板前屋 》台北職人等級鰻魚飯推薦 | Taipei Eel Rice

Last Updated on 2020-01-05 by Foodelicious

台北南港板前屋全名為板前屋炭烤鰻魚飯, 不僅在我的台北鰻魚飯推薦餐廳名單裡, 也是饕客推薦的南港展覽館站美食.
Itamae-ya eel rice restaurant is one of the Nangang District restaurants. It is also on my Taipei Eel Rice recommendation list.

板前屋菜單在文末 Itamae-ya Menu is at the end of article


板前屋鰻魚飯最靠近南港展覽館捷運站五號出口, 步行只需 10 ~ 15 分鐘左右, 南港板前屋附近停車場眾多 (圖一& 圖二), 但都有些距離, 我是打電話到板前屋訂位, 也可透過 inline ( https://pse.is/KE3DE ) 訂位. 板前屋外觀像串燒居酒屋, 板前屋 logo 和 台北中山區 “江戶川 logo “ 皆有鰻魚圖示, 這家餐廳有多人的戶外座位, 室內座位有如同 ”天母鳥哲“的板前座位, 可觀察到廚師們的炭烤區,用餐氣氛很適合上班族, 在觀察四周的同時也看到活鰻水族箱, 店員告知板前屋是採用台灣雲林鰻魚, 也就是外銷日本水準的高成本鰻魚.
Itamae-ya eel rice restaurant is near Nangang Exhibition Hall MRT station Exit 5. It only takes about 10 ~ 15 minutes of walk to arrive the restaurant. There are parking lots around the area (Pic 1 & Pic 2), but it is further than expected. I call to reserve the seat, but you can also reserve via inline ( https://pse.is/KE3DE ). The restaurant appearance is like a Izakaya. Similar with “Edogawa Restaurant”, it also has eel in the logo. There are outdoor seats and also counter seats like “TORI TETSU Restaurant”. The customer can see the chefs grilling foods at the counter area. There are live eels at the aquarium. The staffs mentions that they offer Taiwanese eels, which is much more high-cost and high quality.

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯懶人包 》TAIPEI EEL RICE GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》江戶川鰻魚飯 | Taipei Eel Rice

延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵



Fried Eel Fin Side Meat
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

其實我本來想點Prime牛小排串燒, 可惜缺貨, 因此點了另一道料理. 南港板前屋提供全鰻料理, 我上次吃到鰻魚鰭邊肉是在台北中山區 “魚庒”, 最大的不同是“魚庒”是用串燒方式, 板前屋是用炸的方式.  這道菜餚份量頗多, 鰭邊肉外觀絲毫沒有令人卻步的油亮, ㄎㄠˇ一聲酥脆度極高, 整體不會過鹹,餐廳也提供芥末與醬油讓客人多些辛辣感, 涮嘴程度已經是下酒菜代表作, 這道菜餚我比較推薦給兩個人分享.
I was going to order grilled prime rib, but sadly it is short-storage. So, I order the other dish. I ate similar eel fin side meat at “Unagi Osho Restaurant”. The most difference would be in Itamae-ya eel rice restaurant, the meat is deep fried. There are fair amount of meats with less oily appearance. The crispy sound is quite attractive. The overall taste is not too salty. The restaurant also prepares wasabi and soy sauce for enhance the spicy flavor. I would recommend this dish for 2 people to share.

延伸閱讀: 台北中山區鰻魚飯 》在魚庒吃鰻魚飯彷彿在日本用餐 | Taipei Eel Rice.



Eel Rice with sauce
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

板前屋和“梅子鰻魚餐廳”一樣採用台灣雲林鰻魚, 菜單上有蒲燒鰻魚飯和白燒鰻魚飯, 並不像 “うな 岡心” 需要預約白燒鰻魚飯. 皆有附魚肉味噌湯和小菜. 廚師處理活鰻完後, 先烤鰻魚後蒸, 再仔細清除剩餘的魚刺後, 刷蒲燒醬再烤一次, 板前屋鰻魚外觀並不是深褐色, 小心翼翼地吃一口淺褐色鰻魚, 外層並沒有像“小倉屋”一樣酥脆, 從切面看起來油脂充足, 吃起來是偏軟嫩肥美, 伴隨著炭烤鹹香味入口, 最重要的是我終於吃到無刺鰻魚! 我也蠻喜歡板前屋的飯攪拌著足夠蒲燒醬入口, 整體吃起來價格 NTD $380 很划算. 若是兩位用餐, 我會推薦一人蒲燒鰻魚飯, 另外一位點白燒鰻魚飯.
Same as “UMEKO Japanese Restaurant”, Itamae-ya restaurant also uses Taiwanese eel. The menu has both eel rice with or without sauce. It doesn’t need to reserve the eel rice without sauce prior like at “Una Okashin Japanese Restaurant”. It also comes with miso soup and appetizer. The chef would grill the eels a bit, steam it and grill again with sauce. The appearance of the eel is not dark brown. The appearance is not as crispy as “Kokuraya restaurant”. There are fair amount of fats, which enhance the tenderness of the eel meat. The tastebuds would sense the smoky flavor along with salty flavor. And the most important part is that the eel is clean without any tiny thorn. I also like the sauce mix with the rice. Overall, NTD $380 is worth it. I would suggest one person order the sauce, and the other person order without the sauce.

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》梅子鰻屋不僅有鰻魚飯也有日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

延伸閱讀: Una Okashin Eel Rice 》真心推薦台北 うな 岡心鰻魚飯

延伸閱讀: 小倉屋 Kokuraya 》國父紀念館捷運站鰻魚飯日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice



Price: NTD $150/壺
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

板前屋飲料菜單有清酒,梅酒,可爾必思, 沙瓦和其他飲品. 我點了一壺冷清酒搭配酥炸鰻魚鰭邊肉和鰻魚飯.
tamae-ya eel rice restaurant menu has sake, umesha, calpis, and other drinks. I order a cold sake pairing with fried eel fish side meat and eel rice.


  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




店名: 板前屋炭烤鰻魚飯
地址: 台北市南港區研究院路一段88號 (Map)
捷運站: 南港展覽館捷運站
電話: 0958-787-898
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csjbcw88
Restaurant: Itamae-ya Eel Rice Restaurant
Address: No. 88, Section 1, Academia Road, Nangang District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nangang Exhibition Hall MRT station
Tel: 0958-787-898
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


板前屋菜單 》 Itamae-ya Eel Rice Menu



