District One Tpe 越南河粉 》忠孝敦化捷運美食 | Taipei Pho

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已歇業) District One Tpe 越南河粉台北東區新開幕美食餐廳之一 , 知名招牌料理龍蝦河粉已登上台灣各大媒體.
(Closed) District One Tpe Pho is one of the newly-opened restaurants at Taipei East District. Its signature dish is Lobster Pho, which is has its fair amount of media exposure in Taiwan.



菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

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District One Tpe 全名為 District One Kitchen & Bar Taipei, 台北為 Las Vegas 的海外分店, 我在美國時沒有吃過Las Vegas 本店, 因為家裡附近就是小西貢 (很多越南人的城市), 正統的越南河粉餐廳非常多.
District One Tpe’s whole name is District One Kitchen & Bar Taipei. Its headquarter is at Las Vegas. Back at US, I never tried Las Vegas District One Tpe since I live near Little Saigon at California.



戶外跟台北東區紅茶街相似, 有著舒適座位的吸菸區 (桌上有煙灰缸), 室內整體裝潢則是美式風格, 較為特別的是這家越南河粉店有吧台區, 跟台北東區的Beer Smith一樣有吧台區,   且有臺虎麥鄉精釀鮮啤 (NTD $200/glass),    每張桌子間隔不會過於擁擠, “舒適”可以拿來形容室內用餐環境.
The outdoor area has smoking area with comfortable chairs. The indoor is more Americanize style instead of traditional Vietnam decoration. The most interesting part would be District One Tpe has a bar with Tai-Hu Draft Beer (NTD $200/glass) , which is similar with Beer Smith at Taipei East District.



值得一提的是每張桌上都有Sriracha sauce (紅色罐子), 台灣人翻譯為 “是拉差香甜辣椒醬”, 台灣留學生都把這罐 Made-in-USA 調味料叫做“公雞醬”, 不僅在越南餐廳會看到這款醬料, 多數喜愛亞洲料理的外國人幾乎都會有一瓶.
Each table has Sriracha sauce, which is a popular sweet and spicy sauce at USA. Most American who love Asian cuisine would have one Sriracha sauce at home or dorm.




English Name: Pho with Brisket Oxtail
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

點完後服務生隨後端上一盤配料, 跟美國越南餐廳一樣把羅勒葉, 豆芽, 辣椒, 檸檬片放在盤子讓客人自行加進湯裡, 該有的配料都到齊.
After ordering, the staff would offer a plate with basils, bean sprout, pepper, sliced lemons.




如同菜單上所標示, 招牌牛肉河粉有慢燉牛胸肉, 牛尾 , 河粉 ,牛肉湯 ,蔥絲與香菜, 原本以為會像信義誠品樓下的“越粉舖”是牛肉片, 結果居然有牛骨, 視覺上類似韓國料理 Maple Tree House 的牛骨湯.
As the menu stated, this dish has brisket, ox tail, rice noodle, beef soup, onion and parsley. Honestly, I thought the beef would be “sliced beef” similar with the Pho Shop at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore B1 Food court. But, it turns out to be beef bone and brisket unexpectedly. The display is a bit similar with Korean restaurant Maple Tree House Jumbo Galbitang.



尚未將牛胸肉與牛骨分開前,牛大骨與牛尾熬煮8小時的湯較為清澈, 風味較為單純, 將牛骨與牛胸肉分開後, 油脂注入湯後, 整體湯頭風味進階為濃郁的牛肉風味, 但也不會過於油膩,  若原本就愛韓國料理的牛骨湯, 你相對地也會很愛這道料理的湯頭. 河粉的部份則是細而不是寬 (如越粉舖), 剛開始的口感會微硬, 放入湯中越久就會越融為一體, 我個人是比較喜歡寬河粉, 因為較為軟, 此外與台灣其他越南河粉餐廳不同的是 District One Tpe 用的是美國牛肉, 燉得夠軟夠嫩. 至於大家最在乎的份量, 若把湯算進去, 女生絕對吃得飽, 男生大約九分飽吧.
Before separating brisket and beef bone, the broth is clear and light. After separating, the broth upgrades to have thick beef aroma. If you like Korean cuisine Jumbo Galbitang, you would love this dish. The rice noodle is thin instead of wide. At the beginning, the rice noodle is a bit hard instead of soft. I would prefer the wide rice noodle since it is softer. Also, District One Tpe uses USA beef instead of Australian Beef. The meat texture is tender and taste delicious.



整體上來說是美味, 但是去之前要先想清楚, 畢竟NTD $300 也是錢, 你是去吃流行? 還是純粹想念美國的越南河粉? 我是純粹想念.
Generally speaking, the dish is delicious. However, NTD $300 is around USD $9, which is closed to Las Vegas original price. So, before going, is it for the sake of the trend or just simply miss Pho? I simply just miss Pho.


延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide


備註: 氛圍有點不太像餐酒館, 因為週末中午蠻多家庭帶著小朋友去吃午餐




Restaurant Name 店名: District One Tpe
Address: No.21, 7th Alley, 181th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷7弄21號 (Zara後面) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DistrictOneTPE/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station 忠孝敦化捷運
電話: 02-2731-0506
營業時間:Tuesday Off ; Other Days 12 noon ~ 3pm ; 5pm ~ 9pm







