DOMANI 義式餐廳 》 台北大安區義大利美食 | 新開幕 | Italian Restaurant

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

2017新開幕的DOMANI 義大利餐廳位於台北市忠孝新生捷運站只需步行十分鐘, 由於出現在時尚雜誌, 讓很多人以為餐點昂貴, 其實並不盡然.
Grand-opening DOMANI Italian Restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station with only 10 minutes walking distance. Because this restaurant appears in several fashion magazine, most people think that their cuisine are expensive.


DOMANI 義式餐廳低調地位於市民大道豪宅的後方, 在戶外挑高走廊上掛著深淺藍色交錯的琉璃雲裝置藝術, 推開門走進餐廳裡, 吊燈裝飾如同“十間茶屋”為亮金黃色, 包廂跟“Maple Tree House一樣位於二樓. 不僅戶外有編織家具, 室內的座位皆是舒適的沙發, 搭配著有著雲朵般線條的大理石餐桌, 整體設計為優雅且舒適.
DOMANI Italian Restaurant is located at the back of the building on Civil Blvd. The inner design has the bright golden color ceiling lamp similar like SHIJIAN Tea House. This restaurant also has private dining rooms like Maple Tree House. There are also fashionable outdoor seats and indoor sofas seats, which pairing with the marble tables. The whole design is elegant and yet comfortable.

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


*菜單在文末 The Menu is at the end of article

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

DOMANI 義式餐廳午間套餐

花蝦義大利麵套餐 (包括餐前麵包, 主廚沙拉, 每日例湯, 主餐, 咖啡或茶)
Spaghetti With Scampi Lunch Set (Including Bread, Daily Salad, Daily Soup, Main course, Coffee or Tea)
Set Price NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍👍



English Name: Salad
其實從一道沙拉就知道餐廳主廚對料理的執著, 現拌沙拉裡的清脆新鮮生菜搭配不膩口的鄉村沙拉醬, 加上多汁紅色與黃色小番茄, 少數松子點綴增加不同的口感.
The fresh salad is still crisp while pairing with ranch dressing. With juicy small tomatoes, it adds more sweet and acid flavors. The pine nuts brings almond-like flavors into the salad itself.




English Name: Daily Soup
那天的例湯是松露馬鈴薯湯, 多數台灣人對馬鈴薯湯還停留在金寶湯, 也就是有著多數小馬鈴薯切塊的奶油濃湯. 但DOMANI 義式餐廳的湯則是以馬鈴薯風味主導, 松露蕈菇風味為輔, 最為特別的則是廚師加了幾滴特級初榨橄欖油, 這是目前在台灣較為少見, 只需幾滴就可以讓整體風味極佳, 是道極為美味的餐點.
The daily soup is Potato Soup with Truffle. Most Taiwanese thinks potato soup as Campell’s  thick and creamy with diced potato soup. However, DOMANI restaurant’s soup main character would be potato flavor with hints of truffle mushroom flavor. The soup surface also has a few drops of Extra Virgin Olive Oil drizzling. The soup becomes the perfect dish on the day.




English Name: Bread
第一口單吃餐廳自製海鹽佛卡夏較乾, 第二口則是沾上盤中的巴薩米克醋和橄欖油, 醋香味尚未完全被麵包吸收, 反而先品嚐到橄欖油風味, 建議沾的時間久一點, 讓佛卡夏吸收迷人的義大利巴薩米克醋. 我個人認爲餐前麵包還是 La Mole Taipei最好吃.
Focaccia is a bit dry before dipping into the balsamic vinegar and olive oil. First bite after dipping, the olive oil flavor appears. After dipping for longer time, the bread would absorb more balsamic vinegar. I personally think that the best bread is still at La Mole Taipei. 




English Name: Spaghetti With Scampi
花蝦義大利麵中午套餐為NTD $480, 單點晚餐則是NTD$580, 服務生提到晚餐的份量為中午的兩倍. 義大利麵軟硬剛好且彈牙, 正宗的義大利麵就該如此, 搭配兩隻中大體型的汶萊花蝦, 即使有麵中夾帶著蒜味鯷魚風味, 也覆蓋不住花蝦帶有的鮮甜海鮮風味, 每一口都是紮實且類似龍蝦的口感, 料理裡的清脆蘆筍和蕃茄減低了強烈的蒜味, 更值得一提的是花蝦裡的橘色蝦膏主廚也放進料理裡, 可以說讓這道料理發揮地淋漓盡致.
This lunch set price is $480. The dinner main course is $NTD580, which is twice size comparing with lunch size. The spaghetti is hard and cooked perfectly.Not even the strong garlic anchovy flavor can cover the two large size scampi have sweet fresh seafood flavor. Each bite tastes jus like lobster. The crisp asparagus and tomato decreases the garlic flavor. The most interesting part is that the chef puts orange color shrimp paste into the dish.



茶的部分則是使用知名品牌唐寧茶, 我點的則是冰伯爵茶.
DOMANI Italian restaurant uses Twinning brand tea. I ordered Earl Grey.


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


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主菜菜單 Menu





Restaurant Name店名: DOMANI 義式餐廳 DOMANI Italian Restaurant
Address: No.7, 65th Lane, Jianguo South Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區建國南路一段65巷7號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station 忠孝新生捷運站
營業時間:Monday ~ Sunday 11:30am ~ 3pm ; 5:30pm ~ 11pm


