料理科學 Book Review 》150 KITCHEN SCIENCE | Robert L. Wolke 著作

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

每次到信義誠品去看書時, 總是會看到“料理科學”這本黑白封面的書放在3樓的飲食相關區域, 偶爾會去翻內容, 但總是覺得科學這兩個字聽起來離我太遙遠, 直到看到一篇“以酒入菜, 料理更美味??”後, 就決定買這本書.
Every time I went to Eslite Xinyi Bookstore, I always see the black and white cover “150 Kitchen Science” at the 3F shelf. I sometimes turn a few pages to read but never seemed to be interested in this book. Science sounds a bit too abstract to me until I saw one chapter about “Cook with wine will make the dish more delicious?!”.

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Book Name 書籍名稱: 料理科學 ( 150 KITCHEN SCIENCE- What Einstein Told His Cook 2)
Author 作家: Robert L. Wolke 著作
ISBN: 978-986-5683-61-0
** This book is translated book. It has English version **
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大致上整理出細讀後這本書的的特色和重點 There are a few selling points about this book!


Robert L. Wolke是華盛頓週報 “Food 101”專欄的作家

Rober L. Wolke is “Food 101” Column writer at Washington Post

華盛頓週報 (Washington Post) 跟 紐約時報 (New York Times) 都是在美國具有權威性的媒體, 每個專欄作家都有”好幾把刷子“, 此外, Robert L. Wolke還是個化學博士, 有誰比他更適合解說關於食物科學? 但那時我有自問, 難道台灣人沒有出這種書嗎? 即使有, 誠品也沒有賣, 我想應該是屬於教科書類別吧.
Robert L. Wolke is “Food 101” column writer at Washington Post. Both New York Times and Washington Post are very respective medias at US. Also, Robert L. Wolke is also a chemistry professor. Who would be the better person to write about food science? However, during the time, I was asking myself if any Taiwanese write this kind of book. But I couldn’t find any at Eslite bookstore since it might be in the textbook category.



Consider this book as Wiki

“以酒入菜, 料理更美味??”這一篇提到, 每個人都知道加酒入菜可以增加各種不同的風味, 但是大部分的人都不知道理由, 文章中就解釋“酒精在鍋中和氧化物產生作用, 而形成醛類 (Aldehyde), 這種化學混合物是杏仁, 肉桂和香草的香味來源”.”, 雖然可能過兩天之後就會忘記, 但至少有一本書可以當作百科全書也不錯, 不需要再被網路誤導.
Eeveryone knows that cooking with wine will make the dish more delicious. However, most people don’t know the reason though. The article explain that alcohol interacts with certain foods might form “Aldehyde”, which has mixed almond, cinnamon and vanilla aroma. Even though I might forget within two days, but at least there would be a hardcopy wiki at home.


這本書其實是以一問一答的方式, 所以裡面的問題大部分都是讀者會問的, 並不會太學術化.
This book is mostly like Q & A. So, basically, readers asked questions instead of all theory related.


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論



