台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant

Last Updated on 2021-11-24 by Foodelicious

( 2021 已搬家至麟光站附近)    雞窩餐廳驥園是姐妹店, 屬於信義安和捷運美食之一, 差別在於雞窩販售小份雞湯, 可惜已無販售之前的雞窩套餐雞窩商業午餐. 
(2021 Move to another location) G Woo Restaurant offers small size Chicken Soup. It is one of the Chinese Restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station.

雞窩菜單 2019 在文末 G Woo Menu is at the end of article


雞窩餐廳靠近信義安和捷運站二號出口, 再往遠企飯店方向前進, 雞窩餐廳位於立人私立小學對面, 附近餐廳臥虎藏龍, 有“蘭 Orchid Restaurant”, “立祥公寓“, 和“阿正廚房“. 雞窩餐廳佔地頗大, 有趣的是有包廂小至可坐 2 ~ 3 人, 也有 4 ~ 5人 包廂, 當然也有大型包廂, 也有提供 10 人套餐, 相當適合家庭聚餐和部門聚餐, 若是另一半想吃中式餐廳, 也可選擇雞窩餐廳. 至於包廂低消須直接詢問雞窩餐廳店員, 請注意是每月初開放下個月的訂位, 例如三月初開放四月訂位, 店員也親切告知 2 ~ 3 人小包廂是最快被訂完.
G Woo Restaurant is near Exit 2 of Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is near Lih-Jen International Private School and “Orchid Restaurant”. There are quite a few different size of private dining rooms. I am surprised to see 2 ~ 3 people small private dining room. G Woo Restaurant also offers 10 people set. It is very suitable for Family gathering, department staff dining, and even dating. As for the min. charge of each private dining room, you would need to call to ask. At the beginning of the month, you can reserve seats for next month. For example, you can reserve April seats at the beginning of March. The staff also mentions that the small private dining room  (for 2 ~ 3 people) is often booked.


延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北適合約會的餐廳 》Taipei Romantic Restaurants

延伸閱讀: 其他信義安和捷運站餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station


土豆 & 茶

Bean & Tea
Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

雞窩餐廳並沒有像其他中式餐廳免費小菜直接放在餐桌上, 而是點完餐後再送上, 一桌一份小菜, 小菜會不定期更改. 土豆並沒有乾扁, 比預期地好吃.
Unlike other Chinese restaurants, G Woo Restaurant brings the appetizer to the guest after ordering. One appetizer for each table, and it may vary. The bean actually tastes good, which is unexpected.

延伸閱讀: 其他大安區餐廳 》Other Da’An District Restaurants

砂鍋土雞湯 (小)

Casseroles Chicken Soup
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

雞窩餐廳的雞湯 Size 有分大(NTD $2700), 中 (NTD $1700) 和 小 (NTD $360), 小份雞湯適合1 ~ 2 人喝, 份量和 “台北永康錄雞湯餐廳” 差不多.雞湯鵝黃顏色與 “牛肉麵 雞湯”淡色且偏透明的雞湯截然不同. 由於砂鍋溫度高,雞湯依舊在沸騰中, 店員送上時, 雞湯香氣撲鼻而來, 不虧是用東部土雞, 北海干貝, 金華火腿等食材, 再熬煮 20 多小時熬煮, 雞湯上層的油脂與膠質融合在一起結成一層薄膜.
G Woo restaurant chicken soup size has large (NTD $2700), medium (NTD $1700) and small (NTD $360). The small size of Casseroles Chicken Soup can be shared with 1 ~ 2 people, just like at “Taipei Yongkang Role Chicken Soup”. The yellow color of the chicken broth is different from the light and transparent color of “Beef Noodle. Chicken Soup”. Due to the high temperature, the soup is still boiling. The heavy chicken aroma fulfills the nose. The broth is stewed with Taiwanese chicken, scallops, hams and other ingredients for 20 hours. The chicken fats mixes with collagen and becomes thin layers.

延伸閱讀: 台北永康錄雞湯餐廳 》 Taipei Yongkang Role Chicken Soup | 感冒就是要喝雞湯

延伸閱讀: 【 忠孝復興捷運站 | Taipei City 】牛肉麵.雞湯 | Taiwan Beef Noodles.Chicken Soup | 深夜食堂


不顧燙口先喝一口雞湯, 膠質包圍著舌尖, 味蕾同時感受到經典濃郁雞湯風味衝擊, 接著幾口都是鮮醇. 相當簡單地即可將骨頭和肌肉分離, 每咬一口雞肉時,雞湯隨著嫩肉入口是一種享受,與 “雙月雞湯” 完全不一樣的口感和風味, 我個人相當推薦雞窩餐廳的砂鍋土雞湯.
When drinking the first boiling hot sip, the collagen and the great thick chicken flavor bring the impact to the tastebuds. As for the chicken, it is easy to separate the meats and bone. Every bite of tender chicken meat brings more chicken broth into the month. It is a complete different texture and flavor from “Shuang Yue Food Restaurant”. I would definitely recommend this chicken broth.

延伸閱讀: SHUANG YUE FOOD 》雙月食品社米其林等級雞湯讓排隊人潮不間斷



Green Onion Pancake
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

雞窩 Facebook 粉絲頁上寫著雞汁蔥餅是鮮濃雞湯打製麵粉而成, 其實雞汁蔥餅並不是屬於酥脆型蔥餅, 只比“金鴨子” 的荷葉餅厚一些, 基本上只有少許蔥香, 我建議加點其他菜餚包在蔥餅一起入口.
G Woo restaurant facebook mentioned that this Chinese pancake is mixed with chicken soup and flour. The texture is not crispy. Instead, it is similar with Bejin duck wrapper at “Tasty Duck”. There is only hints of green onion aroma. I would suggest to order other dishes to wrap inside the pancake.

延伸閱讀: 金鴨子 Tasty Duck 》LA County Peking Duck | 北京烤鴨



Beef with Bean Paste
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

雞窩餐廳京醬肉絲可做牛肉也可做豬肉, 我是選擇京醬牛肉絲. 包在蔥餅裡一起入口, 來自甜麵醬的甜香搭配濃郁雞湯似乎有些多餘, 我會建議點“非醬料“型的肉絲, 例如豆干肉絲 (NTD $120).
You can order beef or pork with bean paste. I chose beef. The sweet from the bean paste is not exactly a match for thick texture chicken broth. I would suggest to other dishes, such as dried tofu stir fried with pork (NTD $120).



Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度:N/A

Free fruits after dining.





餐廳: 雞窩餐廳 (搬新家)
地址: 台北市信義區和平東路三段377號 (Map)
捷運站: 麟光捷運站
電話: 02-2704-3038

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/雞窩餐廳-砂鍋土雞湯-521009611290441/

Restaurant: G Woo Restaurant (Move to New Location )
Address: No. 377, 3rd Section, Heping East Road, Taipei City ( (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Linguag MRT station
Tel: 02-2704-3038


雞窩菜單 2019 》G Woo Restaurant Menu

