Chou Chou Taipei 》台北東區法式餐酒館重新裝潢推出新菜單

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(2023.4月結束營業 ) 台北 Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳台北餐酒館之一, 也在米其林餐盤餐廳推薦名單裡, 近期重新裝潢後推出新菜單. 這次二訪是部落客朋友工作, 我輕鬆陪吃.
(Closed down on 2023.April ) Chou Chou French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistros. It is also at the Michelin Plate Restaurants list. Recently, it remodels and promotes its new menu.


Chou Chou 菜單 2020 在文中 Chou Chou Menu 2020 is at the middle article


關於 Chou Chou  About Chou Chou

Chou Chou 法式餐廳靠近忠孝敦化站五號出口, 我在 2017 年12 月有一訪過 Chou Chou, 這次重新裝潢改變最大是用餐區域, 之前進門的用餐區域是淺色大理石餐桌, 這次改變成摩登時尚風格的桌椅, 此類型桌椅在 Chou Chou 主廚林明健的餐廳 (“Wildwood” 和 “Longtail) 常看見. 開放式廚房吧台桌椅不變,經過 Chou Chou 熟成室看到的是彰化胭脂鴨, 胭脂紅的肉色十分搶眼. 店員提到 Chou Chou 不僅精挑細帶血胭脂鴨, 而且也進行乾式熟成 2 ~ 3 週, 這款肉品是用在爐烤鴨胸菜餚. 隨著走道進入正式用餐區, 淺米色桌布讓人不會覺得過於正式, 柔和暖黃色燈光讓用餐環境更適合約會. 這次最大的驚喜莫過於原來 Chou Chou 有侍酒師! 以下文章包括 Chou Chou 商業午餐, 晚間套餐和 Wine Pairing Menu.
Chou Chou French Restaurant is located near Exit 5 of Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station. I visited Chou Chou at December, 2017. The previous dining area are light marble color tables. Now after remodeling, the tables and chair changes to quite fashionable and modern style, which mostly seen at Executive Chef Kin’s restaurants (“Wildwood” and “Longtail”). The beige color table cloths and yellow light are suitable for dating dining environment. The most surprisingly part would be Chou Chou Restaurant has Sommelier. The following article would be regarding Chou Chou Lunch Menu, Dinner Menu and Wine Pairing Menu

延伸閱讀: 一訪 Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳 》忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei French Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Chou Chou 午間套餐- 油封鴨腿

價格: NTD $1080
包括: 鴨肉可樂餅, 油封鴨腿, 黑醋栗舒芙蕾, 咖啡

Chou Chou Menu Link:

Chou Chou Lunch Set – Duck Confit

Price: NTD $1080
Includes: Duck Croquette, Duck Confit, Cassis Chestnut Souffle with Blueberry Sorbet


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佐餐麵包, 奶油抹醬

Bread, Butter
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

上次一訪 Chou Chou 的麵包與抹醬讓我驚艷, 這次二訪 Chou Chou 的麵包與抹醬讓我感到滿足, 近距離一看, 似乎跟上次一樣有加少許鹽之花 (?!), 我個人很高興看到越來越多台北西式餐廳重視佐餐麵包的搭配.
Chou Chou’s bread and butter last time are surprisingly good. And this second visit is quite satisfied. The butter seems to have Fleur de Sel placing on the top.



Duck Croquette
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

首先, 並不是所有可樂餅都是日式! 西式料理也有可樂餅. 深褐色可樂餅外層相當酥脆, 單吃鹹香十足, Chou Chou 一反常態不採用莓果當作法式經典佐醬 (例如 “ULV Restaurant”的黑醋栗佐醬 ), Chou Chou 採用是較為少見的樹番茄, 單獨品嚐佐醬則是微酸香, 並不會覆蓋著鴨肉餡迷人的肉香. 一旁的醃漬蘿蔔則是讓味蕾解膩, 準備品嚐下一道菜.
First, Taiwanese tend to think all croquettes are originated from Japan. In fact, there are also Croquette in Western Cuisine. The dark brown Croquette appearance is crispy along with fair amount of salty and meaty flavor. Unlike “ULV Restaurant”, Chou Chou restaurant doesn’t use blackcurrant sauce. Instead, Chou Chou use Tamarillo aka tree tomato as sauce puree. The sauce puree itself only has hints of acidity, which won’t cover the flavor from the duck meat filling. The pickled daikon at the side is to clear the tastebuds for the next dish.

延伸閱讀: ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei 》台北餐酒館 | 法式料理與北歐料理之邂逅



Duck Confit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

油封鴨腿是到 Chou Chou 法式餐廳必點的一道料理 (話說何時 Chou Chou 會推出血鴨?!) , 上次一訪是宜蘭豪野鴨, 這次二訪依舊是宜蘭豪野鴨. 切開時有響亮的ㄎㄠˇ一聲, 肉質比以前吃到的偏肥美軟嫩. 置放在鴨腿下的是小米粥, 原本以為是北非小米 (庫斯庫斯) , 後來經過主廚確認是台灣在地小米, 只是我不確定是不是 “豐舍 B.B.R Restaurant” 用的台灣在地西螺米, 高湯熬製後的小米口感微有米心, 比上次一訪的燉煮軟爛白豆佐醬好太多, 我希望小米粥不要因為季節更換而被取代. 這道油封鴨腿也是當天我最滿意的菜餚.
Duck Confit is a must-order dish at Chou Chou restaurant. The duck is from Yilan, Taiwan. The duck skin is crispy without doubts. The meat has more fats and much more tender than last time. The Millet porridge underneath is cooked with broth instead of water. The chef also mentions that he uses Taiwanese rice instead of couscous. The overall is not mushy, which I prefer. I sincerely wish that the millet porridge side ingredient stays at the menu. Chou Chou Duck Confit is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: 豐舍 B.B.R Restaurant 》 在大稻埕品嚐與眾不同的料理套餐



Cassis Chestnut Souffle (Blueberry Sorbet)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

上次吃到的餐廳等級舒芙蕾是在 “Gen Creative”, 這次在 Chou Chou 法式餐廳吃到黑醋栗舒芙蕾, 將栗子萊姆酒醬汁淋至溫熱舒芙蕾ㄧ併入口, 濕軟口感與酸甜風味有些驚喜, 搭配藍莓雪酪也不是胡亂搭配, 因為我曾在“台北法式侯布雄餐廳”看過類似的甜點搭配.
Last time I ate restaurant level Souffle is at “Gen Creative”. This time, I eat Cassis Chestnut Souffle at Chou Chou French restaurant. Pouring the chestnut rum sauce at the appearance, the overall flavor is quite surprisingly. Pairing with blueberry sorbet is also interesting as well. I once saw the similar combination at ”L’ATELIER de Joël Robuchon“

延伸閱讀: Gen Creative Taipei 》不要以先入為主的觀念來品嚐這家餐廳



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

The Latte tastes above average since it has foamed milk on the top.


Prix Fixe -炭烤法式羊排套餐 + 加點馬糞海膽蕃茄米型麵

價格: NTD $1980 + NTD $300 = NTD $2280
包括: 鴨肝塔, 馬糞海膽蕃茄米型麵, 炭烤法式羊排, 焦糖翻轉蘋果

Chou Chou Menu Link:

Prix Fixe – Grilled Lamb Chops + Uni and Tomato Orzo

Price: NTD $1980 + NTD $300 = NTD $2280
Includes: Foie Gras Tart, Uni and Tomato Orzo, , Grilled Lamb Chops, Caramel Apple Tarte Tatin




Foie Gras Tart
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當時在菜單看到鴨肝塔菜餚名稱, 原本以為是單純的西式甜點硬塔皮, 孰不知一端上桌發現是類似 “香宮”的港式蛋塔. 有著葡式蛋塔的酥脆千層塔皮, 先是感受到金桔醬酸甜, 味蕾感受到滑順內餡時才隱約有鴨肝獨特香氣, 並不是很明顯. 這道比較適合不常吃鴨肝的饕客.
When I see tart on the menu, I thought it is just regular hard texture tart from Western Cuisine. Surprisingly, the tart is similar with “Shang Palace”’s egg tart, which has crispy layers. The tastebuds would sense both acidity and sweetness from the kumquat sauce. The classic Foie Gras flavor is not too obvious. This dish is suitable for people who don’t often eat Foie Gras.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼



Uni and Tomato Orzo
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道料理結合日義式風格, Chou Chou 採用北海道干貝與馬糞海膽, 干貝並沒有像 “Taïrroir 態芮”如此“搞剛”, 煎至恰到好處嫩度高, 上次吃米型麵是在 “Avenue Taipei”, 這次 Chou Chou 米型麵口感較為出色並不會軟爛, 味蕾在醬汁裡明顯感受到柚子清香, 海帶直球般的海味頗重. 整體最可惜的是兩者味道皆覆蓋住馬糞海膽風味, 喜好與嚮往海膽風味的人可能會失望.
This dish combines Italian and Japanese style cuisine. Chou Chou restaurant offers scallop and uni from Japan. The scallop is simply grilled, unlike at “Taïrroir”. The taste of the scallop is tender and perfect. I last time ate orzo is at “Avenue Taipei”. Chou Chou’s orzo tastes dense texture instead of mushy. The tastebuds would sense the refreshing flavor from yuzu and seafood flavor from the seaweed. Sadly, both flavors cover the unique uni flavor.

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳

延伸閱讀: AVENUE TAIPEI 》在台北大安區餐廳品嚐美食與享受R&B音樂



Grilled Lamb Chops
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

紐西蘭羔羊排刷上黑蒜醬對我這種不喜歡沾醬汁吃的人是一大福音, 因為醬汁在炭烤時會滲透進肉品, 同時增加風味, 咬下五分熟羊排時, 除了爆汁與軟嫩口感外, 黑蒜的苦鹹間接帶出羊肉的鹹香, 毫無羶味. 一旁的普羅旺斯燉菜則是擔當起中和風味的角色.
The New Zealand Lamb Chop are covered with black garlic sauce. While grilling, the meat would absorbs the garlic flavor to enhance the meaty flavor. While eating the medium-rare lamb rack, the mouth would sense the juicy and tender texture. The ratatouille on the side is more of reducing heavy flavor from the meats.



Caramel Apple Tarte Tatin
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

翻轉蘋果塔是法國經典甜點之一, 此道甜點外型頗具 Fine Dining 甜點設計美感, 從設計即可猜到 Chou Chou 餐廳有自己的甜點廚師. 甜點側面層次看似“Lady M”的千層蛋糕, 實際上是以焦糖熬煮過的蘋果切片, 一旁的海鹽太妃風味卡士達充滿秋冬風格, 若是不太吃甜點的人, 建議搭配白乳酪雪酪一起吃.
Caramel Apple Tarte Tatin is classic French dessert. This dessert design is quite remarkable, which I consider the fine-dining level design. I am certain that Chou Chou has their own pastry chef. The side of this dessert looks like “Lady M” cake. The layers are made with caramelized apple slice. The custard at the side is toffee flavor. If you rarely eat sweet dessert, I would suggest to eat with forage blanc sorbet.

延伸閱讀: Lady M Taiwan 》國父紀念館捷運站蛋糕店 | Taipei Mille Crêpes


Wine Pairing Menu

上次一訪並沒有注意到有侍酒師, 這次 Chou Chou 侍酒師幫我們餐搭酒.
I didn’t notice the Sommelier at my first visit. At my second visit, the Sommelier offers her service at the Wine Pairing Menu.


Chateau Pajzos Tokaji 2010 Aszú 3 Puttonyos

Origin: Hungary

Chou Chou 法式餐廳也有來自法國之外的葡萄酒, 這款是來自匈牙利的Tokaji Aszú貴腐甜酒, 3 Puttonyos 即為填入桶中釀造的手工採收貴腐葡萄數量有3舀, 這款酒是搭配口味較重的鵝肝塔以及鴨肉派.
Chou Chou restaurant also offers wine from other countries besides France. This Tokaj Aszúi is originated from Hungary. “Puttonyos” stated at the label means the quantity of noble rot grape. 3 Puttonyos is right on the middle, not too sweet nor dry. This wine pairs with Foie Gras Tart and Duck Croquette.


Le Paradou Viognier 2015

Origin: France

100 % 法國隆河地區 Viognier 有著適量優雅花香與白桃香, 單喝入口時也有經典礦物味, 搭配馬糞海膽番茄米型麵並不會輕易被覆蓋住.
This wine, which is 100 % Viognier from Rhone, has fair amount of floral and white peach aroma and flavor. It also has small amount of mineral flavor. This wine is to pair with Uni and Tomato Orzo.


Romain Duvernay 2016 Cotes-Du-Rhone Villages

Origin: France

這款酒是經典的法國南隆河 GSM 混釀代表酒, GSM 葡萄品種 包括 Grenache, Syrah 與 Mourvedre , 味蕾感受到黑色莓果香比紅色莓果多一些, 香料草本香氣適量, 這款酒搭配油封鴨腿.
This wine is the classic GSM Blend from South Rhone. The grape variety includes Grenache, Syrah and Mourvedre. There are more dark berry flavor than red berry flavor.There are also fair amount of herbs and spice flavor. This wine is to pair with Duck Confit.


Borges Reserva white Port Wine D.O. Porta

Origin: Protugal

雖然 Chou Chou 餐廳沒有像 “Logy 餐廳” Wine Pairing Menu 裡有清酒, 葡萄酒和啤酒, 但 Chou Chou Wine Pairing Menu 卻可以看到少見的葡萄酒. 這款來自葡萄牙的波特酒是用白葡萄製作, 金黃色酒體顏色搭配著蜂蜜香十分討喜, 這款酒適合搭配炭烤法式羊排.
Even though Chou Chou restaurant doesn’t have beer and sake like “Logy” , but it is quite nice to see rare wine in the wine pairing menu. This port wine is made with white grape, which is not common. The golden color wine has fair mount of the honey flavor is elegant and not too sweet. It is to pair with the grilled lamb rack.

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食


2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



店名: Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段170巷6弄22號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2773-1819
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Chou Chou Restaurant
Address: No. 22, 6th Alley, 170th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-2773-1819
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm







