鎌倉咖啡 》 忠孝復興捷運站下午茶 | Kamakura Cafe

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(2018.12.30 結束營業) 台北忠孝復興捷運站有一家在鎌倉襯衫西裝店裡的咖啡店, 名為鎌倉珈琲, 寬敞庭院與手沖咖啡為其特色.
(Closed at 2018.12.30) Kamakura Cafe, which is near Zongshiao Fuxing MRT station, is located inside a Kamakura Shirts suit store. Its backyard seats and hand drip coffee are their best selling points.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

直接從忠孝復興捷運站3號出口往大安路一段方向走, 會先看到 “初衣食午山蘭居”, 往前走即可看到鎌倉襯衫旗艦店的廣告,跟 “瑪黑家居選物”概念相似, 這是一家複合式餐廳. 從西裝店正門進去, 可先看到 Made in Japan 鎌倉品牌男女西裝. 咖啡店櫃台則是在通往庭院的後門旁. 西裝店裡座位跟 “慢慢弄乳酪坊” 一樣皆是長桌, 在綠意盎然襯托下, 坐在庭院座位較為愜意. 當天因為庭院座位已滿, 我則是坐在室內長桌.
You can walk from Exit No.3 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station toward Da’an road. You would see “Onefifteen store” first, than arrive at the front door of Kamakura Shirts suit store. The operation style is similar with “Marais Taipei”, which combines brand and cafe. The cafe counter is next to the pathway to the backyard. The long table inside is similar “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. As for the backyard seats, it is cozy with comfortable atmosphere.


一位日本籍老闆與一位日本籍員工忙進忙出, 用流利中文與客人交談, 完全沒有想像中的隔閡. 後來聊天得知老闆是來自日本新潟的前田光 Hikaru Maeda (阿光師), 身兼料理長的他在台北行天宮附近的”潮人物咖啡書房“也有提供日本家鄉料理.
The cafe only has two people- one is Hikaru Maeda (the owner) and another Japanese staff. Both are fluent in Chinese and English. The owner also has another small restaurant/cafe that offers Japanese local cuisine at “Coffee Den” near Hsing Tian Kong MRT station.


法蘭絨濾布手沖咖啡 (熱)

English Name: Pour over coffee (Hot)
Promotional Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
備註: NTD$150 是目前試營運價

菜單上提到用的咖啡豆是日本新潟縣“雪室咖啡豆”, 如字面上的意思, 就是生咖啡豆保存在零下低溫空間, 日本人稱之為 “低溫熟成咖啡豆”, 優點是雜味成分降低, 間接減輕擾人的苦味. 此款咖啡跟”Tzubi Coffee”一樣皆是透澈單品黑咖啡, 剛開始喝起來只有微酸滋味與煙燻風味, 沈穩苦味隨著咖啡入口而察覺到, 尾韻後勁強且深厚, 這不是一款初學者可理解的咖啡, 我只會推薦給平日有喝單品咖啡習慣的人.
The coffee bean is very special (and difficult to translate). The raw coffee bean is aged (resting) at the frozen closed environment at Niigata ken, Japan. The process can limit its bitterness. Same as “Tzubi Coffee”, this coffee color is transparent black. At the beginning, there is only hints of acidity with smoked flavor. The bitterness only appears after 2nd sip. However, its thick flavor lasts longer than expected. I would recommend to this coffee to people who drink pour over coffee frequently.



English Name: Flan with brown sugar
Combo Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
備註: 搭配飲料 NTD $100 , 搭配餐點 NTD $90

因為朋友推薦, 我毫不猶豫點了布丁甜點. 布丁外層帶有少許空隙, 意味著手工痕跡, 記憶中的布丁甜點是嫩到切開時會崩塌, 鎌倉珈琲製作的布丁與眾不同, 紮實口感裡, 沖繩黑糖的柔融入布丁, 甜味不會過重, 整體算是不錯.
I ordered Flan because a friend recommended. There are a few gaps in between the appearance, which means that it is hand-made. The texture is firm, which is great. The brown sugar is from Okinawa, Japan. It is not overly sweet. Overall, the taste is delicious comparing with other flans at Taipei City.



English Name: Pour over Coffee with Milk and Brown Sugar (Ice)

Promotional Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
備註: NTD$150 目前試營運價

關於這款咖啡, 阿光師採用的咖啡豆來自巴西, 淺褐色冰咖啡的咖啡因並不濃烈, 沖繩黑糖香氣和濃醇鮮乳香造就不同的咖啡歐蕾, 不會死甜, 且不會過於稀釋, 若是嚮往奶味重的人可嘗試.
As for this coffee, the coffee bean is from Brazil. The light brown ice coffee with milk is not very strong. Combines with Okinawa brown sugar and silky milk, this coffee upgrades to many layers of flavor. If you like the milk flavor or aroma, I would recommend this coffee.


English Name: Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這ㄧ道義大利料理是我二訪時才吃到. 數不清艷紅色蕃茄, 少許青綠色羅勒與米色蒜片, 捲起少許麵, 尚未入口前已聞到清新初榨橄欖油與新鮮蕃茄香氣, 麵的硬度與酸度皆適中, 無庸置疑香氣與風味充足, 此外會附一杯蕃茄熱湯. 因為阿光師注重食材, 菜單上每道料理不定期更換,下一次去不一定會有.
I ordered this dish at my second visit. There are lots of tomato, basils, and sliced garlic. The pasta is full of refreshing extra virgin oil and fresh tomato aroma. The texture of the pasta is quite hard, which is good. This dish also comes with a cup of hot tomato soup. Since the chef insists on the freshest of the ingredients, the menu changed frequently. So, this dish might not be on the menu next time you visit.


皇家濃醇鮮奶茶 (熱)

English Name: Milk Tea
Promotional Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

茶葉是採用法國知名 Janat 品牌的錫蘭紅茶, 鮮奶風味濃郁, 茶的部分很可惜並不是很明顯.
The chef uses the Ceylon Tea from the famous French brand Janat. This hot milk tea is full of milky flavor but lacks of black tea flavor though.


延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide




店名: 鎌倉珈琲本店
地址: 台北市大安區大安路一段98號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
電話:02 2775 2856
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kamakuracafe/
Restaurant Name: Kamakura café
Address: No. 98, 1st Section, Da’an Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02 2775 2856
Operation Hour: Check Facebook



