IKKI Restaurant 》在藝奇新日本料理享受微醺餐酒會與日式浴衣體驗

Last Updated on 2019-03-20 by Foodelicious

藝奇 ikki 新日本料理餐廳西門站日本料理餐廳之一, 我這次在藝奇新日本料理台北衡陽店參加難得一見的 2019 春旬新菜上市餐酒會.
ikki Japanese Restaurant is one of the Japanese Restaurants near Xinmen MRT station. I have the opportunity to attend to their 2019 Spring Menu Dish & Sake Dining Event.


藝奇日本料理菜單在文末 ikki Japanese Restaurant Menu is at the end of article


王品集團近年新創相當多品牌 (例如: “12MINI鍋“ , “青花驕火鍋“ , “乍牛” ), 藝奇 ikki 新日本料理同樣也是王品集團旗下的一個品牌, 在台灣有許多家分店, 台北衡陽店位於西門捷運站四號出口附近, 紅底黑字的餐廳招牌在車水馬龍裡相當顯眼, 餐廳一樓內部裝潢以艷紅色與時尚黑為主調, 處處可見日本風格裝飾, 舒適座位區適合家庭或朋友聚會, 藝奇 ikki 新日本料理菜單以套餐制為主,加上當季名物加價購.
Wowprime Group has established many brands, such as “12 Mini Hot Pot” , “Za Beef Restaurant” and also Nikki Japanese restaurant. It has many branches at Taiwan. The Hengyang branch is located near Xinmen MRT station Exit 4. The restaurant sign and its indoor decoration are both full of Japanese style. The comfortable seating zone is suitable for family gathering as well. The restaurant offers dining sets along with seasonal dishes.


延伸閱讀: 12MINI鍋 》 南京復興捷運站平價個人火鍋 | Taipei Hot Pot

延伸閱讀: 乍牛 炸牛排專賣餐廳 》 新開幕 | 王品集團餐廳 | Fried Beef Restaurant


藝奇 ikki 新日本料理每一季都會舉辦一次餐酒會, 只需注意 Facebook 粉絲頁公告報名即可 ( https://www.facebook.com/ikki.cuisine/ ),  這次2019春季餐會是NTD $768/每人的超值價格, 男女皆可體驗穿著日本浴衣品嚐美食, 也邀請到專業唎酒師搭配餐酒與現場解說,  餐廳準備網美燈與具美感的背板在二樓, 店員協助拍照也用拍立得照相, 以烏來綻放的春櫻喧染出春天粉嫩風格, 這次餐酒會菜單裡共有五道菜搭配三款酒, 市面上餐酒會價格大約是四位數,  這場餐酒會可媲美酒商舉辦的餐酒會, 價格卻是只有三位數.
ikki Japanese Restaurant hosts this type of event each season. The restaurant will post the related information at Facebook Fan Page ( https://www.facebook.com/ikki.cuisine/ ).  2019 Spring Event price is  NTD $768/person, which is reasonable. The guest can dress in traditional Japanese Yukata (english: bathrobe) and dine. The staff will assist taking pictures with beautiful background. I personally think that it is such a great experience with sakura indoor decoration. There are 5 dishes pairing with three alcohols, which are prepared by the professional Sake Sommelier and the restaurant. The ikki’s event is surprisingly above average standard comparing with other food pairing events.



藝奇 ikki 新日本料理 2019 春季餐酒會

2019 春季餐酒會價格: NTD $768/每人 (已加服務費)
備註: 每次活動保留些微變動彈性
ikki Japanese Restaurant 2019 Spring Menu Dish & Sake Dining Event.
2019 Spring Menu Price: NTD $768/per person (including service charge)
Remark: The event price may vary next time

春季菜單主要優惠活動: 憑網路優惠券來店點購 2 份新日本料理套餐,即可獲贈「花見石燒牛」一份
Spring Menu Promotion: Order 2 sets with the E-Coupon, the guest can get one “Stone Grilled Beef”
優惠卷連結 E-Coupon Link : http://events.wowprime.com/ikki/eDM/1903_flower.html


迎賓酒: 春分啤酒

Taiwan Plum Ale
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

每位穿著日式浴衣的客人入座後, 藝奇 ikki 發揮巧思將梅子與冰塊放入長腳杯, 當店員注入啤酒至杯中的同時, 主持人解說這款啤酒是來自台灣知名精釀啤酒廠-啤酒頭, 而這款春分啤酒則是啤酒頭最受歡迎的24 節氣系列之一. 春分啤酒是採用台灣南投信義鄉梅子製作而成, 與酵母發酵麥汁相輔相成造就這款啤酒. 杯中的梅子將啤酒花苦味降到最低, 先嗅到濃郁果香, 整體品酌後有更多梅子清甜風味, 啤酒氣泡的彈跳在舌尖, 這是一款酒類初學者會相當喜愛的迎賓酒.
After seating, the staff places the plum and ice into the glass. While pouring in, the host mentions that this Taiwan Plum Ale is from Taiwan Head Brewers Brewing Company. The brewery uses Taiwan Nantou Plum. The actual plum in the glass decreases the bitterness from the beer hops. The nose would sense the thick fruity aroma. The overall taste is refreshing along with the fair amount of stimulation.


湯品: 樹子牛蒡湯

Soup: Burdock and Pork Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

藝奇 ikki 新日本料理餐廳以土窯蒸風格用茶壺容器來裝湯品, 一人一壺且可續, 湯品份量比想像地多. 樹子是台灣的破布子, 湯品裡的破布子口感類似蓮子, 並不會過硬, 微鹹一部分是來自柴魚高湯, 另一部分吸收了排骨燉煮出來的精華, 味蕾時不時會感受到牛蒡獨特風味, 湯頭清甜也同時勾勒出現代人講求的養生風格.
ikki Japanese Restaurant places the soup in the tea pot, just like Dobin Soup. The quantity is much more than expected. The broth is stewed with pork ribs, burdocks and cordia dichotma. The cordia dichotomy tastes similar with lotus seed in such soft texture. The soup has meaty flavor along with the burdock unique flavor.


先付: 櫻雪山藥玉子

Appetizer: Chinese Yam and Salmon Roe Salad
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

先付如同開胃菜, 此款菜餚設計帶有色彩繽紛風格, 也同時有日料DNA, 廚師先將蛋豆腐放入底層, 依序置放山藥與晶瑩剔透鮭魚卵, 值得一提的是藝奇 ikki 廚師團隊將象牙白色山藥做成類似細冷麵外觀, 我上次吃到山藥是在”覓蔬食鍋餐廳”, 而且是一整塊未切山藥, 反倒是在其他日本料理較少看到山藥這項食材, 相較之下, 我個人比較喜愛藝奇 ikki 山藥口感綿密中帶有的脆口感, 建議與底層的經典日本甜醬油一起入口, 或是搭配充滿海鮮味的鮭魚卵, 有甜有鹹, 為這道料理帶來多元化的風味, 蛋豆腐的滑順則是無庸置疑.
This dish design is colorful and beautiful. ikki Japanese Restaurant chef places the egg tofu, which tastes tender, at the bottom. The snowy white Chinese yam appearance is similar with vermicelli. Last time I ate Chinese yam was at “MI’S VEGAN Hot Pot Restaurant “. But, I prefer ikki restaurant’s Chinese yam texture, which is a bit creamy but yet crispy. I would suggest to eat the yam with the sweet classic Japanese soy sauce. The roes can also bring seafood flavor to the tastebuds.

延續: 台北信義區素食火鍋 》 覓蔬食鍋餐廳 | Taipei Vegetarian


清酒: 山口庭之鶯 氣泡酒 純米吟釀

Sake: Sparkling Pink
ABV: 13%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款清酒是搭配櫻雪山藥玉子. 近年來, 多數台灣人對清酒的認知越來越多, 但大部分台灣人都是聽過卻沒有喝過, 這次在藝奇 ikki 春季餐酒會菜單上看到日本氣泡酒時, 我可以說是滿懷期待, 這次餐廳準備的是來自日本福岡縣的山口酒造庭之鶯氣泡酒 Sparkling Pink. 專業唎酒師講解這款氣泡酒是純米吟釀二次發酵的氣泡酒, 除了經典細緻氣泡在彈跳外, 微甜與微酸與多數台灣人對甜度高的氣泡酒有些不同, 我會推薦給喜歡香檳口感的人,
Many Taiwanese start to know more about Japanese sake. However, most people did not try the sake that they learned about. Sake Sommelier prepares this Sparkling Sake to pair with the Chinese Yam and Salmon Roe salad. The sparkling is from the second fermentation method, just like champagne. The hints of sweet and acidity is different from the classic sweet champagne. I would recommend this sake to people who like champagne.



Raw Shrimp Sashimi
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜單上寫點套餐加 NTD $188 即可有這道胭脂蝦刺身 (五隻) . 氣派擺盤讓我聯想到之前在 “鐵支火鍋”的海鮮拼盤, 艷紅蝦刺身擺在透澈碎冰上, 對比美學讓主角胭脂蝦刺身更亮眼, 我會建議先吃不沾醬的原味, 鮮脆但並沒有多餘海鮮風味, 我會建議沾一旁的柚子芥末醬, 讓芥末刺激舌尖, 短暫地讓味蕾變敏銳, 可感受到更多風味.
The menu stated that this raw shrimp sashimi dish is only NTD $188 extra charge if ordering the set. The plate reminds me of the “TIGI Hot Pot” seafood plate layout. The staff suggests to eat the original flavor first. There isn’t much seafood flavor though. I would suggest to dip the shrimp into the mixed grapefruit wasabi sauce to add more flavors.

延伸閱讀: 鐵支火鍋信義區旗艦店 》 Taipei XinYi District Hot Pot Restaurant


清酒: 山口庭之鶯 氣泡酒 純米吟釀

Sake: Sparkling Pink
ABV: 13%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是延續上一款日本氣泡酒, 但是並不是用高腳杯, 而是用清酒杯, 就跟葡萄酒一樣, 清酒也會因為酒杯而有不同感受, 用高腳杯喝是偏清爽, 這次用清酒杯則是偏圓潤, 兩種喝法皆有特色.
This sake is from the previous Sparkling Pink. Instead, the Sake Sommelier prepares the small sake glass. Just like wine, the sake would taste differently by using different glasses. This time, the sake seemed to have more thick texture than the previous refreshing texture.


強肴: 岩燒櫻桃合鴨

Stone Grilled Duck
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

餐廳採用台灣宜蘭櫻桃鴨,鴨胸肉整齊地擺放在一旁, 我相信誰也抵擋不了這肥瘦相間的視覺誘惑, 岩板烤盤讓這道料理添增尊貴感, 店員示範先將烘培紙鋪在高溫岩板烤盤, 再將帶皮鴨肉放置在上方, 滋滋作響的同時, 鴨肉也從鮮紅轉變以7分熟的淺褐色呈現在眼前, 可撒上些玫瑰鹽, 我個人習慣撒上些許蔥花入口, 我個人對肉香與豐潤油脂結合出的最佳風味情有獨鍾, 一人可吃到六片岩燒櫻桃合鴨, 這是我當天最滿意的菜餚.
The restaurant uses the duck from Yilan, Taiwan. The duck breast meats are placed orderly at the side. The staff puts the baking paper on the stone plate. I would suggest to grill the meat to the medium level.  I prefer to spread green onion instead of the pink rock salt. The tastebuds can sense the perfect match of meats and fats. Each person can have 6 pieces of grilled duck. This dish is my favorite dish of the day.




Kamameshi Rice with Sakura Shrimp
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

哪種食材與春櫻主題有關係? 我想大概多數人會想到櫻花蝦吧.藝奇 ikki 在這次餐酒會是準備一人份的櫻花蝦釜飯, 我上次吃到釜飯是在 “Hana Bi 居酒屋”, 當時對釜飯口感感想是偏硬, 藝奇 ikki 採用的是台灣頂級米 -馥米, 整體口感討喜地鬆軟, 更特別的是醬油香與微肉香隱藏於每一口,  讓人不由自主一口飯佐一些配料, 海苔搭配鮭魚與櫻花蝦加深這道料理的海鮮主題, 我個人蠻推薦這道料理.
Last time I ate this type of rice is at “Hana Bi Restaurant”. The first impression is the rice texture is hard. The ikki Japanese restaurant prepares one-person portion of shrimp rice. The chef team uses Taiwanese high quality rice, which has soft texture. The soy sauce flavor is hidden in between each taste. The seaweed pairs great with salmon and sakura shrimp as well.

延伸閱讀: Hana Bi 居酒屋 》中山捷運站商業午餐推薦 | Taipei Zhongshan Restaurant


清酒: 秋櫻 Cosmos 生酛純米酒

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

何謂生酛? 生酛是一種傳統釀造方式, 並沒有人工添加乳酸, 而是花較長時間產生天然乳酸菌, 這種費時高成本的釀造方式已經很少酒廠願意採用. 這款清酒另一個特色是由佐藤家族第五代目研發出來第一個在東北地區誕生的協會酵母”6號酵母”, 儲藏時使用木桶儲藏, 而非一般的砝瑯質桶.  這次是用葡萄酒杯品飲, 主導風味是類似香蕉風味, 微甜滋味與柔和酸度, 滑順口感讓人不自覺品酌更多, 最值得一提的是廠商標明純米酒, 其實這款酒已經到大吟釀等級, 也因為這款酒, 讓我覺得藝奇 ikki 春季餐酒會相當超值.
This is the last sake of the day. Sake Sommelier prepares this high-cost sake. First, this sake uses natural lactics, which takes more time to manufacture. The manufacturer uses high-cost yeast as well. The third selling point is that this sake has the special wooden barrel aroma. This time, the Sake Sommelier uses wine glass to taste. The banana flavor dominates the tastebuds, along with hints of sweetness and acidity. It is quite surprising to see this high-cost sake in a NTD $768/per person event.


甜點: 紅豆最中餅佐櫻花抹茶

Dessert: Red Bean pastry & Green Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

“最中餅”是日本皇宮的御用點心, 粉嫩春櫻造型餅殼相當討喜, 咬一口有ㄎㄠˇ一聲再搭配濃郁紅豆內餡, 相當不錯, 抹茶使用日本抹茶粉, 以奶蓋方式, 再撒上季節限定的櫻花瓣, 更具春天氣息.
The pastry itself is cripsy. The red bean filling is delicious as well. The foam on the green tea is creamy as well. Both desserts match the Spring them by using pink color and sakura decoration.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 藝奇新日本料理
地址: 台北市中正區衡陽路52號 (MAP)
捷運站: 西門捷運站
電話: 02-2331-0200
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: http://www.ikki.com.tw/store.aspx
Restaurant: ikki Japanese Restaurant
Address: No. 52, Hengyang Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Ximen MRT station
Tel: 02-2331-0200
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


藝奇 ikki 新日本料理 》 ikki Japanese Restaurant 2019 Menu





