承恩老麵 》台北中正區雞湯拉麵 | Taipei Ramen

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已歇業, 搬新家) 承恩老麵重熙老麵的姐妹店, 屬於台北北門捷運站的拉麵美食之一, 淡麗系烏骨雞湯為承恩老麵的著名湯頭.
(Closed, Moved to a new address) Cheng-En Ramen restaurant, which is located near Beimen MRT Station, is owned by the same group as Chongxi Ramen Restaurant. Its famous and only ramen broth would be the chicken broth.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
重熙老麵 Chongxi Ramen Review:


直接從北門捷運站二號出口出來左轉往忠孝西路方向走, 但不用過馬路, 直接左轉往台北車站方向走即可, 承恩老麵日本式木系新裝潢在舊宅中相當搶眼, 用餐環境跟重熙老麵一樣較為狹窄吧台式. 當天用餐是剛開店, 店員都還在準備食材, 例如炒洋蔥與煮飯. 菜單在入口櫃台旁, 需自行拿取, 在自己座位填寫完菜單後直接拿給廚房店員, 需先付費. 桌上的辣油更是這家店的特色, 香辣風味將淡麗升級為華麗.
Walking out the exit 2 of Beimen MRT station and turning left toward Zhongxiao West Road. Without crossing the road, you would need to turn left toward Taipei Main Station. Its wooden color Japanese style theme decoration stands out among other old building. The dining area is crowded just like bar counter. The menu is at the front entrance. You would need to get the menu and order by yourself. After handing the menu to the staff you would need to pay prior. The hot oil on the table would enhance and increase the spicy flavor.




麵: 偏硬
麵量: 正常
English Name: Chicken & Vegetable Broth Ramen
Noodle Texture: Hard
Noodle Quantity: Normal (You can add extra)
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

麵碗看似碗徑寬, 但其實並不深, 導致湯少麵多. 湯頭清澈, 並不會像 “鳥人拉麵”濃郁, 也不像中國雞湯般有膠質或鮮醇風味, 只有適量鹹度. 因為烏骨清雞湯頭較清淡, 其他配置像龍鬚菜,香菇,與炒洋蔥絲很容易搶走風頭, 也許這就是許多饕客要求的多層次(?). 清脆的雪白色筍片是意想不到的配置.
The ramen bowl is large however, not deep enough. Therefore, there are more noodles than less broth. The chicken broth is light, unlike “Totto Ramen”. And it doesn’t take as thick as Chinese type chicken soup with collagen. Other ingredients, such as gracilaria, mushroom and stir-fried sliced onion flavors would cover the light chicken broth. The crisp sliced bamboo is a surprising element.


拉麵體為細直麵, 如菜單所示吃起來較硬, 口感相當不錯, 只是相對地較不會吸湯汁. 承恩老麵和重熙老麵用的皆是雞胸肉, 軟嫩程度極高且有調味, 份量也很有誠意, 整顆未切的溏心蛋是我最滿意的配置, 鮮橘色蛋黃綿密, 搭配拉麵更是加分. 但是員工並沒有給我柚子胡椒與柚子皮調味料, 請記得跟員工要求.
The thin noodle texture is hard as expected. The taste is excellent but it couldn’t absorb broth flavor. The chicken breast meat is tender and flavorful. The quantity also has more than expected. My favorite ingredient would the half-boiled egg. The creamy egg yolk pairs great with the ramen. However, sadly, the staff forgot to offer the grapefruit peels and grapefruit pepper spices.



XO 玉子燒

English Name: Tamagoyaki
Price: NTD $35
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

鹹 XO 醬料擺置在溫熱玉子燒上面, 軟與嫩是最棒的玉子燒口感, 建議只沾少許醬料, 較不會過鹹, 我會建議大家點這一道.
The salty sauce is placed at the warm Tamagoyaki. Tender would be the best description. I would strongly recommend this dish.




延伸閱讀: 台北日本拉麵懶人包 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



Restaurant Name 店名:承恩老麵 Cheng-En Ramen restaurant
Address: No.72, Beipin West Road, Taipei City 台北市北平西路72號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChengEn.Ramen/
Nearby MRT station: Beimen MRT station 北門捷運站
電話:02- 2312-1218
營業時間: 依照臉書營業時間




