紅九九個人鴛鴦鍋 》台北單人麻辣鍋推薦 | Taipei Mala Hot Pot

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 台北哪裡可以一個人吃麻辣鍋? 紅九九火鍋店是市政府捷運站餐廳之一, 專攻一個人鴛鴦鍋, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到紅九九火鍋的各種湯頭與食材.
(Closed Down) Where can one person enjoy the spicy hot pot in Taipei? Hong JoJo 99 Hot Pot restaurant is suitable for one-person dining experience. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their hot pot.


紅九九菜單在文末 Hong JoJo 99 Menu is at the end of article



About Hong JoJo 99 Hot Pot

紅九九個人鴛鴦鍋一店位於延吉街, 已經開超過10多年, 這次我去的是新開幕紅九九市府店, 位於 “Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳“和 “Cin Cin Osteria” 附近, 每人低消是 NTD $320. 套餐是單人價格, 無法兩人均分, 低消NTD $320 一個套餐在台北東區算是價位相當友善. 單人人氣套餐有分 NTD $458, NTD $588, NTD $720. 但也是有共鍋模式, 請看文末菜單說明. 不同於“蒙古紅火鍋店”, 紅九九火鍋店內部明亮, 有個人用餐區, 也有沙發區, 只是空間稍微擁擠, 不少附近的上班族在中午時間也會到紅九九個人鴛鴦鍋用餐.
Both Hong JoJo 99 Hot Pot restaurant branches are at Taipei East District. The location is near “Chateau Zoe restaurant” and “Cin Cin Osteria”. The minimum charge is NTD $320, which is price-friendly at Taipei East District. The set price is NTD $458, NTD $588, NTD $720. Different from “Mongolian Hot Pot”, the indoor design is bright with one-person seat and sofa area. However, it is a bit crowded.


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豪華雙人火鍋組合 (英式下午茶三層盤架)

– 美國PRIME無骨牛小排 / 美國肋眼沙朗牛 / 西班牙極上伊比利豬 (每人各選 1 份)
– 湯底:麻辣 / 黃金養生 / 和風蔬菜 / 鴛鴦
– 綜合蔬菜拼盤 / 綜合菇盤 (每人各選 1 份)
– 綜合海鮮拼盤 / 綜合滷水拼盤 / 綜合手作拼盤 (每人各選 1 份)
– 白飯 / 手工拉麵 / 冬粉 / 王子麵 /年糕 (每人各選 1 份)
– 甜點 2 份
冰鎮酸梅汁 2 杯
價位: NTD $1500 +10%


Deluxe Hot Pot Set for 2 people ( Layers Shelf)

– US Prime Rib (Boneless) / US Sirloin / Spain Credo Iberico ( Each person select one)
– Broth: Mala / Healthy / Vegetable / Combined Broth
– Mixed Vegetables / Mixed Mushroom (Each person select one)
– Mixed Seafood Plate / Mixed Braised item Plate / Mixed custom-made hot pot ingredient (Each person select one)
– Rice/ Noodle /Bean Thread /Rice Cake / Ramen (Each person select one)
– 2 units of dessert
2 units of drink
Total Price: NTD $1500 + 10%




Hot Pot Broth
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我是選麻辣與和風蔬菜鴛鴦鍋, 我朋友是選麻辣與黃金養生鴛鴦鍋, 皆是小辣.紅九九麻辣湯底的秘密武器是成本較高的青花椒, 店員湯底端上後, 我先喝一小口麻辣湯底, 味蕾先是被辣香所霸佔, 麻的口感倒是比較不明顯, 但湯底鹹度並不高. 紅九九號稱小辣的湯底其實是市面上的中辣, 麻辣鍋裡的豆腐與鴨血可續, 兩款食材吸收適量湯汁, 相當不錯. 後來仔細看菜單, 發現也有微辣的選項, 若平常沒固定吃辣, 我會建議點微辣程度. 乳白色黃金養生湯底很意外並不會過多中藥味 (例如紅棗與老薑之類), 因為湯頭是用豬大骨,雞骨, 與雞腳熬煮, 但湯頭可品嚐到微膠質. 和風蔬菜相對地溫存. 若要推薦, 我會推薦麻辣湯底與黃金養生湯底.
I selected Mala Spicy Broth and Vegetable Broth. My friend selected Mala Spicy and Healthy Broth. We both order mild spicy. Their secret weapon is the high-cost peppercorn ingredient. The tastebuds sense the spicy flavor but not too much numb feeling. It is not overly too salty. However, I must say their mild spicy is basically strong spicy. If you don’t eat spicy food everyday, I would suggest you to order “hints of spicy” instead. The white color health broth doesn’t contain too much of the Chinese medicine. Since the broth is brewed with pork bone and chicken broth and feet, you can sense hints of collagen. As for the vegetable broth is just simply full of vegetable flavor. I would recommend Mala Spicy Broth and Healthy Broth combination.


美國PRIME無骨牛小排 & 西班牙極上伊比利豬

US Prime Rib & Spain Credo Iberico
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

肉品皆是 200 公克, 若要增加 60% (30g) 則是需要加價. 三款肉品選兩款, 我選 美國PRIME無骨牛小排(圖1~ 3), 鮮紅肉片雪花般的油花均勻, 雖是薄肉片, 但不至於破碎, 牛小排建議涮七分熟即可. 我朋友選西班牙極上伊比利豬 (圖4 ~ 6) . 豬肉雪白色的油脂比想像中地多, 涮起來比牛小排好吃.
The meats are all 200g. There will be extra charge if added more meats to 60% (30g). The customer would need to select 2 options from 3 items. I select US Prime Ribs (Pic 1 ~ 3). The fats are spreaded evenly. Even though it is thin sliced, the meat structure is still dense. My friend selected Credo Iberico, which has more fats. I personally like the Credo Iberico.


綜合蔬菜拼盤 & 綜合菇盤

Mixed Vegetables / Mixed Mushroom
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

兩款中選一款. 蔬菜裡若有不吃的話需要先與店員講, 但無法更換其它食材, 較特別的是有黑木耳, 紅九九的綜合菇盤包括袖珍菇,金針菇,香菇,杏鮑菇,鴻喜菇, 通常在其它家火鍋店幾乎都是只有金針菇, 紅九九火鍋店可以說是相當有誠意.
The customer has 2 options – Mixed Vegetable and Mixed Mushroom. The most surprisingly ingredient would be the black fugas. The various mushroom is also surprising too.You cannot find that much mushroom ingredients on other hot pot restaurants.


綜合海鮮拼盤 / 綜合滷水拼盤 / 綜合手作拼盤

Mixed Seafood Plate / Mixed Braised item Plate / Mixed custom-made hot pot ingredient
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

三款拼盤選一款, 綜合滷味拼盤有不僅有大腸, 還有牛肚和牛筋. 我會建議套餐盤架一上桌就先將這道滷水拼盤放入麻辣湯底, 讓滾燙的麻辣湯底繼續將食材增加更多層風味. 牛肚雖然沒有 “南村私廚” 軟嫩, 但作為火鍋食材之一已相當具有水準, 牛筋偏硬, 建議煮更久一點, 唯獨大腸似乎沒有用老滷, 比其他兩種食材遜色許多.
The customer would need to select one of the three plates. The Mixed Braised Item plate has intestine, beef tendon, and tripe. I would suggest to put everything on this plate into the Mala Spicy broth immediately. Even though the tendon is not as delicious as “44 Bistro”. But, the quality is good considering it is just an ingredient in the hot pot. I would suggest to cook the tendon with more time. The intestine doesn’t have too much flavor though.


有些人吃火鍋一定會點海鮮, 綜合海鮮拼盤剛好有在拼盤選項裡, 我朋友是先將草蝦脫殼再進行烹煮, 論價格, 魚和蛤蜊份量也給得很實在, 但是我只建議海鮮拼盤用“非麻辣”的湯底烹煮, 比較能凸顯出海鮮的鮮美.
Some people always order seafood while eating hot pot. My friend ordered mixed seafood plate, including fish, clams, and shrimp. The quantity is more than expected. I would only suggest to cook the seafood with “non-spicy” broth.



綜合手作拼盤通常不是我在外面火鍋餐廳的首選, 但紅九九的綜合手作拼盤看似平凡, 但每樣食材的背後都有知名手工製造商, 食材包括基隆魚餃, 新竹香菇貢丸等, 我和朋友一致認為旗津花枝漿是這道拼盤裡最美味的食材. 我壓根也沒想到我會推薦紅九九的綜合手作拼盤.
The custom-made hot pot ingredients are not my first option. But Hong JuJu 99 hot pot restaurant offer custom-made ingredient, which includes Keelung fish dumpling, Hsinchu Meatball..etc. My friend and I consider the squid meatball from Kaohsiung is the best. I would definitely recommend this Mixed custom-made hot pot ingredients.




Rice & Rice Cake
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

搭配火鍋有五種選擇 (白飯 / 手工拉麵 / 冬粉 / 王子麵/ 年糕), 年糕需要煮久一點, 我會建議搭配白飯.
There are 5 options – rice, noodle, bean thread, ramen and rice cake. Since the rice cake needs more time to cook. I would recommend the rice.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

紅九九火鍋店與知名品牌黑丸嫩仙草合作, 提供仙草和愛玉, 也有紅九九自製梅子凍, 我是推薦滑嫩仙草. 酸梅汁喝起來也很特別
Hong Juju 99 hot pot restaurant cooperates with Chinese Mesona (black jelly) and aiyu jelly. They also offer plum jelly. I would recommend the Chinese Mesona (black jelly). The Plum juice is quite special too.


延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋餐廳懶人包 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 紅九九個人鴛鴦鍋 – 市府店
地址: 台北市信義區逸仙路42巷9號 (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站 & 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-8786-7299
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hongjojo99/
Restaurant: Hong Jo Jo 99 Hot Pot Restaurant – City Hall Branch
Address: No. 9, 42th Lane, Yixian Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall & SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8786-7299
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


MENU 連結: https://www.facebook.com/hongjojo99/menu/



