江振誠會帶給台灣餐飲業哪些衝擊?? 》How will Chef Andre Influence Taiwan Restaurant Industry in the future??

Last Updated on 2017-10-18 by Foodelicious

主廚江振誠 (Andre Chiang) 將結束Restaurant ANDRE, 回台灣繼續推廣台灣飲食文化, 很多人一定覺得無感, 因為沒吃過台北的 RAW, 由於價格的關係, 未來可能也不會, 孰不知, 這件事也許會默默地改變台灣餐飲文化的趨勢.
Chef Andre announced on the Restaurant ANDRE website that he would close down the restaurant and return to Taiwan in order to promote Taiwanese Food Culture. However, most Taiwanese probably do not know how to react since RAW restaurant is not exactly a cheap restaurant. But, this significant matter might slowly changes Taiwan Food Culture in the future.

延伸閱讀: 江振誠 (Andre Chiang) 在餐廳官網的中英文聲明 》 Restaurant ANDRE Shocking Announcement


台灣食材 Taiwan Food Ingredient

採用當地天然食材已是台灣餐廳趨勢, 在不久的將來會更常見到, 台灣本土的食材 (例如噶瑪蘭豬) 跟香料 (例如馬告) 會逐漸打開知名度, 最近也有找到採用台灣本地牛奶製作的慢慢弄乳酪坊 , 甚至 “米通信” 裡提到的台灣米以後也會讓更多全世界的人知道. 相對地產銷履歷也會變得越來越重要, 近期在小後苑吃到的 “野生馬祖淡菜附威士忌噴霧” , POPINA 餐酒館的 “法式芥末焦糖蘋果噶瑪蘭熟成豬” 都是最好的範例.
Most restaurants already used Taiwan food ingredients. But, in the future, there would be more food ingredients that are made in Taiwan (for example, KAVALAN pork and mountain pepper). I even discovered “Man Mano Cheese Lab”, which uses Taiwan Milk to make Cheese. In the future, the traceability of food ingredients will become more important. The recent example would be Backyard Jr. dish Mussels with Whiskey Spray and Popina Bistro’s KAVALAN aging pork.


台灣酒 Taiwan Alcohol

很多人對台灣製造的酒不外乎是 “金門高粱, 花雕酒, 台灣啤酒,宜蘭KAVALAN威士忌”, 其實台灣還有相當多不為人知的酒 – 例如南投OMAR威士忌, 黑后葡萄酒和威石東酒莊的台灣氣泡酒. 酒在台灣飲食文化原本就佔有一席之地, ,  BEER SMITH 將 啤酒頭 24節氣的精釀啤酒與餐點做結合, 打造近期最符合台灣飲食文化的餐廳.
Most Taiwanese only know “Kinmen Gao-Liang, High-Grade Shaoxing Wine, Taiwan Beer, Milan KAVALAN whiskey”. Actually, there are other made-in-Taiwan alcohol, for example, Nantou OMAR whisky, Taiwan Terroir Wine and Weightstone’s Taiwan Sparkling Wine. To most people, alcohols are definitely parts of Taiwan Food Industry. The recent example would be BEER SMITH restaurant who sells both Taiwanese Cuisine and Taiwan Craft Beers.


台灣茶 Taiwan Tea

外國人對台灣茶的認知只有烏龍茶, 多數台灣人不會像法國名店 Gontran Cherrier Bakery 採用紅玉紅茶 (台茶18號) 去做茶可頌, 對於茶館的刻板印象也不是像“開門茶堂”如此高級. 但值得慶幸的是台灣已緩緩地朝這方向前進, 或許經過主廚江振誠的飲食文化推廣, 全世界會更快了解台灣茶.
Most foreigners only consider Oolong Tea as Taiwanese Tea. Most Taiwanese wouldn’t use Tea as bread ingredients, such as Tea Croissant at Gontran Cherrier Bakery. And most Tea houses are not as high-end as “Kaimen Tea House”. With Chef Andre’s Food culture promotion, Taiwan Tea might become more well-known in the future.



誰都無法預測精準的未來, 就讓我們繼續看下去吧!
No one could foresee the future. So, let’s wait and see the future of Taiwan Food Industry.



