NTD $480. 圖片為半份, 價格為 NTD $240. 我只吃一小口, 對不太吃辣的我來有些太辣.
One dish is NTD $480. The picture is half portion, which the price is NTD $240. I only ate a small bite since I don’t eat much spicy food.



Li HO Bistro Beverage

台啤 Taiwanese Beer


橄欖葉茶 Olive Leafs Tea



結論 Conclusion

豊賀大酒家是台式餐酒館, 但是並沒有像 “酒菜市場”有傳統下酒菜.  豊賀多數菜餚是以懷舊台灣小吃作為發想, 創造出全新風味組合與精緻擺盤, 喜歡創新風格的人適合來這裡. 建議 2 ~ 3 人, 以下皆是主觀的點菜建議:

✅ 每人低消一款飲料
✅ 豊賀手拿雞飯
✅ 古早味布丁: 2 人分享一個
✅ 雙拼天婦羅
✅ 再選一份澱粉類

Li Ho Bistro is a Taiwanese Bistro but without any traditional Taiwanese cuisine. Most dishes’ concept is originated from Taiwanese local street food. The chef twists the dish with creative cooking method and new ingredients. So, first, you would need to ask you if you can accept this new and creative style. It is more suitable for 2 ~ 3 people to visit here. However, the following suggested dish might not fulfill your appetite nor preference.

✅  Minimum Charge is one drink per person
✅ Chicken Rice with Tapas Style
✅ Traditional Pudding : 2 people can share one pudding
✅ Taiwanese Style Tempura – 2 Types
✅ Pick another starch dish

延伸閱讀:Taipei Local Bistro 》酒菜市場適合吃宵夜小酌的台北深夜食堂

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


豊賀大酒家 短秒影片


豊賀大酒家 資訊

Li Ho Bistro Information

餐廳: 豊賀大酒家
地址: 台北市大安區永康街34號 (Map)
捷運站: 東門捷運站
電話: 02-2393-0051
Restaurant: Li Ho Bistro
Address: No. 34, Yongkang Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2393-0051

豊賀大酒家 菜單 》 Li Ho Bistro Menu
