K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert

Last Updated on 2020-05-20 by Foodelicious

K. Lab 甜點實驗室位於信義區後山埤捷運附近, 是一家五分埔甜點店, 與“深夜裡的法國手工甜點”一樣皆是手工法國甜點, 而且營業時間一樣誇張地短, 但蛋糕款式截然不同.
K. Lab Dessert Shop is located near Blue Line Houshan Pi MRT station at Taipei Xinyi District. However, their operation hour is extremely odd and short.


刻板印象中, 頂級法國甜點與五分埔商家兜不上關係, 原本以為找尋 “K. Lab 甜點實驗室” 會像尋寶一樣, 但是其實走進五分埔內, 店家招牌採用法國香奈兒 (Chanel) 的黑白色調在眾多五顏六色的服飾店家中顯得更為明顯.
K. Lab’s location is at Taipei “Wu Fen Bu” area, which is a clothing wholesalers shopping district. It would be hard to connect this elegant French dessert to the nearby stores, which are selling low-cost cloths and foods. Finding this dessert is easy since Its Chanel black and white sign is quite obvious.



兩張高腳椅放置在小坪數的工作室外, 讓客人可以現場品嚐到K老闆精心製作的甜點, 不用在家等黑貓宅配或小心翼翼地拎著甜點. 值得一提的是,不是所有甜點當天都會有 (除非預定) , 跟小驢館一樣需要事先詢問老闆, 以免撲空.
Two high chairs are placed outside the workshop. So, the customers can taste K. Lab’s dessert outside their shop instead of waiting for shipping company or carry the dessert to-go. However, similar with Little Donkey Dessert Shop, not every dessert is available (unless reserve it) . It would better to message them before going.



B52 甜點

English Name: B52 Dessert
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

在某場品酒會時有品嚐過 “畬室Yu Chocolatier”特製的威士忌巧克力, 但因為威士忌風味太過強烈, 並不是非常地喜歡K.Laboratoire 甜點實驗室則是屬於比較柔和的調酒系列甜點.
At some random whisky event, I tried “Yu Chocolatier”’s raw whisky chocolate. It is way too strong for my taste. K.Laboratoire dessert is more like light cocktail dessert, which I prefer for the dessert category.



三層截然不同的色調, 三種不同口感, 燦爛亮黃的白蘭地橙酒凍表面有著柳橙切片,K. LAB 做到“凍”最高境界, 也就是維持鏡面般視覺感, 而且並不會有任何酒的風味, 單一吃酒凍則是會有具有迷人的柳橙風味, 建議搭配象牙白色的貝禮詩奶酒慕斯, 我對貝禮詩奶酒的印象是即使加了冰塊或加入調酒, 都有令我卻步的濃郁牛奶糖風味, 但B52 甜點的慕斯是屬於較為輕盈但也綿密的口感, 奶香味是點到為止.
Three different colors accompany with three different tastes. Bright yellow mixed Cointreau and Brandy jelly is on the top along with one slice of orange. The appearance of the jelly is moist instead of dry. However, the taste doesn’t have any alcohol flavor, instead, it has orange aroma with sweet fruity flavor. I would suggest to eat the jelly with Bailey mousse, which is the second layer. The mouse is light but has creamy texture with milky flavor.



B52 甜點裡的咖啡酒手指餅乾可以說是這道甜點的重頭戲, 卡魯哇咖啡酒幾乎在多數甜點店都會看到, 但是很多店家都是加即溶咖啡增加更多咖啡風味, 我後來上Facebook 查這款甜點時, 發現 K Lab 是用深烘豆的濃縮咖啡, 難怪品嚐起來咖啡香味如此的濃郁, 咖啡酒的風味則是跟隨著手指餅乾入口, 有奶酒慕斯平衡風味, 不至於有過多的黑咖啡苦味.
KAHLUA is most-seen cocktail or dessert ingredients is bakery or dessert shops. Most bakeries would also add instant coffee to add more coffee flavor. However, K. Lab add expresso to enhance its coffee aroma and flavor. The ladyfingers has strong coffee flavor as expected. It can be balanced with the Bailey Mousse from the second layer.



NTD $160 是值得, 因為除了以上高成本的酒精外, 店家也忠於用來自法國的原料 (例如麵粉, 奶油乳酪, 鮮奶油), 下次去應該會去品嚐他們的 “Mojito 法式薄荷檸檬塔“, 裸巧克力的部份就期待看未來有哪家酒商要跟他們合作.
NTD $160 is worth it because K. Lab uses raw ingredients from France, such as flour, cream…etc. If I visit again, I might try their Mojito Lemon Tart. As for the raw chocolate, I would wait for the whisky taste event if they cooperate with the whisky importer.








店名: K. LAB 甜點實驗室
地址: 台北市永吉路459巷5弄29號 (MAP)
捷運站: 後山埤捷運
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K.Laboratoire/
Restaurant: K. LAB
Address: No.29, 5th Alley, 459th Lane, Yongji Road , Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: Houshan Pi MRT station
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

