廚子市場 Le Marché de Cuistot 》台北內湖餐酒館推薦

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(結束營業) 廚子市場餐酒館 ( Le Marché de Cuistot )內湖美食餐廳之一, 廚子市場商業午餐相當受到內科上班族喜愛. 這次有榮幸可品嚐到主廚精心準備的歐陸料理.
(Closed Down ) Le Marché de Cuistot is one of the restaurants at Neihu District. Its price-friendly lunch set is quite popular at the area. Now, I have the honor to try out their cuisine.

廚子市場菜單在文末 Le Marché de Cuistot Menu is at the end of article


廚子市場餐廳位於西湖捷運站二號出口附近, 鄰近許多家知名科技公司 (例如 BenQ), 白晝時招牌相當明顯, 每到中午用餐時段, 人潮不斷湧進餐廳, 相當受到歡迎, 二樓空間讓許多內科老闆指定為部門聚餐地點. 到夜晚時, 廚子市場蛻變成歐陸小酒館, 餐廳挑高空間內有令人驚豔的酒瓶牆, 佇立在餐廳中央的一盞路燈更是彰顯異國風格, 文末影片有更詳細的內容. 我與朋友用餐是晚上, 也巧遇情侶在此約會用餐.
Le Marché de Cuistot Restaurant is near Xihu MRT station Exit 2, which is surrounded by many technology companies. The restaurant sign is quite obvious during the day. During the night, the atmosphere of Le Marché de Cuistot is similar with Bistro. Its wine bottle wall design and indoor streetlight decoration is surprisingly creative. The video at the end of article has more details. My friend and I visit here when it is dinner time. There are also couples dating at the restaurant.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide


我承認我最初以為廚子市場是類似松江南京捷運站附近的”土狗樂市 TOGO Market”, 是專門販售食材. 孰不知廚子市場是一家販售歐陸料理為主的餐廳, 勇於標註食材來源更是讓我佩服, 店內小黑板不定期有畢業於法國廚藝學校Ferrandi的主廚 KIM 私房料理. 廚子市場餐廳股東之一是法國甜點名校Ecole Lenôtre出身的甜點主廚 Mandy, 自創品牌 “閉眼睛 Kémaju” , 採用店中店的經營模式, 兩位主廚皆相當出色.
When I first came across Le Marché de Cuistot Restaurant, I thought it was a supermarket just like “TOGO Market”. However, it is a restaurant that offer various European cuisines. It is a great selling point that the chef indicates each ingredient details. Chef Kim, who is graduated from Ecole Grégoire-Ferrand, has many experiences at Food Industry. As for Pastry Chef Mandy, she is graduated from Ecole Lenôtre, creates her own brand – Kémaju.

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount





Fruit Salad with Burrata & Prosciutto
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

廚子市場廚師善用綠色蔬葉與淺紅色義大利肉品賦予最佳視覺組合, 藝術般的擺盤比 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房 ” 更令人難忘, 乳白色水牛起司 (Burrata Cheese) 如同半熟蛋般在菜餚的中央, 店員現場協助將柔軟水牛起司切割為 6 份, 再放置在生菜上, 整體擺盤視覺設計與繽紛聖誕節花圈相似. 這道綠意盎然菜餚裡的水果搭配(例如葡萄柚, 哈密瓜, 柑橘) 則是季節性更換, 我與朋友對主廚所選用的水果香甜程度讚不絕口, 微淡鹹香淡肉品意外地並不會將水果鮮甜與濃郁起司風味蓋住, 整體反倒是呈現多層次風味, 是少數兼具賣相與口味的菜色, 我會推薦建議四人共享.
The dish’s layout and color balance is perfect, which is much more better than “La Locanda Restaurant”. The Burrata Cheese shape is like half-boiled egg and placed in the center of the dish. The staff would assist separating the cheese into 6 pieces. The sliced grapefruit, honeydew, and tangerine are delicious and changed between season. The Prosciutto only has hints of meaty aroma. Therefore, there are several layers of flavors. I would recommend 4 people to share.


法國小麥麵包盤, 陳年紅酒橄欖油醋, 法國依思尼天然發酵奶油

Home-Made Bread, Olive Oil and Balsamic Dip, French Butter from Isigny AOC
Price: NTD $160 + NTD $30 + NTD $80 = NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

“BeApe 餐酒館“一樣皆是店家自己做的麵包, 當主廚解說時, 很難想像這道菜餚其實需要相當多專業經驗與堅持, 廚子市場廚師採用法國純淨小麥, 堅持親手揉製麵糰, 其他細節如黑色墨魚麵包是採用真正的墨魚汁,巧巴達不能太乾硬等每個環節皆會掌控,  我喜歡歐洲麵包的原始質樸. 比起陳年紅酒橄欖油醋的微青草味, 我個人偏好法國依思尼天然發酵奶油, 抹上厚厚一層奶油, 享受飽含堅果般香氣在口中散開.
Le Marché de Cuistot Restaurant chefs made their own bread from scratch, just like “BeApe Bistro”. Besides using the high-cost French wheat, the chef would need to be careful and in control with every detail. For example the squid ink percentage has to be perfect or the Ciabatta Bread texture cannot be too hard. Comparing with the olive oil and balsamic dip, I personally prefer the French brand butter. I love the nutty and creamy flavor in the mouth.




Mediterranean Style Calamari
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

雖然與“川賀居酒屋” 都是透抽為主食, 廚子市場的地中海香煎透抽則是有獨特醬汁, 飽滿顏色有如 “Port 23 Taipei “馬賽海鮮魚湯,  醬汁的濃郁海鮮風味襯托出鮮醇高湯, 味蕾隱約有感受到南洋辛香料, 口感已逼近湯品, 最特別的莫過於隱藏沈澱在料理底部的綿密馬鈴薯泥, 頓時成為配角的急凍透抽品嚐並不會過硬且易切, 這道是我當天最滿意的菜餚, 我會推薦兩人以上點這道料理時, 一定要搭配法國小麥麵包盤.
Both “Kawaga Izakaya” and Le Marché de Cuistot Restaurant have calamari dish. The warm orange color of sauce is similar with “Port 23 Taipei”‘s Bouillabaisse. This particular sauce has thick seafood flavor and the texture is almost like broth. When tasting the bread dipping with the sauce, the tastebuds would sense the South East Asia flavoring. The most surprisingly part would be the creamy smashed potato in the bottom. The calamari texture is tender as expected. This dish would be my dish of the day.  I would recommend this dish for 2 people to share with the bread platter.


巴黎皇家老饕牛排 8oz

Ribeye Top Cap Steak
Price: NTD $1880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

菜單上註明巴黎皇家老饕牛排是時價, 別擔心, 牛排大小對等多少價格會寫在黑板或是由店員告知, 主廚 Kim 提到牛排只用純淨鹽巴簡單調味, 整體牛排處理方式是我最愛的簡約烹飪方式, 也推薦五分熟, . 我與朋友分享這道 8oz 牛排,熱騰騰的牛排已事先切開, 再切成小塊時並不會多筋難切, 沒有熟成的複雜點綴也可以相當嫩與美味. 店員也告知廚子市場有準備跟”A Cut Steak House” 類似的芥末籽與法國鹽之花讓客人自行調味, 我個人是喜歡原始粗獷的肉味.
The menu indicated that you would need to ask the price of Ribeye Top Cap Steak. But, no worries, the price also would be written on the black board. Chef Kim mentions that she only uses salt to do the simply flavoring. When tasting the medium-rare steak, the texture is tender and delicious. The staff also prepares different typse of flavoring, for example, mustard seeds and Fleur de sel, just like at “A Cut Steak House”. However, I personally like the steak with its original flavor.



Chicken Pasta with Peeled Chili
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主廚 Kim 提到幾乎每道料理背後都有一個故事, 剝皮辣椒雞肉麵則是有一天客人詢問有無台灣在地食材做的歐陸料理, 想給國外客人試試. 於是這道東西飲食文化合併的剝皮辣椒雞肉麵就此誕生, 受歡迎度極高.廚子市場的義大利麵條並非用常見的壓麵機製作, 而是用職人手作手工新鮮麵糰, 而且不用一滴水, 也運用成本較高的烏骨雞蛋.我將寬義大利麵夾入盤中, 興奮地品嚐偏軟義大利麵條, 吸汁程度一流, 小辣程度的醬汁帶給舌尖辛香衝擊, 若辛辣程度需要更高, 也可再加店家自行調配的紅色辣油與獨特青醬. 雞肉表層酥脆且不會過焦, 整體辣味不會過重而蓋住微微肉香, 我會推薦給愛吃辣的人.
Chef kim mentioned that every dish has its own story. The customer once asked if the restaurant use any Taiwanese ingredient to mix with European style cuisine. Therefore, the chef creates this fusion dish, which is unexpectedly popular. The great part would be the chef made the pasta without water from scratch by hand instead of machine. The spicy flavor from the pasta stimulates the tastebuds. If the customer prefers more spicy flavor, they can add the red spicy oil and the unique green color sauce. The chicken meat is tender with crispy skin. The overall chicken meat is not too spicy to cover the meaty flavor. I would recommend this dish to people who prefer spicy food.




Brownie with Strawberry & Pistachio Ice Cream
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款甜點不在菜單上, 算是每日不定期甜點之一,我相當期待這款甜點, 因為甜點主廚 Mandy 提到巧克力食材是用國際知名法芙娜品牌 (Valhorna) 時, 甜點份量夠兩人分享, 端上桌時, 店員也提到開心果食材來自義大利西西里而非美國, 而且要趕緊品嚐, 因為巧克力布朗尼就像熔岩蛋糕般炙熱, 一口巧克力搭配一口冰淇淋, 也許這就是所謂的小確幸.
This dessert is not on the regular menu. It is almost like daily surprise dessert. I was expecting this dessert since Pastry Chef Mandy uses the famous Valhorna brand Chocolate. The quantity is suitable for two people to share. The pistachio is originated from Sisley, Italy instead of America. The customer would need to eat the Pistachio ice cream fast since the brownie is hot. I am simply in love with this dessert .



Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

“帶我走,米蘇先生” 其實就是眾人所知的提拉米蘇, 但是品嚐第一口時, 先是品嚐道濃郁咖啡風味, 後來則是嗅到濃郁酒香, 詢問之下原來酒香來自過桶Amaronis, 白蘭地, 和無過桶 Grappa 三種不同的酒. 我朋友一邊吃一邊與我開玩笑說 “不喝酒的人吃完這道料理後應該會醉吧”, 這道甜點是我在台北吃過有最濃郁酒味的提拉米蘇, 相當特別.
When tasting the first bite at the Tiramisu, I sense strong coffee flavor. But, the tastebuds sense strong alcohol flavor afterwards. The pastry chef mentioned that she added three types of alcohol – Amaronis, Brandy , and Grappa. This dessert probably contains more alcohols that I ever tried. It is quite special.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 廚子市場 Le Marché de Cuistot
地址: 台北市內湖區基湖路3巷11號 (Map)
捷運站: 西湖捷運站
電話: 02-2659-8590
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Website: https://www.facebook.com/lemarchedecuistot/
Restaurant: Le Marché de Cuistot
Address: No.11, 3rd Lane, Jihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xihu MRT Station
Tel: 02-2659-8590
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


廚子市場菜單 》Le Marché de Cuistot Menu


MENU LINK: https://www.facebook.com/lemarchedecuistot/menu/



